
  • Measuring Intelligence
    I liked your point of view, intelligence is not measured on how much you know about something, i liked your definition of intelligence
  • Intelligence
    <Hail Curiosity, the absolute endless power that makes us be alive and being able to evolve as a species making us expand into the cosmos in the near future...
  • Intelligence
    Thanks for the answer but, i wasn't talking about IQ, my question was if someone has a different viewpoint of reality can be considered as superior intelligence, such as a guy who always is curious and tries to find the absolute truth of the cosmos, to a "high IQ" above 140, who drags about it but doesn't do anything.
  • Intelligence
    If you really want to know your IQ, you can go with a psychologist, online tests doest work.
  • Intelligence
    "You think worm holes are a reality, he thinks it's kind of stupid. Which viewpoint indicates intelligence? (I don't know.)" I think that the person who thinks in a more realistic way, empirically physics / chemistry / biology, exact sciences, tend to have greater traits of general intelligence, always trying to find the absolute truth of the cosmos, in your statement if the other person thinks they are stupid I feel that he tends to understand reality in a different way, although wormholes can be real objects. They can debate because he thinks they are stupid, and with a poll they can create a bigger viewpoint of the debate. Neither side is stupid, but one always tends to be more realistic than another.