Why am I in that body ? Thank you very much, your views are all very interesting.
I must admit that I never understood this sentence like that... I'm French and in french "donc" has less connotation of consequence than "therefore", I think. I always translated "donc" into "in other words" in French.
So, your sentence "you are an intelligence (not confined to the physical brain) that manifests the physical body" pleased me very much but in this case why does intelligence manifest the physical body in this way and not another ? What governs intelligence ?
@CasKev, JupiterJess, larkspur and Terrapin Station
So I am a brain, my brain (or my body), I can understand that but in this case, why am I that brain in particular ? For instance (you may not see the link but for me it is important), let's suppose that during the great race of life, another spermatozoid than the one that led to me today reached the ovum first, what would have happened ? Probably, I would have been physically different but would it always have been "me" ? Would I be "born" ? Would my conscience have emerged like today ?