
  • Free will to do God's will. Any philosophical arguments for or against this statement?
    Even if we assume the existence of God (and I'm guessing you're referring to the Abrahamic one) we're also faced with three very distinct moral codes to live by: the Jewish, the Christian, and the Islamic. Is one of them the 'correct' one, or are they all equally acceptable?

    Now, aside from these 'codes', exactly how is Man to discern 'God's Will'? Is it revealed individually, or in a mass revelation? Consider: Person A believes God has revealed to him that he should build a church on a specific piece of ground- but Person B believes God has revealed to him to make sure no structure is ever built on that same piece of ground. Which is the correct 'Will' to be followed? More importantly, how far is each Person supposed to go to insure that his revelation is carried out- to point of murdering the other person? "God Wills It!" has been used to justify all sorts of bloody endeavors, so why not this one?
  • Why do you post to this forum?
    I'm just here for the free coffee and donuts.

    Actually, having absolutely no formal schooling in philosophy, I'm hoping to glean some edumacation from others here, and in doing so help sort out my own thoughts on a few issues.
  • Problem with Christianity
    I identify as a Gnostic Christian, but my guidance is derived from the 'Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth' by Thomas Jefferson (yes, THAT Thomas Jefferson), it being a stripped down and compiled version of the Synoptic Gospels, minus the 'magic' aspects. I don't see the essential message as 'rules for pleasing God' so much as help in simply 'being better'. As I have noted on other forums, even if one takes the position that Jesus never existed (or God, for that matter) the advice and lessons attributed to this 'fictional Jesus' are still very much valid and well worth implementing in one's life.

Caesar Saladin

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