
  • Eternal history

    We have contradiction. But I can't find a term that describes a period in which there is no time, but something has existed in other place and time. Because it occurred. In another time and place but existed, right?
  • Eternal history

    Yes, there is no time. But if universe die and time will end, somewhere and sometime was our universe. It existed.
  • Eternal history
    How long is your "eternal"? Infinity?Bitter Crank

    This "eternal" mean that everything have their place in time. When our universe dies, he will be still in the past.
  • Eternal history
    Unless you're speaking spiritually or religiously.T Clark

    Sorry, I didn't want to. I wanted only heard opininon about my my think. I wanted to confirm whether my thoughts on the subject that we will always be in the past of universe and we have our place in timeline are meaningful at all.
  • Eternal history
    In my post I thought about history in meaning of past. Past of universe. We are part of it. We was but we don't need story about humanity, just we existed. It's all