
  • Suffering is pointless and bliss is necessary
    I'm curious if you still have that drive to read my entire opening post or not.
  • Perceiving things as good or bad is what makes them good or bad

    In regards to the Buddhist notion of "non-self," if we should treat our own selves as though they don't exist, then that means we should treat other selves as though they don't exist. In other words, we should treat others as though they don't exist, which means we shouldn't even address them or care if they suffer. But, the very fact Buddhists address others and show such love and compassion towards suffering people contradicts their notion of "non-self."
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    It's bad to live a life of feeling bad, even if bad feelings were used to inspire others through artwork.
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    But, my philosophy says that feeling bad is no way to live or be an artist. So, that would have to mean feeling bad can only be bad, according to my philosophy.
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    I'm not sure if feeling bad is required to feel good. After all, in the past, I hardly felt bad, and I mostly felt good throughout my life until, years later, I recently had these miserable struggles. Also, if feeling bad is required to feel good, my philosophy says that feeling bad is still bad. Like I said, having these miserable struggles was no way to live or be an artist, which means these struggles weren't good, valuable, or beautiful. So, that's why I conclude that feeling bad can only be bad, and feeling good can only be good.
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    I am saying more than this. There are emotion theorists who put forth the emotion perception theory. According to their theory, emotions are perceptions of good, bad, beauty, horror, tragedy, magnificence, etc. My philosophy says that perceptions of good, bad, beauty, etc. are the only good, bad, beautiful, etc. things in life. I explained how emotions are the only perceptions of good, bad, etc. So, emotions are the only good, bad, etc. things in life. I also explained other things, such as how the only goodness, badness, beauty, etc. that exists is the goodness, badness, beauty, etc. we perceive, and I explained how perception and experience are the same thing, and that we should seek perceptions/experiences of goodness, beauty, magnificence, etc. (the positive perceptions/positive emotions), and avoid perceptions/experiences of badness, horror, tragedy, disgust, etc. (the negative perceptions/negative emotions).
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    We can use bad feelings however we want. But, my view says that feeling bad can only be bad, regardless of how said feelings are used. So, if someone acts as though feeling bad is good, then that would make no sense, since feeling good is the only good thing in life. Even if bad feelings were used to give us more good feelings throughout our lives, that still wouldn't be good. So, a person would just have to bear through the bad feelings (which are bad) until he gains the end result of more good feelings throughout his life. The moment he gains these good feelings is the moment he has goodness in his life again. As you can see, my horrible, miserable struggles can never be good, valuable, or beautiful, even if the end result was the most powerful bliss for me. I'd just have to bear through those struggles until I gain the bliss (which would be intensely good, beautiful, amazing, magnificent, etc).
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    My personal experience has led me to the conclusion that feeling good is the only good thing in life. My previous post I just made explains why.
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life
    Now, just in case anyone didn't read the updated note to reader in my opening post, my philosophy says that perceiving someone or something as good, bad, beautiful, magnificent, tragic, or horrific is the only good, bad, beautiful, magnificent, tragic, or horrific thing in life. So, perceptions of good are the only good things in life, perceptions of bad are the only bad things in life, perceptions of beauty and magnificence are the only beautiful and magnificent things in life, etc. Emotions are the only perceptions of good, bad, beauty, etc. So, that means emotions are the only good, bad, beautiful, etc. things in life, which means feeling good is the only good thing in life, feeling bad is the only bad thing in life, etc.

    Also, during my miserable struggles, I've had horrible, agonizing, miserable feelings that motivated me to get psychological help. But, suffering like that was no way to live, which means there was nothing good or beautiful about my suffering, even though it motivated me to get help. The fact is, I was having a horrible experience, which means my suffering could only be horrible, regardless of how it motivated me. Even if it motivated me to change the world by discovering cures and inventing new technology, there'd still be nothing positive about my suffering. But, for those people who've been given cures and new technology, that would be a positive experience for them, since they're able to feel positive emotions.

    As for me, it couldn't be a positive thing, since I'd be miserable, and unable to feel positive emotions. When I say it couldn't be a positive thing for me, I mean it couldn't be a good, beautiful, amazing, precious, or valuable thing for me, since I'd be unable to perceive it as positive. Lastly, many people would say that good and bad are labels, and that I can define (label) good and bad how I want. From there, these people would ask me why I should live by the limiting philosophy that feeling good is the only good thing in life, and feeling bad is the only bad thing in life, given that I can define good and bad however I want.

