Life needs positive emotions Hedonistic Logical Argument #1
Here is a logical argument that explains and sums up my philosophy. It is my 1st logical argument:
1.) Happiness can only be a positive emotional state induced by the biochemicals. This is a scientific fact. If you lose all of these chemicals and nothing you do can induce these chemical induced euphoric states, then you cannot have happiness. So, happiness can only be our euphoric states. Likewise, unhappiness can only be our dysphoric states while having neither happiness nor unhappiness can only be an apathetic state.
Lastly, happiness is a perceptual state like any other such as sight, hearing, thought, etc. But happiness is a positive toned state of mind (perceptual state) which means it is a state of mind that possesses an intrinsic good quality. It would, therefore, follow from here that unhappiness would be a negative toned state of mind which means it possesses an intrinsic bad quality while apathy would be a neutral toned state of mind which means it possesses an intrinsic neutral quality.
2.) Perceiving good value, worth, joy, beauty, liking, enjoyment, inspiration, and love can only be a perception for you that has a positive tone (an intrinsic good quality). In short, having perceptual good value and worth, along with joy, and beauty in your life is always a positive toned perceptual state no matter how you look at it. Even if you thought that a negative toned perception can be of good value to you, then this still presupposes a positive toned perception in despite of that negative toned one.
3.) Perceiving bad value, torment, suffering, hate, and misery can only be a perception for you that has a negative tone (an intrinsic bad quality). In short, having perceptual bad value, along with suffering, misery, and torment in your life is always a negative toned perceptual state no matter how you look at it. Even if you thought that a positive toned perception can be of bad value to you, then this still presupposes a negative toned perception in despite of that positive toned one.
4.) Perceiving neither good value, worth, bad value, joy, beauty, suffering, torment, or misery can only be a perception for you that has a neutral tone (an intrinsic neutral quality). In short, having neither perceptual good value, worth, nor bad value, along with having no suffering, misery, torment, or beauty in your life is always a neutral toned perceptual state no matter how you look at it. Even if you thought that a neutral toned perception can be of good value to you or bad value to you, then this still presupposes a positive or negative toned perception in despite of that neutral toned one.
5.) The intrinsic profoundness and intensity of these positive toned, negative toned, and neutral toned perceptual states dictate the level of perceived value. If you were in a very positive toned perceptual state, then you would be perceiving much good value and worth in your life. If you were in a very negative toned perceptual state, then you would be perceiving much bad value in your life. Likewise, if you were in a very neutral toned perceptual state, then you would be perceiving much neutral value in your life.
6.) Positive toned perceptual states can only be happiness, negative toned perceptual states can only be unhappiness, and neutral toned perceptual states can only be apathy. It is, therefore, only our euphoric states which can be the positive toned (happy) perceptual states, our dysphoric states which can be the negative toned (unhappy) perceptual states, and neither euphoria nor dysphoria being neither the positive or negative toned (neither happy nor unhappy) perceptual states.
Conclusion: It's actually not the conscious states themselves (i.e. our thoughts, outlooks, and value judgments alone) that possess the positive and negative tone. They do not possess any real intrinsic good or bad qualities. It is only our positive emotions that can allow us to perceive good value and worth in our lives, our negative emotions that can allow us to perceive bad value in our lives, and our apathy that can allow us to perceive neither good value, bad value, nor worth in our lives. You cannot be in any state of suffering, joy, misery, torment, hell, heaven, beauty, or perceived good value, bad value, and worth without your positive and negative emotions.
You could certainly have positive or negative thoughts in the absence of your positive and negative emotions. You could also display positive and negative tones and gestures without these emotions. But you would have no positive or negative toned conscious state to give your life any real perception of good and bad value. In addition, the intensity and profoundness of your positive and negative emotions dictates the level of perceived value in your life. Lastly, saying that all the positive and negative qualities I've mentioned above are all nothing more than a person's value judgment or mindset would be denying the existence of any real suffering, joy, etc. It would be treating them as judgmental qualities rather than qualities that are intrinsic to our everyday lives.
Hedonistic Logical Argument #2
1.) How you think is how you will feel. If you thought that something was good to you, but not all that great, then you will get a euphoric feeling from that which would be a euphoric feeling that possesses an intrinsic quality that isn't that great, but still good, nonetheless. Likewise, if you thought you were having the most beautiful moment of your life and you felt euphoric from that moment, then that euphoric feeling would possess an intrinsic quality to it that is the most beautiful and joyful.
2.) Thoughts are, in a way, like feelings. If you were telepathic and could only communicate feelings rather than thoughts, then the other person would still get the message of what it is you are telepathically communicating to him/her. In premise 1, I have clearly established that how you think is how you will feel. This means that our thoughts take on a different form. They become feelings. It's no different than how water takes on a different form when it freezes. It becomes ice. Even though it's ice, it is still water (H20).
3.) Referring to premise 2, it would follow that if you think something is beautiful to you and you got a euphoric feeling from that, since it is commonly believed that it is our thinking (value judgments) that make things beautiful to us, then it would have to be the case that the euphoric feeling you get would have to make things beautiful to you. Remember, I have clearly established that thoughts are, in a way, like feelings.
4.) Still referring back to premise 2, it is only the ice (euphoria) that can give our lives the perceptual quality of good value, worth, joy, beauty, and happiness. The liquid water (thoughts/outlooks alone) does not possess this quality. It's no different than a situation where you only had a frozen icee drink versus a hot melted one on a hot summer day. The hot melted one cannot give you the delicious frozen beverage you seek. There is no other frozen beverage out there. That is, there is no other euphoria out there to be obtained. This means that life itself is a desolate desert with only one frozen beverage (the frozen icee). That one frozen icee would be our positive emotions since you cannot have a euphoric state without your positive emotions.
Conclusion: It is only our positive and negative emotions that possess the intrinsic quality that give our lives a real perception of good value, bad value, worth, joy, happiness, and suffering. Our thoughts/outlooks alone simply do not possess this intrinsic quality for us.
Hedonistic Logical Argument #3
1.) Perceiving beauty, love, joy, good value, and worth in our lives is the most important thing to us as human beings. They are the higher, humanistic qualities we need in our lives.
2.) Our judgments do not dictate reality. For example, if we judged a person as ugly who had a daunting appearance, then that does not make the person ugly on the inside. For all we know, this could truly be a beautiful person on the inside. It is, therefore, what's on the inside that counts and not what's on the outside.
3.) Consciousness is also the most important and precious thing. Without it, then we would either be dead or unconscious. We also wouldn't be able to perceive any of the qualities mentioned in premise 1. There are also many mysterious about consciousness that we still have yet to figure out.
Conclusion: Our value judgments do not dictate what type of perception we have in our lives (i.e. joyful, good, bad, beautiful, horrible, etc.). So, it is not our judgments that are important here. Rather, it is what's on the inside that truly matters (our consciousness). It is, therefore, the type of conscious state or emotional state we have that determines whether something truly is hell, joy, or horrible for us or not just as how it's what type of person he/she truly is on the inside that determines who he/she really is. If you disagree with my conclusion, then, like I said, there are still many mysterious about consciousness that we don't know and my whole theory could be one of these mysteries.