
  • Can we see the world as it is?

    edit. Have a great day Daemon! How do you feel about panen-psychism or constitutive micro-psychism?
  • Can we see the world as it is?

    edit. Have a great day!
  • People Should Be Like Children? Posh!

    I'm not a daoist but you should probably study Daoism. The universe is depressing but understanding the Universe is depressing will set you free.

    "The foolishness of God is greater than the wizdom of Men"

    Human sacrifice is a must which is why some hate groups permit aborition. Are you familiar with Sanger? Abortion is forgivable. Private message me if you want to know which Holy book says that.
  • Irrational Numbers And Reality As A Simulation

    Green eyes are sometimes associated with witch craft but green eyes actually appears among all races. Merit goes far deeper than the color of someone's eyes.
  • Irrational Numbers And Reality As A Simulation

    This is priceless what you wrote. Its both good and bad news. "The foolishness of God is greater than the wizdom of Men". Keep up the good fight. I believe the Jade King is related to the Man associated with 444. Berylium is the 4th element on the periodic table. He is somewhat the opposite of Superman but only in that sense. I doubt he is white but he could be. He was physically ugly according to the Holy book i subscribe too.
  • Happiness is a choice. Sadness is a choice.

    thanks Banno. You are correct.
  • Concepts of the Tao?

    I guess you've seen a movie before. I try if i can to forget what movies teach me. Its really hard to do that.
  • Concepts of the Tao?

    Whats wrong with the name "I_AM" or ""I_AM" is my help". Is that a generic enough name? We are anthropomorphic. Are some deities capable of being anthropomorphic? Are you familiar with the Jade Emperor or the Jade King? If the Tao influenced creation he would have created the Chinese as well as all the other ~tribes and tribes.

    If 2 People have the same philosophy or ~philosophy are they seen as the same tribe? I think so. What is your definition of preaching? Have a great day my friend. Its been a long time. Have a wonderful week and if possible a wonderful year!
  • Is life all about competition?

    scratch that. i'm not sure what People on these wishy washy forums mean by preaching. Was i preaching? Don't go getting your feelings hurt. Video games are a wonderful way to relieve stress. Have a wonderful day, week and possibly year. You might be the greatest thing since sliced bread but how would i measure that at this point in time. What does judging mean?
  • Is life all about competition?

    Its survival of the domesticated not survival of the fittest (Aliens=>Chickens, Wheat, Cows, Dogs, Cats). The only exception to this is Cockroaches and the future offspring of Cock roaches. Are you familiar with Haim Shore? Ethiopia's history was largely effected by the rise of Islam. There is a Holy book that says an ~Alien sacrificed Ethiopia temporarily. I believe there will be even greater things for the future of Ethiopia. As for Sub-Saharan Africa i also believe there will be great things for them too? Are you familiar with my friend's 10 dimensional linked list relationship finder?

    Am i a Daoist? No i'm not a Daoist but they typically are fairly intelligent.

    I'm not preaching i'm just being vague. Don't go getting your feelings hurt now.

  • Oil
    In some cases focusing on environmentalism indirectly brings wars. Wars release alot of carbon monoxide and other chemicals into the atmosphere. Some believe abortion is murder and population control politics can lead to that. Abortion is forgivable according to the Bible.
  • What is the most utopian society possible?
    A society that uses simple and complex bartering software using modern computers and networks
  • Marx and the Serious Question of Private Property

    Yeah i wasn't careful with my words. Have you seen the headlines. There has been an 8 fold increase in militias since 2008. I wasn't careful with my words. I know who Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis is.
  • Marx and the Serious Question of Private Property

    Modern Combat is very often about publicity and propaganda. Notice how we haven't had a Civil War yet in the US. I agree quite abit with BLM but People aren't simple or atleast simple enough to use a Nuke. Most solutions don't completely solve a problem. If we can't have nuclear weapons that doesn't mean we shouldn't have any weapons. Actually if the government does have nuclear weapons that might be a reason for Liberals and Conservatives to have assault rifles. Alot of ethnic groups favor the public having Assault rifles. Marx agrees with me.
  • Marx and the Serious Question of Private Property

    One thing i do like about Marx is he believed every citizen should be well armed. I believe one of several possible solutions for America is automated or semi-automated factories and they are collectively owned by the government. The People manage the government through their ownership of Assault rifles.