    Well, I did define good and bad as something else besides feeling good and bad. For example, I defined it as a good thing to persevere in my composing dream, despite my misery, and inability to feel good. But, that didn't work for me, which means it didn't change my life for the better. Being in that miserable state of mind was still no way to live or be a composer for me. So, that's why I have to conclude that feeling good is the only good thing in life. There's clearly no positive experience for me in the absence of my positive emotions. That's why I have this view that positive emotions are the only positive things in life.
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    Yes, it would be a good thing for that serial killer to pursue his positive emotion, and I don't care how dangerous and dumb my philosophy sounds because my personal experience says perceptions of goodness, badness, beauty, horror, tragedy, etc. are the only goodness, badness, etc. there is. Since emotions are the only perceptions of good, bad, etc., then that means emotions are the only good, bad, etc. things in life. So, feeling good is the only good thing in life, feeling bad is the only bad thing in life, etc.
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    I didn't understand what you said. Could you clarify?
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    Another person could feel horrible about the idea of that serial killer continuing to pursue that emotional response. So, that person would see it as a horrible deed that shouldn't be done.
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    The post, in of itself, isn't good, bad, beautiful, horrific, etc. It's just a post. But, the post becomes good for those who feel good about it, and it becomes bad for those who feel bad about it.
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    My post would be bad for you if you felt bad about it. But, if another person felt good about my post, then it would be good for that person, since it would be good in his/her eyes.
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    If you felt bad about my post, then you'd be perceiving the post as bad, which would make it bad in your eyes. If you felt that way about my post, then I'm curious as to why. Do you think it was poorly written?
  • Feeling good is the only good thing in life

    In regards to good and bad, they're actual things. Good and bad are nothing more than value judgments, and value judgments are actual things. They're emotions. Emotion theorists claim that emotions are value judgments, since emotions tell us that certain people, moments, situations, and works of art are good, bad, beautiful, horrific, tragic, disgusting, etc. So, good, bad, beauty, horror, etc. are emotions. Happiness, sadness, love, fear, and anger are also emotions. So, feeling good is good, feeling bad is bad, a feeling of horror is horror, a feeling of sadness or happiness is sadness or happiness, etc.
  • Emotions are necessary to give us a positive or negative perspective

    I already did talk about how thoughts influence our emotions, since I said thinking certain ways causes us to feel certain ways. For example, I said a proud or loving thought would cause you to feel pride or love. Also, I don't have a mood or thought disorder.
  • Emotions are how we value things

    We can still make choices in life regardless of our emotional state. Even though intellect is no real source of value, I can, for example, still choose to save my life or the life of someone else even if I didn't feel up to it. But the very fact I would make such a choice does not presuppose that my intellectual decision was a real source of value in my life.

    For example, a person can still choose to eat or drink something even if he's not hungry or thirsty and a person can still choose to smile even though he's not happy. Likewise, people can still do things in life even though they have no value to them.

    Lastly, I asked you to do a little exercise and that would be paying close attention to your emotions as well as your intellect. Have you come to realize that your emotions are the real value judgments and that your thoughts aren't? The truth, in this case, is discovered from looking within. So, it was never about arguing about it like you and others are doing.
  • Emotions are how we value things

    I am saying they are the same things. Reread my opening post which explains why. My OP also says to pay very close attention to your emotions and you should come to realize they are value judgments.
  • Emotions are how we value things

    Emotions would be things such as feeling panic from being in a dangerous situation, a feeling of excitement from going to the carnival, a feeling of rage, or a feeling of sexual arousal.
  • Emotions are how we value things

    All I can say here is that I would need a new personal experience to convince me that I can value things in my life through my intellect. So far, I haven't had such an experience. Also, the truth can often times be cruel and immoral. So, just because my values would say it's a beautiful or good thing for a psychopath to harm someone if he felt happy about that doesn't make my values false. Plenty of absurd things that sound cruel and immoral are true things. I think people are in denial of such truths because they don't want them to be true.
  • Emotions are how we value things

    I don't recall a single given moment in my life where thoughts and beliefs allowed me to value things. My positive emotions have always been the only way I could value things in my life as beautiful, amazing, good, or magnificent. My negative emotions have always been the only way I could value things as horrible, bad, disgusting, or tragic. This has been my own personal experience. Sadly, positive emotions are very fleeting things which means the beauty in my life is something fleeting.

