For some reason, baffling to me, children's rights (something I've campaigned for all my professional life) is not an issue either side of the political spectrum cares much about - I guess if you don't vote you don't count. — Isaac
That's it's possible there's a god that's massively interfering in the world when we're not looking. — RogueAI
Just what kind of philosopher was Karl Marx? — Shawn
God intervenes in reality on a massive level when we're not looking to inconspicuously prevent as many accidents as possible without revealing its existence. Or "simulation programmers" if you like. The funny thing is, it's impossible to prove or disprove that. You would need to establish the accident rate when things are truly random, and of course we don't know that things are truly random. — RogueAI
Something similar happens on a bicycle. — Bitter Crank
This is nice idea - overthinking or analysis/paralysis is a pet hate of mine - but how do we put it into practice exactly? How do we determine the level of reflection versus action? Or am I overthinking it? :joke: — Tom Storm
Our subconscious is continually predicting and reacting based on our conditioning, and this can happen in the background, so to speak, freeing us to think whatever we like. — praxis
The current situation with BIG government and corporations is precisely and simply what some people saving themselves looks like. — baker
People can be happy only in one way ... If they become Buddhas ... — Anand-Haqq
Happiness is not a result, happiness is a way of life. — Anand-Haqq
Thanks goes to all who've contributed to the thread. I'm out of my depths at the moment. Will get back if I think of anything interesting. — TheMadFool
I don't know what precisely should be done, anymore. — Bitter Crank
The abnegation of simplification. — Nagel
Well, I would have to wait and see if I end having health problems. It’s kinda common to start having them before 55 though — TheHedoMinimalist
There was probably a time when atheists would be whispered about behind their backs. Now I think we live in an era where it is the reverse. — Paul S
I personally hope that I’ll die around the age of 55 in a fairly painless manner. — TheHedoMinimalist
There is no evidence for or against atheism any more than there is for or against theism. — Paul S
I'm pointing out where the minimizing of government leads to. Which you clearly don't care about. — baker
You have a solution for your own life, and the others can just go to hell, those rats and vermin, right? — baker
So what is your solution to the problem of power differentials between people (and everything they entail, from hostile takeovers of business to abuse of power)? — baker
Esp. the freedom to be oppressed by a rich and powerful neighbor! — baker
I see. Are you 100% with happiness or 100% with sadness? — TheMadFool
In Yogic logic happiness is not dependent upon external causes, but can be elicited at will, with some practice. — Pop
The question is, when should we give up? — TheMadFool
Happiness results from an experience that is pleasurable. It is the emotional pleasure that the experience provides that makes us happy. Conversely sadness results from displeasurable ( painful ) experience. Every moment of life is an experience, so every moment of life is either pleasurable or displeasurable or something in between. We are a pain averse, pleasure seeking creature. The pain -pleasure spectrum that we land upon as a function of experience is what provides impetus to life, in my opinion. — Pop
If you are asking WHY .... aren't you already depressed/sad? — Cate
Minimising work is often a key driver of human behaviour - I suspect we are hard wired for shortcuts. This seems to be the wellspring of most technology. We are a time saving, effort saving species. Given that you have defined a problem or situation, do you have some suggestions towards a solution? — Tom Storm
Now for one of many possible reasons—maybe he had to move to a smaller apartment in which the table wouldn’t fit; maybe he inherited a better table and had no room for the one he bought; maybe his wife didn’t like it and told him to get rid of it—the man who bought the table sets it out beside the street in front of his house and puts a “for free” sign on it, and I, who need a table, come along and see it, load it onto the back of my pickup and take it home. — Todd Martin
But I take the point that the "intellectual" is not self sufficient. — Valentinus
This sort of economic system would certainly hold a lot of self-satisfaction, and encourage individual enterprise...
...but it would also be very, very lonely...not to mention primitive. — Todd Martin
Are you trying to say indirectly that all human beings have intrinsically exploitative relationships with others? — Tom Storm
But why should one of inferior skill profit the same as one of superior skill? Shouldn’t greater skill be rewarded by greater profit? — Todd Martin
Believers cherry pick what they want to accept in all religions. — Tom Storm