
  • Illogical Logic
    From what I said above, one can see that even a contradiction can provide us with a system of logic. But not a useful system of logic.Banno

    "Underlying this characterization of logical consequence is the division of all terms of the language discussed into logical and extra-logical. This division is not quite arbitrary. If, for example, we were to include among the extra-logical signs the implication sign, or the universal quantifier, then our definition of the concept of consequence would lead to results which obviously contradict ordinary usage. On the other hand, no objective grounds are known to me which permit us to draw a sharp boundary between the two groups of terms. It seems to be possible to include among logical terms some which are usually regarded by logicians as extra-logical without running into consequences which stands in sharp contrast to ordinary usage."
    -Tarski (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Logical Consequence)
  • In one word..
    That's also risky for the reason stated above, though not as risky as pure pleasure :PAgustino

    Love has many paths. If you do what you love, you're living your life.
  • Illogical Logic
    I think maybe you're using the term "logic" in a fairly non-philosophical way.
    — Terrapin Station

    I'd bet my bottom dollar on it.

    My intentions aren't to go into ethical issues but to give an example of one's logic that is skewed.
    Right and wrong don't always have share the same opportunity with logic. But if something is logical, it's considered right. If something is illogical, it's viewed to be wrong.

    A definition of philosophy- a theory or attitude held by a person or organization that acts as a guiding principle for behavior.

    This definition is why I used Hitler as an example. He was illogical, but yet a whole nation was behind him. Whether the audience was forced to finding a belief or facing a fear, these values factor into the logic we perceive and are told.
  • U.S. Currency (Sense & Change)
    I can't change because I have no cents (sense).Nils Loc

    I can't give change because I have no cents (sense).
  • U.S. Currency (Sense & Change)

    Sounds like you're catching on to what I find "co-incidental"
  • U.S. Currency (Sense & Change)

    It's about "exchange".Bitter Crank

    Thanks for the info
  • Illogical Logic

    If we took the topic question and switched "Right" with logic and "Wrong" with illogical, the question would read as such;

    If Right is based from something Wrong, what makes this Right?

    Now to put this question into a situation, Hitler's strategy.

    In Hitler's perspective, his plans of destruction were viewed as logical.
    But how logical is extermination, deprivation, and segregation from the perspective of a larger system of logic?
    How could Hitler's followers praise his "logical" plan?
  • Illogical Logic

    I agree with you in the literal term how logic is logical. How we perceive ourselves, life, values, actions, thoughts, and goals all come from an established language.

    I also agree in the matter of, "if your own language is not logical, then it is not logic." Meaning, if your language is logical it's logic. This essentially translates to everyone having their own individual language of logic. Collectively, we now face an engulfing logic that is larger but relative to our own, Absolute Truth.

    What I'm getting at is the power of perception is what we use to establish a language of logic.

    A value of Belief can make something perceive to be logical.
  • In one word..
    These are all interesting to see, keep them coming!

    My one word is will.