    My view might be very limiting and reductionist, but I think it's delusional for people to be convinced of this idea that there's more value to life than emotions. When it comes to value, people are too focused on their intellect and character rather than the real truth. All I'm asking is that people pay very close attention to their emotions and discover the truth for themselves. I found the truth within myself and can only hope that other people find it, too.
  • The words we think as opposed to what we experience
    Now, I'm going to share the religious form of my worldview. I'm sharing and preaching this for anyone who can relate to it and is willing to listen to it:

    Positive Emotions Are Divine States: The perception/experience of beauty, joy, greatness, and good value in our lives is vital and precious because, without it, then our lives could only be empty (valueless) or bad, horrible, tragic, and disgusting from our perspective. Therefore, this perception/experience is a vital and precious state of consciousness and that's the reason why I would describe it as being a divine state of consciousness.

    Since it's divine, then I think positive emotions are god's holy light within us given that positive emotions are this perception/experience of beauty, greatness, and joy we need in our lives. Without his holy light, then we become beings of darkness through our negative emotions or empty vessels without our emotions. The goal would, therefore, be to become beings of light through our positive emotions and to avoid the negative emotions as well as apathy. Sadly, positive emotions are very fleeting things and many people struggle with depression due to no fault of their own.

    This means all those depressed, genius artists who believed their lives were rich in beauty and greatness were believing a lie. It would be no different than a poor person believing he's rich when he's not. In order to be rich in the beauty and greatness in your life, then you need to be rich in positive emotions. Having little to no positive emotions can only render your life with little to no perceived beauty and greatness. Having negative emotions or no emotions at all is simply no way to live or be an artist. Especially the worst miserable emotions of your life.

    We Need The Light: People who have near death experiences report they've met a being of light in the higher, heavenly realms known as "God" or "The Light." It is a ball of light that consists of pure joyful, loving, beautiful energy. Our brains are receivers that pick up on The Light's invisible spiritual energy here on Earth. It would be like how a radio picks up radio waves. Even though these waves are invisible, they still exist.

    Once received by our brains, The Light's beautiful energy becomes a divine state of consciousness. It becomes a positive emotional state. Positive emotions are, therefore, the experience of The Light's divine power within us. We need this light within us to make our lives beautiful and to create a paradise here on Earth for us. Without the light, then our lives would only amount to nothing.

    As for our negative emotions, this would be dark/negative energy from the lower realms picked up by our brains. So, our goal is to receive as much light as possible and to avoid receiving the darkness/negative energy as well as apathy. Sadly, there are many factors that can prevent our brains from receiving the light and it would be no different than preventing a radio from receiving the signal.

    I Need To Become The Being Of Light; Not The Being Of Darkness: If I had the choice, I would choose to have no negative emotions in my life. Some people would say this is unbalanced. But, if there was an item that could only make my life horrible, bad, or disgusting, then I would obviously choose to rid of that item out of my life. I treat negative emotions as being that item. If I never had negative emotions in the first place, then I wouldn't have struggled much of my life with all those horrible miserable moments and neither would I feel violent or disgust towards myself or others.

    When I have negative emotions, I become a horrible, disgusting, violent, or morbid being of darkness and I can only see things in life from a negative perspective. But, when I have my positive emotions, I become a being of light since I become something positive, beautiful, and joyful. I need to become that divine, magnificent, angelic being of light which is the reason why I would choose to only have positive emotions. But I would also want to avoid apathy since apathy is how I become an empty vessel (neither a being of light nor a being of darkness).

    Euphoria Is The Best Thing: The more profound and intense the positive emotions you feel, the more beauty and joy your life has. The less degree of positive emotions you feel, the less beauty and joy your life has. This would have to mean getting high on drugs would be the most beautiful, joyful life to live. Drugs allow you to receive the greatest amount of The Light's divine energy. But I wouldn't do drugs just from the idea in my mind of the harm and consequences.

    The more profound and intense the negative emotions you feel, the worse your life is. That's why we should avoid things such as emotional traumas since these are the worst emotional states that put you into the worst states of misery. If I had the choice to either live my life paralyzed in a bed feeling profound bliss or to be in the worst miserable state of my life, but live the life of my dreams, then I would choose to be the blissful vegetable in that bed because it doesn't matter how much luxury or riches I have.

