
  • Can Art be called creative
    From a standpoint in how "original" is created is following (the following can be applied in all areas of life and learning) you create one painting it's a copy from someone you learned then your second painting is copy from somebody else you find interesting then your third painting is your combination of those two previous paintings and once it's gets over certain threshold like combination of ten twenty arts now it became your style and congratulations you've created "original" art due to complexity of how many different "original" styles you copied to basically create a new style that is yours.

    That can be applied everywhere and why certain things are intimidating because of how many different combinations of learning viewpoints you need to learn to result in good finding.

    When you read a book it's combination of authors mind that previously read hundred of books and picked on specific type of writing including combination of his environment how he/she grew up, with whom, what he liked and it becomes a new book.