
  • Evidence of Consciousness Surviving the Body
    If what is described in NDE, like to have "impossible" perceptions without brain activity is real, it would mean not only that mind and body are different substances, but that the physicalist assumption that the brain creates the mind and it's all about particles is wrong, and the correlation is the opposite: qualia are not an irrelevant byproduct of brain activity (epiphenomenalism), but brain activity is derived, somehow, from qualia (or at least, they are independent and causally disconnected events)...

    I wonder if someone has tried to create a theory in this line, explaining how somebody could have a perception coming from an inaccesible place to his senses and without intervention of the brain. Why the correlation with the physical waves reaching the eyes, ears, etc? How to explain dreams? While dreaming experiences doesn't match with external imputs...
  • Consciousness and Identity through time. Is Closed Individualism possible?

    Thanks for your comment.

    When you wake up are you the same person as yesterday? First, I need to ask, is this a factual question? It's not clear to me that it is.
    To clarify, here, with "self" or "you", I don't mean some identification based on afiliation or proximity (like considering different clones of you being "you"), but the subjective point of view what constitutes your consciousness. Assuming that it is the same moment to moment, will it be the same day to day despite the gap at sleep? From a physical point of view some atoms are different, but this happens when you are awake too, your body has changed in the last 5 hours.

    Of course, for answer this I guess we would need to understand well the consciousness, and we are really far from it... It will be interesting to evaluate different approaches and see how they relate with identity.

    For example, for panpsiquism I guess in some sense you are constantly "splitting" and "merging", since the particles are sentient by themselves, but even in this case, since is not clear how happens the binding which give you an unitary sensation, I don't know if the subjective experience could continue out of the brain.

    We have very different ways of thinking about the self and consciousness which need not fall under the "materialism" of science, which is a misleading term, I think

    Yes, applied to consciousness "materialism" could be misleading... I guess the classical non-materialist approach is the Cartesian Dualism, but surely there are more. Which are the ones that fits better with closed Individualism ("materialists" or not)?
  • Quantum Immortality without MWI?
    Yes, I always read the example of integer numbers, but this is an ordered series, the universe is not. And even if it's not granted, I guess the probabilities of it to occur are really high, like 99.999...%.
  • Quantum Immortality without MWI?
    Oh shit! I just realized... If the universe is infinite in space, there are a lot of "yous", birthing continually, and if conciousness has nothing mystical and an identical person is you, then there is something like an "eternal retourn", you are in some sense "reincarnating", and living the same live continually, so if QI is possible, you will experience it, not a "copy" of you, but "this you"...

    SHIT, some good objections?
  • Quantum Immortality without MWI?
    What is the probability that a person will achieve quantum immortality in the universe we exist in?

    Supposedly, the probabilities os surviving certain events are almost 0, that's why only could happens in MWI, or maybe in an infinite universe. So the probabilities of see it in this particular world are almost 0 too.

    One better objection I read is that if you are just an observer-moment and people can life indefinitely, the number os observer-moments in extraordinary survival situations would be far bigger than normal ones, so it would be more probable to you being experiencing one of them.
  • Quantum Immortality without MWI?
    2. "You" are not the other "You"s.
    Yes, but from a subjective point of view they are others when they diverge, if the divergence is at the point of your death, you won't have more different experience, only the version surviving will experience things.
  • Quantum Immortality without MWI?

    Well, I guess it depends what you consider "you" is.

    If you are a physical being evolving over time, I guess no, other person in other place exactly like you is not you, there are two different persons.

    If you are just a collection of mental states, I'm not sure, but in this case, there is not only one version of "you", a guy that was exactly like you until 10 years ago and now is doing different things is "you" too... And if you expand this vision, you will probably reach something like "open individualism", where you are everybody. Even more, since this don't require physical continuity a guy like you appearing now is your past "you" too... And, then, a guy remembering being a famous singer is him, even if these singer have never existed... Since this is based on memories, I guess that you could reach bizarre conclusions, like if your neighbor develop false memories of being you and you got amnesic, he is more you than yourself.
  • Block Universe and experience
    I think I understand, thank you.
  • Block Universe and experience
    So each slice exist always and doesn't change, and our subjective experience seems to continuously moving to the next, but at the moment of death there is no more slices, won't your subjective experience stay "frozen" feeling the same? Or you just stop feeling?
  • Block Universe and experience

    So, there is nothing special with the last "slice"?
  • Block Universe and experience

    But you have a subjective experience of "flow", what will happens when it ends?
  • Depressed with Universe Block (and Multiverse)
    Thanks you. I'm reading that in Relativity and even in Quantum Mechanics the spacetime is considered as continuous and non discrete, so maybe I'm just misunderstanding all de concept...
  • Depressed with Universe Block (and Multiverse)
    Thank all for your comment. Unfortunately, the idea of discontinuity of time made me fall into a nihilist hard depression and identity crisis.
  • Depressed with Universe Block (and Multiverse)
    Thanks for your long post!
    As to depression about this, I don't really follow why it's depressing.Pfhorrest

    I guess I fear that even if you manage to make your future good, in this world until your death, at some point you could experience what happens to a a copy/version of you with less luck... I don't know... But you have reason in that you could do nothing for the other world... But at the same time I find it depressing, so bad things will happen anyway...
  • Depressed with Universe Block (and Multiverse)
    The idea that you will not experience the future because you will be another person seems a bit nonsensical because we can say that we are the same person as in the past despite changes. Memory links past and present. I can remember my first day at school. In a sense it is just as true to say that I am that same person as to say that I am a different person.Jack Cummins

    I'm confused with this all stuff... The concern is that when somebody asked why you doesn't care what happens to a copy of you, I just thought "because it's not you, it's just another person with the same memories, you won't experience the same". I guess the problem is that I always supposed a physical continuity of your body, but BU seems to deny it (at least as I understood it, maybe I'm wrong), and imply that the future you is like a copy... It's a bit hard to explain.
  • Depressed with Universe Block (and Multiverse)
    You will get to experience your future “you”, so if you want your future “you” to be a pleasant experience try your best to make that happen.leo

    Yes, but, doesn't imply BU that you won't really experience your future because the future you will be another person, physically unrelated, just linked to you because of his memories? (I'm not sure about this).

    And if you will experience your future, will you experience the future of your other versions? If there is no more relation between each of your versions (future or in another universe)... I guess the only difference is that the real "you" (this moment "you") could affect to your future "you", but not another versions...

    You can also think of the idea that maybe the other people in this universe are also alternate versions of “you” that you will get to experience at some point.leo

    Yes, this is an interesting question I wonder sometimes, why you are experiencing this and not another things...

    But I am hard depressed.
  • Depressed with Universe Block (and Multiverse)
    Thanks you for your comment. The Block Universe itself could be a bit disturbing, but it's awful when think in the multiverse... If there are infinite universes, in some of then versions of you could have a lot of suffering... I had never think this "versions" were you, they are like other people, but with the implications of the BU, why are they more different than your future you?