
  • Forum visual aides?

    I mostly use my smartphone.

    I mean like more complex venn diagrams, maybe drawing float charts for logic, or parallel lines to describe causations and sequences of events etc.
  • Gender is meaningless

    You stated it yourself. Gender identity is a mental construct. Sex has to do with physical characteristics and potential reproductive function. What you do with your parts is your business.
  • If Death is the End (some thoughts)

    Matter continuing doesn't have to do with conscious existence continuing. In fact matter exists like 99.9999+% of the time line while matter and life together covers the small difference of time in the history of the universe.
  • Talking prolife issue with a priest.

    I wouldn't call it a debate since I was talking to a priest who is dogmatic on all topics. I think religion tries to umbrella and over simplify all things to do with morals. I like to consider all possibilities to suggest that nothing is a fit all answer.
  • Talking prolife issue with a priest.

    I don't know what he was trying to say. I think he was trying to explain as if from a scientific point of view.
  • Talking prolife issue with a priest.
    The argument of an impure human blood is a good one? In the pro choice counter arguments one might post a picture of a goat or whale fetus or something to show how difficult they are to tell apart early on. If the prolife emphasis is on genetic information and less on a yet meaningful formation, wouldn't a mixed species be the only argument that even at conception life may not be important on its own?
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Question. Is it true that even the president can't declassified documents that contain information about our nuclear arsenal? Might require congressional approval also maybe?
  • Gender, Sexuality and Its Expression

    This video is informative. My takeaway is there are two sexes and a few people that biologically didn't develop correctly. Sounds like a disorder to have chromosomal mix ups, but I suppose there would be a stigma to call it that. As far as gender identification I don't see the point. It sometimes seems like some people have a very narrow view of what any sex can be. Clearly women can behave more masculine according to however that is defined, and feminine males. Why give ones personal collection of behaviors a label?
  • Another post that physics forum rejected.
    Hmm. I wish there was a table of gases and the PH they would give water. I was informed that the most water soluble gases are the least life friendly. Lol.
  • What is the simplest example of entropy?
    Just the movie Tenet brought up a concept that suggested that some things can happen in either a forward or backward sequence and you don't know for sure what caused what.
  • Another post that physics forum rejected.
    Nitrogen isn't toxic to drink?
  • NDEs video and implications.

    I actually had a email correspondence with Dr. Greyson for a bit. He said many people who had terrifying NDEs might feel fear or embarrassment talking about that experience versus something pleasant and more iconic.

    I'm particularly interested in the brain's ability to recognize real versus imagined things. Many that claim a NDEs say things seem realer than real. And people with schizophrenia and dissociative diseases may experience things seeming less real. I wonder what brain functions plug us into this reality and make it real or meaningful to us.

    How might a NDEs' affect on life afterwards potentially answer what life might be about?
  • NDEs video and implications.

    Do they say anything about this life?
  • Is the multiverse real science?

    Don't you mean a model "for" reality? It isn't based on anything measurable yet?
  • Is the multiverse real science?
    I wouldn't consider the interest in many physical worlds to be religious. If anything it brings more potential sufferings. Lol. Also it takes away emphasize from the choices we make here as we think of the better hand an alternate version of us may have been dealt. What experiments if any have been proposed to try to get evidence of alternate realities?
  • What is the simplest example of entropy?
    In what way can time run backwards and cause and effect be unclear?
  • What is the simplest example of entropy?

    This didn't quite clear things up. Time crystals are said to bounce between two positions without gaining entropy and never gaining or losing energy. So I assume energy state is a main part of definition?
  • What is the simplest example of entropy?
    Disorder means unpredictable?
  • Ego/Immortality/Multiverse/Timelines

    The odds of something can be really good or really poor, but so long as there is a chance, and the event occurs, it isn't special necessarily. I think only if there was an omnipotent being that took something with a 0% chance of happening and through tyranny of will made it happen anyway. Now that's special. As far as being present I assume a present moment exists, but our senses will always present the present late. Lol.
  • Disassociation of thoughts?
    I posted in bio forum too. I am curious what brain function makes a person convinced the world is less real.

    Are you both French? I think I've seen Agent Smith speak it often enough.
  • Disassociation of thoughts?

    Thanks. I will read more hume. Chaos theory more physics or is there a philosophy version I should look for?
  • Disassociation of thoughts?
    As far as disassociation as a disease symptom there is also depersonalization-derealization. If disassociation can only mean confusion can one imagine things seeming more real versus confusing? Ultra real where everything seems super clear, and nobody can deny that person's lucidity?

    Maybe disassociation was a poor word since it is psychiatric. Just in general there will always be a closer association between any two things or concepts so it is relative?
  • Is space 4 dimensional?

    So we are at least 3D despite our visual system only seeing 2D images? So couldn't we be composed of 4, 5, maybe 6 dimensions even if we can't detect them, or they aren't necessary to be known for our survival?
  • Is space 4 dimensional?

    What are you asking? I am just wondering about anything that might be hiding potential higher spacial dimensions from us.
  • Is space 4 dimensional?

    What makes us 3D beings? If dimensionality is more complex than math and simply running a 3D sphere through a 2D plane showing only a 2D circle? What if we could be made of and represented by more dimensions and still have trouble experiencing them all?
  • Is space 4 dimensional?
    Maybe if we experienced 4D space we wouldn't see curved lines created from gravity and in fact wouldn't experience gravity at all?
  • Is space 4 dimensional?
    I think a PBS spacetime video suggested that gravity creates time. So maybe time isn't just strongly connected to space, but a spacial dimension itself with the attribute of duration and causality added to it?
  • Having purpose?

    Very insightful. Thanks.
  • Is space 4 dimensional?

    I think recent research simulated 2D space and projected 4D objects into 3D space?

    I am just curious since gravity is often considered an illusion perhaps once we can see through it we could see 4 dimensionally?
  • Is space 4 dimensional?
    Interesting. But when people grow it isn't necessarily uniformed and might further emphasize the 4th dimension as a time dimension rather than strictly spacial?
  • Having purpose?
    I don't know the giants metaphor. I assume it is irrelevant if a virus has purpose as it cannot even seek one. Even its very existence doesn't matter. I guess I have to presuppose that some things are accidental therefore creating contrast with things that have purpose.
  • Having purpose?

    Well a virus isn't intelligent and doesn't need to think about purpose as it can't suffer or feel comfort. Also it isn't an organism and arguably isn't even alive. Perhaps just incomplete DNA protocol from long dead lifeforms.

    If our purpose was to ask questions what purpose do those questions serve if we get no closer to answers?
  • Having purpose?

    I will be strong if and only if medical advances focus on health span and not specific diseases when they show up inevitably due to poor preventive medicines.
  • Having purpose?
    I don't know why I exist or what I was supposed to do. I don't know why I feel like throwing up pretty much all day everyday without a clear medical reason. Just added inflammation every year and nothing ever gets better in life.
  • Having purpose?
    I was talking to a prospective date and she seeks someone with a strong sense of purpose. As far as I know Mr. Smith from The Matrix and Loki from Marvel movies are examples of being obsessed with purpose. Like everything needs to line up only too perfectly according to a predetermined design or else it is a failure.
  • Having purpose?

    We live with or without inventing a mental/behavioral occupation?
  • Having purpose?

    Dracula dead and loving it reference. Nice!!