A puzzling fact about thinking.
Participating in this discussion I have become convinced that I have been on the wrong track.
I stated: "Here it is a Puzzling Fact. A person cannot think verbal thoughts without speaking those thoughts aloud." This fact is a well known fact among psychologists and might be known to you.
MWW suggested that I might have it backwards and I think he is correct.
I now think speech itself is only one aspect of a complex gestalt.
Consider: Without a conscious mind there could be no speech. Without speech there could be no conscious mind.
Without vocal chords there could be neither.
Those thoughts provoke new perplexities. Why are humans the only animals that have conscious minds? That is an astonishing statement. How could that be true?
The logical question that arises is: Where did the conscious mind come from?
A possible answer is that evolution evolved speech in human beings slowly over a very long period of time, perhaps 300,000 years.
But that merely delays the question. Why did evolution evolve speech only in humans?
Speech requires a brain that contains very large numbers of brain cells.
Early man had more brain cells than any other animal on earth. He also had vocal chords. So the bones of the human skull expanded and the prefrontal lobes were created just above the eyes.
Only in humans.