
  • Why am I in that body ?
    Thank you very much, your views are all very interesting.


    I must admit that I never understood this sentence like that... I'm French and in french "donc" has less connotation of consequence than "therefore", I think. I always translated "donc" into "in other words" in French.

    So, your sentence "you are an intelligence (not confined to the physical brain) that manifests the physical body" pleased me very much but in this case why does intelligence manifest the physical body in this way and not another ? What governs intelligence ?

    @CasKev, JupiterJess, larkspur and Terrapin Station

    So I am a brain, my brain (or my body), I can understand that but in this case, why am I that brain in particular ? For instance (you may not see the link but for me it is important), let's suppose that during the great race of life, another spermatozoid than the one that led to me today reached the ovum first, what would have happened ? Probably, I would have been physically different but would it always have been "me" ? Would I be "born" ? Would my conscience have emerged like today ?
  • In one word..
    God, not because I am religious, far from it, but because I hope so much that all this is not in vain.
  • Is there anything worth stealing?
    To WISDOMfromPO-MO

    This is a purely subjective point of view, isn't it ? If you were in front of a fierce kleptoman who feels absolutely nothing, let alone guilt, and who in addition to all this would not be at all affected by the possibility of making prison, would you say the same thing ?

    I mean there is a finite number of reasons that could dissuade you from stealing when there is an infinite number of reasons that could push you to do so. Once the possible causes of deterrence are eliminated, your theory is no longer available.
  • On the likeliness of certain numbers being what they actually are
    For me it doesn't make any sense to talk about probability in this way because there is a confusion factor that lies in the very existence of probability which exist only because of our own existence. Nor does it make sense to speak of probability for events that already occurred and for which the notion of probability no longer applies : for me there was a 100% chance that our world exists because precisely, it exists.

    I have also another theory. In fact, in quantum mechanics each state of matter is defined by a certain probability as long as the observation has not been made. Once the observation is made, the probability collapse and reality takes shape and cannot be changed. But for me, this works also for our universe and considering that the only one where observation is possible is ours, there can be no other universe than ours. Finally, this is just another way of expressing my first paragraph..