
  • Is space/vacuum a substance?
    Clear cut divisions and definitions dont truly exist, they are created by humans for means of convinence. Everything is connected in nature because everything relies on something else for its existance, ive always seen the division between being and nonbeing more of a scale you can move up and down on rather than one or the other. On the furthest end of the scale representing being you get experience, life and on the other end you get complete nonexistance probably what most of us associate with death. You dont get one without the other because they both have to exist to imply one another. That being said space is something we can observe and although its quite barren compared to the richness of our planet and lives it still has properties, so to wrap this all up my conclusion would be that space is on the further end of the scale towards nonbeing than being but not true nonbeing because if that were the case it would be completely invisible to us.
  • What are your positions on the arguments for God?
    As far as i see it god is everything. Think of it in terms you wouldnt be here if your parents werent, they wouldnt be there if their parents werent around, none of us would be here if our species failed and none of this at all would be here if earth didnt meet the very specific rewuirements to harbor life. Any and everything you can trace back further and further like ripples in a pool you dont get one ripple withough the one before it and you dont get any of them without the rock you had to drop in the water to start it all, therefore making everything an expression of the grand picture or "god"
  • Is 'information' a thing?
    Everything essentially is information and it more or less fizzles on deaf ears unless it manages to find another to recieve some aspect or many aspects of itself. To what degree and how many angles that information translates determines the level of actual understanding