What is the purpose/point of life? The idea of goals in a life that has "issues until you drop dead" is too vague. There are worthwhile actions rather than goals, at least they are much more concrete, something to work on. Not very encouraging anyway to say "become Sisyphus and you'll feel better", "jump into a goal and it will take care of your existential problems"... or whatever you had in mind. People sometimes makes everything more complicated than it is and sometimes simpler than it should be. What you said is in the second group.
No need to dissolve human life into the universe. Life doesn't have a purpose but this emptiness creates the room within itself for it (is "purposeable", if you let me use bad language) Once you find it, you never ever tell anybody that your life has no purpose.
As for your final paragraph, telling a youngster "be a good and reasonable old man" (like yourself, at least that's what looks like) won't work and you already know it. The good wishes embedded in those words at least are something worthwhile but usually they don't work either.