    Without my positive emotions, none of those things can be anything beautiful or joyful in my life. It's not about external factors such as how much money or luxury you have, how much you have helped others and contributed to the world, and neither is it about making the best of things and what mark we've made upon this world. It's all about what mental state we are in. Since positive emotions are the only mental states that bring our lives real beauty and joy, then there's nothing more to life than positive emotions.

    Given this, I see no reason for others to complain and call me a pathetic, worthless human being if I have chosen to be that blissful vegetable in that bed in a pretend scenario. Rather, others should understand that positive emotions truly are the only things that can make our lives beautiful. Sure, we can help others to make them feel positive emotions. But we still need our own positive emotions to perceive that endeavor as something beautiful, great, and worthwhile.

    I agree that might sound absurd, false, and ridiculous. But plenty of things that sound absurd are, in fact, true things. So, just because my worldview sounds cruel and unfair for those who struggle with depression and other mental illnesses that take away their positive emotions and just because my worldview sounds absurd and false doesn't make it false. You see, I'm all about the truth here regardless of how offensive said truth might be.

    I'm not about sugar coating things and telling depressed people that their lives can still be beautiful without their positive emotions just because this is something they would like to hear. I think I've arrived at the unpleasant truth through my own personal experience and I am going to share and express that truth. I'm tired of my own emotions being dismissed as trivial things and I will speak up for myself and explain to others that they really are value judgments that give our lives value.
  • The words we think as opposed to what we experience

    But if you struggle with a mental illness that renders you with a chronic absence of positive emotions, then you are in serious trouble because this would mean your life can no longer be perceived as beautiful. If there are few moments in your life where you can feel positive emotions despite this mental illness, then you can only have few moments where your things in your life can be perceived as beautiful.
  • The words we think as opposed to what we experience

    All I know is that my positive emotions are states of mind where I perceive things in my life as beautiful, great, and amazing. Without my positive emotions, then I can no longer have that perception. Rather, I could only think to myself that things are beautiful and amazing. But thinking that way does me no good. So, truly thinking that my life is beautiful during my miserable moments does nothing for me. I need to perceive beauty; not think it.
  • I would like to share my personal religion

    I define positive emotions as happiness though. So, if you felt positive emotions, you would be happy for the time being until you become miserable later on.
  • My new support for hedonism
    Here is a new and better post:

    Proof That Our Emotions Are The Perception Of Value: I talk about how our emotions allow us to perceive value. Many people would disagree with this idea because many people think that emotions are just simply emotions (i.e. how we feel about things) and nothing more. But I think this example I am going to give you might prove how our emotions really are the perception of value. When you, for example, feel fear from being in a dangerous situation, that feeling of fear is a chemical message to the brain which is telling your brain something. It tells your brain "THREAT!!!" or "DANGER!!!" This would be no different than your brain getting the message "IT MATTERS!!!"

    When something matters to you, this means it is something good or bad from your perspective. For example, if the loss of your loved one mattered to you or if getting a new movie is something that mattered to you, then this means those things had value from your perspective. Therefore, when you feel fear, that is no different than your brain getting the message that this dangerous situation you felt fear from was something bad. So, I can honestly conclude that emotions are the message of value to our brains. But since people are in denial of this, then they are in denial of their own emotions. That is why I do not trust humanity because people are often times in denial and delusional.

    Humanity currently believes in this idea that emotions being the source of value in our lives is for the weak-minded and that the real value comes about through our intellect, character, and morals. I think humanity is also in denial when it comes to their moral and intellectual based values because I don't think these are real values. In essence, my views oppose the vast majority of humanity. I think the emotional values are the real values while the values founded upon morality, intellect, and character are the fake values. But humanity thinks the opposite. Humanity thinks I am the one who is delusional and in denial and I think it is humanity that is delusional and in denial.
  • My new support for hedonism

    Our positive emotions are the only things that can allow us to like and enjoy things. Therefore, if you were completely depressed and you couldn't feel any positive emotions at all, then you would be delusional in saying that you like chicken salad. You would be deluding yourself into believing you like it when you really don't.
  • My new support for hedonism

