Am I one of those people who "believe that they know and it's their job to spread the word?" You're the one who started this thread. You're the one spreading the word. You're the one who seems to know you are right. I have only responded to question some of the things you wrote. I gave very specific examples. I think I expressed my thoughts clearly. What's your beef? — T Clark
All the main modern schools of Buddhism in China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Vietnam believe and teach that all people in our world, all the people we see, all the people we talk to have thoughts, consciousness, memories, sensations, feelings and emotions ? — Johnny5454
But you did mention the role of parents, though I'm not sure that's any different. — EricL
People can do something a lot, but this still has no bearing on whether their skills at doing it will improve or not. — baker
It's impossible for us to live our lives without sometimes coming into conflict with other people doing the same thing. Yes, we should behave responsibly, fairly. Again, that doesn't have anything to do with rights. — T Clark
Surgery is a special case because in addition to requiring medical knowledge, skill, and training, it requires opportunity to practice. For medicine in general an inexperienced graduate may be the better choice because they may be more likely to be up to date on the latest research, procedures, etc., whereas the experience old-timer might be more set in their ways. — praxis
I wasn't going to respond to one more of your half-assed, claptrap, mean-spirited, "why, when I was a boy," social/political rants. I was hoping it would die out. Since it hasn't, I'll respond. — T Clark
Communism didn't fail because there was a lack of religion. It failed because of an over-abundance of government control that inhibited individuality and incentive and progress - where there are a select few that think their intellect is superior and better suited to figure it out for everyone. — Harry Hindu
What does it mean "to learn from experience"? — baker
As an Anarcho-Pacifist, because Pacifism is wildly unpopular within the Anarchist movement, and peace the peace movement has a general aversion to collaborating with people who formerly almost attempted to create their own ideological sect, effectively an Anarchist equivalent of Communization, so as to remain politically engaged, I could only convince the Anarchist movement to be more welcoming. This, however, is just simply impossible, as, in order to do so, I would ultimately have to convince the Black Panther Party to revise the variant of the diversity of tactics that they adopted. — thewonder
That isn't true. I see plenty of religious people doing immoral things. The reason is because Big Brother as a god's punishment or consequences for actions are not immediate or exaclty knowable. The punishment and consequences from Big Brother as government is more substantive and knowable. Politics evolved from religion as a more efficient means of controlling the population for authoritarians ruling. So-called democracies that have popped up in more recent times are still controlled by an elite ruling class that divides it citizens against each other using a new type of religion - political parties. — Harry Hindu
IOW, the history of mankind. Duh. — baker
Exactly. This is how I became an atheist, too. Only after really learning what religion/politics is (group-think), do you come to abhor them. — Harry Hindu
I became an atheist after considering that it was just completely insane that God told Abraham to kill his only son Isaac, he decided to go through with it, and what we are supposed to take away from this is a lesson about Abraham's devotion. — thewonder
When a better system is possible, people will use it. Why wouldn't they?
— synthesis
Because implementing a better system is a question of political power, among other things. According to you, the economic system should always have been the best possible one from the start, but that clearly isn't the case. — Echarmion
Ah, Padawan, the first step in learning is to admit you don't know anything. — James Riley
I suspect your next move will be something like "Well, if I lied, I'm sorry, now can we move on?" BS. There is an element of knowing involved here. Confess your sins, my son. It will be cathartic! Then we can move on. It's hard to earn credibility, easy to lose it, and even harder to get it back. When you are in a hole, first stop digging. — James Riley
We should be happy to live in age where material is abundant. The economic system is what it is. You make it the best you can and move forward (the way you do everything else).
Everybody understands what your complaining about but its like yelling at the moon for keeping you awake at night. Some things are what they are.
— synthesis
Yeah, sure, economic systems can never be changed (except when they are). — Echarmion
Asian income inequality in the US has many factors. The bottom line is that the average Asian American is behind the average non-Asian American. If your racial stereotype were accurate they'd be above the average. — praxis
I think socialism is alive and well in the United States. — James Riley
This isn't school.The difference is that in the former, you earn your success, in the later you are given success regardless of what you do.
— synthesis
* citation needed — Echarmion
Are you aware of another functioning economic system? Is feudalism still in operation? How about slavery?
Socialism is simply a transfer mechanism, and Communism is state capitalism, and communism, a pipe-dream.
— synthesis
Neofeudalism arguably exists. But regardless past economic systems did function. The fact that they're no longer operational doesn't change that. — Echarmion
But think of all the liars who succeed! You never know who you can trust when they've lost credibility. Like you. Did you misquote me, or not? I mean, how can I pretend to trash your silly arguments on the merits when, at any time, you might say I said something I did not say? Isn't that the hall mark of a society that isn't based on merit? — James Riley
Probably shouldn't rely on racial stereotypes. — praxis
I think efforts toward equality are simply trying to level a playing field that has been tilted to favor some and not others. But bringing it back to level requires a little tilt in the opposite direction from level. You can't fuck a man forever and then expect gratitude when you stop. You gots to pay a little. You say it wasn't your fault? Faults got nothing to do with it. It's a strict liability issue. — James Riley
That's how equality always operates - you select one or more dimensions of relevance, such as qualification, income, etc. and then the "equal" outcome is the one where those - and only those - dimensions are expressed in the outcome.
Merit purports to do something similar, but merit tends to come with an existing list of which circumstances imply merit and which do not, and that list is politically and ideologically motivated (usually to favour existing elites). — Echarmion
The Left is constantly pushing their "inclusion" meme which I take as meaning that each GROUP needs to be represented according to their percentage in the population. Merit is of secondary importance.
— synthesis
What's the difference between "outcome by merit" and "equal outcome"? "Merit" is not the name of a physical law or constant. — Echarmion
Are you aware of another functioning economic system? Is feudalism still in operation? How about slavery?Capitalism is the only economic system there is.
— synthesis
Err, what? — Echarmion
Well ye I'm not saying get rid of religion. But we have the right to voice our arguments and feelings
Foxholes? I saw someone set someone else completely on fire once and I didn't think of God once. I called the police but if I get scared I never think of God — Gregory
Because it is like saying someone's else's father (maybe Jesus?) is super perfect and is your true father. It's rather intruding — Gregory
Man had to create God as a giver of that which man ultimately aspires.
— synthesis
Yes. People want to believe in a God "as they understand it" (NA, AA, ect) — Gregory
Believing God literally exists is creepy for a lot of us — Gregory