Do You Dare to Say the "I" Word? >Piss poor governments?
You want to tell me that the government of Afghanistan was worse before the United States and CIA installed the Mujahideen? That India and Egypt were made better by British rule? That Algiers needed French guidance, because the middle east establishes "piss poor governments" without Western supervision? Your "morally problematic" idea is that the Middle East cannot survive without Western rule or intervention, yet all of your examples of "piss poor governments" directly result from the West's mission civilisatrice.
For example, you name Assad, a member of the Ba'ath party, a movement that would have been unable to take power in the middle east were it not for continual CIA intervention and funding, just like Assad wouldn't survive today without continual Russia support and the anti-Assad movement wouldn't exist unless it were orchestrated by the United States.
>Don't think the western government style has singular virtues?
No, I don't think that the United Kingdom's way of governing India, Pakistan, or Egypt had "singular virtues." Nor do I think that the style of government established in South Africa before Mandella was anything of the sort. Nor have American interventions and regime changes done anything but make the middle eastern regimes perpetually worse. So no, I would say that the western style of governing the middle east does not have singular virtues.
You might like the West's comfortable style of domestic government, but you would feel differently if you lived in a third world country under Western influence.
>No internal rifts and dissension?
You mean the tension between Nato-allies and Warsaw/Russian allies?
>they need to get their acts together and start taking care of their rather large demographic, water, food, and economic problems.
Yeah, I am sure that it's all on them and has nothing to do with centuries of colonial rule, followed by the continual proxy-wars waged by the United States and Russia. It's not Russia and America that's keeping the middle east in perpetual chaos; it's all their own fault ...