    Got AR-15? Ammo is optional. Shotguns with blanks.....
  • Can a "Purpose" exist without consciousness?
    So that we are all on the same page, we need to define "purpose" and "consciousness" to answer this question. "Consciousness," is defined herein is that quality that you, the reader, has and that forms your belief that you exist. "Purpose" is defined as a thing which we commonly refer to as a thought or idea that desires or drives action. The question is whether "Purpose" can exist in any other form, other than a thought.Ash Abadear

    Thanks for posting this. I just added this to my journal. I suppose the answer is according to you that the two are very closely related as opposed to loosely related.
  • Theism is, scientifically, the most rational hypothesis
    Assuredly not. Libertarians are not serious thinkers, but they are ideological thinkers, their approach to the world is fallaciously monological. To be a real Libertarian you must believe in magic, specifically the fairy tale of self-balancing markets. G. A. Cohen long ago obliterated their position. Libertarians present a serious threat to freedom and democracy.JerseyFlight

  • Theism is, scientifically, the most rational hypothesis


    We'll find out over the course of time whether you are a serious thinker. I suppose you are a Libertarian? So am i.
  • Theism is, scientifically, the most rational hypothesis
    Well, this is quite accurate now isn't it? After all, everything depends on how you define the being or beings you claim exist. It's a fun little game for theologians, but hardly an exercise for serious thinkers.JerseyFlight

    I think you are trying to find an adequate argument with what he was saying where there is one. What do you mean by serious thinkers? What is it that makes you a serious thinker?
  • Theism is, scientifically, the most rational hypothesis
    Did you just assert the general existence of "higher things?" Well this is certainly proof of a strong, Primate imagination.JerseyFlight

    Hypothetically If it is beneficial for there to be a god or gods than he could use the phrase "higher things". Any time an argument takes place it is sometimes necessary to take minor short cuts. I don't think his argument was proving there was a god or gods, but his argument was stating that it would be hard to prove with science that there is or is not a god(s).
  • Theism is, scientifically, the most rational hypothesis
    I just got done attempting to discuss something very close to this thread post with a Christian author. Surprise surprise, trained at the University of Notre Dame, the distinguished fella ran away. He would not shoulder his burden of proof, namely because he sensed where it might lead, and he wanted to keep hold of his happy idea of God. When Marco says, "The existence of God naturally explains all these and gives a purpose to existence." He has equivocated on the word "explains." Therefore, I advise all serious thinkers to depart from this conversation and move onto things that matter. If the complaint is that science or physics fails to explain, then one's idea of God (posited as explanation) must do, in exactly the same way, what science and physics failed to do. If this is not the case then one has equivocated on the term. So much more can be said. In my humble opinion this is not a serious conversation.JerseyFlight

    You really haven't stated an argument with any sufficient details. Online forums are filled with stupid notions and good notiions all the time, why should we just take it on faith that you are right that this is a stupid topic? What was the general conversation with that Christian Author?
  • No child policy for poor people

    Much of poverty has to do with overly strict zoning laws, overly strict building codes, and a lack of Sub-blue laws. Many middle class and wealthy People shoot themselves in the foot because they desire high property values but at the same time want the poor People to be self sufficient. Much of poverty can be solved without government handouts but with simply having true fiscal conservatism. Please note i didn't say Blue laws but Sub-blue laws. There is actually a post on this forum about sub-blue laws.
  • Grocery Stores and Corona Virus

    What verse? I remember that verse but i don't remember where it is? How do you feel about Hinduism?
  • Grocery Stores and Corona Virus
    Why did you feel the need to become disrespectful in the first place — turkeyMan

    This is not my job, it's my pastime.

