
  • What is the purpose/point of life?
    thank you!! This dude Is ridiculous I’m telling you! One of those pull crap out of the air hoping something sticks, semantics extraordinare!
  • What is the purpose/point of life?
    thank you! And I like that Crowley quote a lot! :) thank you for your input!
  • What is the purpose/point of life?
    dude everyone’s input is awesome except yours... you have your response now got he hell away. Your too opinionated for this kind of conversation. Unless you have some valid input and that doesn’t mean waiting for someone to say anything just to shit on them or argue. Fuck off bro!
  • What is the purpose/point of life?
    lmao how you guys get so off topic? Lmaoooo but seeing we r here, capitalism is absolutely a reason of not the main one for starvation. As I said in my OP, we are guaranteed survival basically from birth with how society currently is. The only thing making people starve is not having he $ to buy food. I would EASILY argue that capitalism is as bad if not worse than a monarchy or dictatorship or communism or socialism in that aspect. And yes I understand we get free will and democracy.....but oh wait, do we really? We are NOT a democracy and anyine at this point that doesn’t see that I’m not waisting my breath on as they are happy in there ignorance bubble and more power to them cause I’ve heard it’s bliss (if only my brain worked that way). But to counterpunch specifically, you said people starve cause of blah blah it’s not capitalism? Your just flat wrong and the fact you think that just made me sad honestly, it was a good intelligent convo, input and even side of the argument from you until that. You are completely blinded by your ideals it’s not even funny, more sad :/
  • What is the purpose/point of life?
    thank you! Very insightful comment indeed! Although I will pass on the voting example hahah as I don’t partake in that broken rigged system ppl seem to think is democracy ‍♂️. Haha capitalism is what we are and money is what controls it all, but don’t get me started on politics hahaha
  • What is the purpose/point of life?
    thank you! And to answer (3) that’s what I’m here asking/doing So again thank you for your very insightful input!
  • What is the purpose/point of life?
    yes! Thank you for u see standing! I’ve always been “ok” because I focus on others so much it’s a great distraction. Since being single for first time in 12 years, I’ve been working on myself before I try another relationship where I sk the same cycle and end up in the same torment I create. Thank you for noticing my reaching out! Som people obv missed the point of my post as I don’t think I have any answers or think I know anything esp “it all”. This is literally a thought post so to speak, thinking out loud and asking for others opinions on the matter to further myself and my thinking so once I get back out there I’m personally better and in turn can worry and rake care of others as I’ve always done but even better! :)
  • What is the purpose/point of life?
    my actual belief is circles and cycles so I agree with you totally
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