
  • Need for everyday philosophy

    Nowadays, philosophy seems to be used so as to appear as a certain kind of personality in public or to one's own self as opposed to being used as a mantra of life. We are "thinkers" but that's all we are. That's where it seems to end without any practical use or application of those thoughts.
  • Know Thyself, is it the beginning of all wisdom?

    do you exist? If you do, you are but a part of the surrounding you live in and aren't any more important than the other objects of the surrounding. Thus, if one is looking for wisdom, while it does begin from oneself and realizing that the question holds importance, but at the same time, being a part of the system, you can't look just at yourself without looking at the surroundings and what they hold.
    These are my views.
  • Fear of living and not living at all. . .

    And I do believe it is that fear of death which keeps us going everyday. When immortality is imagined, the thought of no motivation and no desire comes up. It's like an endless stream of things but nothingness at the same time. Seeing this, some might say that one is living to die. Waiting for the "nothingness" to swallow you.
    When one dies, they cannot live their death. Thus, we always live others' deaths and that is the only way we know of the existence of death. When one dies, the world dies with them. There is no forward and backward for them. It's almost like saying they never existed, except for the fact that people have memories of them, which can be quite shaky, seeing how the human brain works and is even known to have hallucinations. And then, these days, we have the physical memories of them, in audio or visual forms. Other than that, are we fooling ourselves about the existence of a person? Are these devices built to capture someone who accompanies us without showing us the harsh reality?
    These are just questions which I think about.


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