    I wash my hands as much as anyone does in the restaurant business. — turkeyMan

    Oh cry me a river. Your boss made you wash your hands, so you quit the job because you thought that working in a grocery store would be easier (washing your hands less) than your work in the restaurant

    Before you insult me again i can promise you i've accomplished far more with my life than you have with yours — turkeyMan

    Yes, I'd say you've quite possibly washed your hands more times than I've ever done in my entire life, though I may be twice your age.
    Metaphysician Undercover

    Who quit their job over washing their hands? Does my Mom love me?
  • Grocery Stores and Corona Virus
    The necessity to avoid having people get sick is of great concern within the food industry. It always has been, as long as food supply has been an industry. There are all sorts of safety measures designed to kill bacteria and keep the food bacteria free. When bacteria manages to infiltrate, and propagate within the food supply, it is a very serious concern. I do not see why a harmful virus would be any less of a concern than a harmful bacteria. If this attitude of taking measures to avoid having people get sick is totally foreign to you, then it's probably good that you managed to get yourself a different job.
    14 minutes ago
    Metaphysician Undercover

    What i meant by that is i don't get sick very often myself and you have to realize policies in restaurants and in grocery stores have not changed in significant ways since Covid-19 started. I wash my hands as much as anyone does in the restaurant business. I currently don't work in a restaurant but i did for many years. Before you insult me again i can promise you i've accomplished far more with my life than you have with yours. This is an online forum so don't feel too bad because either one us could be stretching the truth or possibly lying. Take it easy buddy.
  • Grocery Stores and Corona Virus

    Why did you feel the need to become disrespectful in the first place

    The necessity to avoid having people get sick is of great concern within the food industry. It always has been, as long as food supply has been an industry. There are all sorts of safety measures designed to kill bacteria and keep the food bacteria free. When bacteria manages to infiltrate, and propagate within the food supply, it is a very serious concern. I do not see why a harmful virus would be any less of a concern than a harmful bacteria. If this attitude of taking measures to avoid having people get sick is totally foreign to you, then it's probably good that you managed to get yourself a different job.Metaphysician Undercover

    You seem like a really disgusting person.
  • Grocery Stores and Corona Virus

    If you want to avoid getting sick eat at home and don't eat out at Restaurants. Restaurant workers actually work for a living. They don't have a sense of entitlement like alot of office workers and bureaucrats.
  • Grocery Stores and Corona Virus
    The necessity to avoid having people get sick is of great concern within the food industry. It always has been, as long as food supply has been an industry. There are all sorts of safety measures designed to kill bacteria and keep the food bacteria free. When bacteria manages to infiltrate, and propagate within the food supply, it is a very serious concern. I do not see why a harmful virus would be any less of a concern than a harmful bacteria. If this attitude of taking measures to avoid having people get sick is totally foreign to you, then it's probably good that you managed to get yourself a different job.Metaphysician Undercover

    Have you ever had a job before?
  • Is my red the same as yours?
    Our eyes and brains interpret frequencies. — turkeyMan

    But our eyes and brains interpret a world of objects. If representing actual frequency were so important, why would the eye sample the world at just three wavelength peaks?

    Evolution could produce a vast array of photopigments. But it seems to want to use as few as possible. Explain that.

    Cameras see your red as my red however i suppose its possible i see red as blue and you and a friend of yours sees red possibly as someone elses yellow. — turkeyMan

    But cameras see those colours because they are also designed to capture light using three "pigments" with the same very narrow response curve. We designed that wavelength selectivity into them so we would get a result that was tailored to our neurobiology.

    Get real close to any TV screen. The only colours you can see are the three different LEDs.

    Where did all the pinks, yellows, turquoise and a million other discriminable hues go? They aren't in the actual light being emitted by the screen. What now?

    And to the degree we all share the same neurobiology, it is at least more plausible than not that our inner experience is going to be the same. We have that weak argument.

    Then we can make a stronger argument in terms of our ability to discriminate hues - to be able to say the same thing in picking out the reflectance properties that make one surface vividly unlike another.

