I share your appreciatation of Lao Tsu. However, I feel you are misunderstanding his metaphysics.
For instance, you say " Part of that understanding is that the description of reality in the TTC is not true or false. Itβs a metaphysical description."
If a metaphysical description is not true or false then it is meaningless. Some care is needed with the notion of 'true'. Lao Tsu's description is rigorous and demonstrably true in dialectical logic, but it is not true in the sense that it truly describes what cannot be described.
He say elsewhere that true words seem paradoxical. For the reasons given above some translators prefer 'Rigorous words seem paradoxical'. This means that a metaphysical theory may be true,(in the sense of rigorous) but only if it seems paradoxical.
His neutral or 'non-dual' metaphysical scheme seems paradoxical and speaking casually I'd say it is true. But in metaphysics, as in physics, we're not looking for the 'true' theory just the best. It is logical processs of inference to the best explanation. To know it a theory is true we would have to abandon metaphysics for Yoga and self-enquiry.
Unless we are a serious practitioner a study of metaphysics as a science of logic is indespensible to an understanding of Lao Tsu. if we know why true words seem paradoxical then we understand both him and metaphysics. It is only because Lao Tsu's metaphysical view is a 'true' model of Reality that true words seem paradoxical. He explains the language of mysticism and the Perennial philosophy, which is well-known for seeming paradoxical. .
Note that the statement 'The Tao cannot be spoken' fails his test for true words. Elsewhere he says 'Tao must be spoken', and only read together would these atomic statements be true. We must speak of it, but always be aware that our words cannot capture its true nature. Blblically-speaking this is why we cannot build a tower of logical inferences all the way to Heaven. When we try the result is the sort of endless babble we see in academic philosophy. .
His metaphysics is actually very simple. All positive theories would be false just as their failure in logic implies, such that the Ultimate lies beyond the categories of thought and speech. This is a neutral; metaphysical theory and in principle it explains everything.
This is the metaphysical key that unlocks the meaning of the Tao Te Ching. It is the doctrine that Consciouness is Reality and All is One beyond all division and distinction. Better known these days as 'non-dualism'. .
Pardon so many words. I got carried away. .
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