
  • The Epicurean Problem
    Epicurus reverses the logical relationship between practice and theory. If theory is normally the rationale of practice and this is an example of that in the field of facts, in epicurism the practice it is what artificially produces the psychological condition that will make the theory credible, and the theoretical discourse will be nothing more than the discursive element of practice, the verbal translation of the belief produced by the habit. Epicurean theory does not describe the perceived world, but its practice alters, through exercises, the perception of the world, so that it becomes similar to the theory. It is not a question of understanding the world, but of transforming it.
  • Is Murder Really That Bad?
    One of the features that define “modernity” is the limitation of individual consciousness. From the more “exact” sciences, which denied knowledge of the things themselves, to the arts, which made nihilism their brush, pencil, sound and inspiration. Of course, the first laboratory of ideas would not be left out: politics. And so, the twentieth century gave birth to its triplets: fascism, nazism and communism — unfortunately not aborted — , which turn human lives into mere obstacles to their messianic future. For, as Viktor Frankl already concluded, if human life is just a random combination of molecules, it doesn’t hurt to kill a few hundred millions of them, am I right? I mean, it is no coincidence that the French Revolution killed ten times more people in one year than the Spanish Inquisition in four centuries. Genocide is the natural state of “enlightened” modernity.
  • How to be Loved 101
    The greatest difficulty in loving God is that we mistake Him for any power superior to our strengths - be it social, natural, cosmic or preternatural - whose overwhelming weight falls on us.
  • Is Buddhism A Philosophy Or A Religion?
    More like a philosophy, really.
  • The web of reality
    Reality is what exists outside and independently of us and that minute by minute imposes on us something that we would not want to know, something that we would prefer that it did not exist.


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