    Red to Purple/violet is thousands or millions of frequencies. When the frequencies hit you eyes it produces a picture. I don't have a youtube video to show the geometry involved in how are brains and eyes produce the picture from all the frequencies. As far as how the brain and eye works your best bet is to use a visual aid like youtube. As for red blue and violet, they are a product of many frequencies. There are probably 1000s of different frequencies just for red. Some animals see IR (lower frequency than red), while other animals see ultraviolet which is higher frequencies than purple. Perhaps some animals can also see radio waves. Radio waves are a lower frequency than IR and Red. Gamma rays are way above ultra violet rays and i'm not sure they can be seen by any animal. These waves are 3 dimensional (kind of like a spiralling loop de loop. In some ways the only difference between a reddish color and a blueish color is that blue has higher frequency.
  • Grocery Stores and Corona Virus

    I actually learned something. I actually told this to several People and they didn't argue with me, so i didn't get this perspective prior to this. Well thanks for letting me know. No sarcasm intended.

    In my entire life i've never tried to avoid getting sick, so this process of dealing with food is foreign to me. I may appear to be an idiot but i just don't think like that. Have a great day. Don't worry i haven't told more than 2 People about this and they already have their opinion about Covid-19.
  • Is my red the same as yours?
    To speak loosely at an intuitive level (invoking a pseudo-teolology), it's a misnomer that the color visual system is attempting to reconstruct wavelengths, or model the wavelengths of light. Our color visual system apparently does not care one iota what the wavelengths really are, and why should it? What our visual system seems to focus on, instead, is recognizing and distinguishing objects. — InPitzotl

    Here is someone who knows what he is talking about! :strong:

    This is bang on. It is not about seeing "colour" as it is in the world. Reflectance is simply a valuable property to make things in the world "pop out".

    The appealing idea is that primates re-evolved red-green hue discrimination after shifting back from a nocturnal to diurnal lifestyle. If you want to see ripe fruit in distant trees, the three pigment visual system looks well designed to make that kind of discrimination as effortless as it could be.

    So colour is primarily about making quick sense of shapes - discriminating the reflectance properties of surfaces and so being able to see through to the objects that might have that particular kind of surface

    Red objects reflect red light and absorb blue light and all other frequencies. Roses essentially cause red light to bounce off of them. Black objects absorb all light. White objects reflect all frequencies. Our eyes and brains interpret frequencies.

    Red is frequency of light. There are different Reds with frequencies that approach purple which are higher frequencies and frequencies that approach IR light and those are lower frequencies. Cameras see your red as my red however i suppose its possible i see red as blue and you and a friend of yours sees red possibly as someone elses yellow. Basically the frequencies are consistent but the eye and brains interpretation might be different from person to person. I suppose this might be why there are color blind People.
  • Why do we assume the world is mathematical?

    In my opinion absolutely everything can quantified. Whether everything should be quantified for the benefit of People is doubtful. Mathematics is an extremely broad field and to me it encompasses absolutley every field of study. Given the fact that anything can corrupted i would argue even with our best efforts to quantify everything, things will still go wrong. When i use the word quantification, i'm referring to approximate quantifications. Even NASA approximates their measurements when they quantify a concept or physical object. The absolute truth exists but it is very hard to obtain.

    One argument that mathematics doesn't apply to everything is that there is essentially no known perfect witness. If a perfect witness exists, he/she doesn't make him/herself known.
  • Theism is, scientifically, the most rational hypothesis

    i agree with most of this. The parts i'm not sure about i would have a hard time proving them wrong, such as whether matter didn't always exist. I believe matter always existed but i don't work for CERN so i'm not going down that rabbit hole. Even if you wanted to argue with me about that i couldn't produce a good argument in my favor.
  • Can a solipsist doubt?

    I think hard work sucks which is why if i could avoid it with the exception of extremely occasionally trying to refresh my memory of it. Hard work and slight or severe anger towards your boss ends solipsism instantly in my opinion. I believe that objective truth exists but that it is very hard to obtain. Many People on this forum have probably had the feeling "its lonely at the top". That sort of feeling is where solipism starts in my opinion. The good news is there are others who think like other People. When you find other People who think like you, you can avoid hardwork if resources, food, land and services are abundant in your life and at the same time you can still maintain the practice of trying to find the objective truth.

    I believe food, land, resources and services are everything. I do believe in a free market however money is more easily manipulated than food, land, resources and services. I would argue absolutely everything ties into economics which is why i included this paragraph.