    But people can be delusional and in denial of their own personal experience. Just because people claim they are perceiving and experiencing real value in their lives through their morality and intellect does not make it so. Furthermore, just because people act and behave as though they are does not make it so either.
  • My new support for hedonism

    People live by false values all the time. There are, for example, people who believed in Thor and these values that say we must worship Thor were all false. I am not sure exactly what you were saying, but if you are saying that the values of others are true just because they act as though they are real values, then this would be false. Just because people act certain ways and behave certain ways does not make their values real.
  • My new support for hedonism

    The idea that our basic emotions are value judgments is supported by skeptics and neuroscientists. I know you would disagree with the idea of our basic emotions having built-in values, but go ask other people and scientists in this world. They would say otherwise. They would agree with my idea that our basic emotions have a built-in value to them. As a matter of fact, I have engaged with one skeptic/neuroscientist who agrees that our basic emotions are value judgments. His username would be Nikki Nyx of the Skeptics Society Forum. I will point out the link to the very post he talks about emotions being value judgments. His post is quite long. But look for what he says here and I will, again, quote it out:

    Emotions are value judgments too. For example, if you are physically hurt, and the doctor treating you causes you pain during treatment, do you become angry and bite him? No, because you are able to override your instinctive anger and fear at someone causing you pain with your ability to reason that the treatment is necessary and the pain is temporary. But a dog can't reason, and will bite to stop the person causing the pain. Both the instinctive emotions AND the reasoned thoughts are value judgments.
  • My new support for hedonism

    But pleasant and unpleasant emotions are value judgments which means they give our lives value since they allow us to perceive value in regards to certain things, moments, people, and situations. Haven't you ever heard someone say to not listen to what your emotions tell you? Emotions tell you that certain things, people, or situations are disgusting, horrible, or beautiful. Furthermore, haven't you ever felt that someone in your life was a horrible or beautiful person? See, this is what I mean here when I say that emotions really are value judgments. Many people would deny this, but it is a fact.

    So, you can see why I do not trust humanity and their values since so many people are in denial and are delusional. They are not awakened to the truth. I will also point out a quote which shows how emotions are value judgments. Although, I disagree with the idea of our reasoned thoughts being real value judgments since they are not the real message of value to our brains:

    Emotions are value judgments too. For example, if you are physically hurt, and the doctor treating you causes you pain during treatment, do you become angry and bite him? No, because you are able to override your instinctive anger and fear at someone causing you pain with your ability to reason that the treatment is necessary and the pain is temporary. But a dog can't reason, and will bite to stop the person causing the pain. Both the instinctive emotions AND the reasoned thoughts are value judgments.

    Another thing here. I do not agree that there are the higher emotions which are the emotions founded upon morality and intellect. I think it can only be the lower, basic emotions that are the real emotions. One last thing here. Since humanity treats their basic emotions as nothing more than just emotions, then this means they are in denial of the fact that they are value judgments.

    Therefore, humanity could also be in denial when it comes to their moral and intellectual value judgments. They think they are the real value judgments that give their lives value when they never were. Our basic emotions were the real value judgments all along and humanity had it all backwards. They think I have it backwards, but I don't think this is the case.
  • My new support for hedonism

    Just as how there is no moral and intellectual form of, for example, physical pain, physical pleasure, sight, hearing, smell, taste, heat, cold, hunger, and thirst, there can also be no moral and intellectual form of emotions and there can be no moral/intellectual message of value to our brains. Our morality and intellect alone can only give us the idea of values, smell, colors, sounds, heat, cold, etc., but not any real form of those things.

    Pleasant (positive) emotions are the message of good and beautiful value to our brains and unpleasant (negative) emotions are the message of bad, horrible, and disgusting value to our brains. Unfortunately, positive emotions are very fleeting things. There are many people who struggle with depression due to no fault of their own and there are many people who struggle with misery and much despair in general.
  • Good is an actual quality like water that we need to "drink"

    Please reread my opening post since it is my new and improved best explanation of my worldview.
  • A positive mindset/attitude is not enough

    I still don't agree. Let me post a conversation I had which gets my point across:

    Other Person's Response: Feelings are very important elements of our lives, but isn't it the case that the good or bad value of our lives comes from actions, rather than our feelings?

    Having an abundance of good feelings (happiness, joy, love...) is much better than having a surfeit of wretchedness and misery. The value of our lives -- as perceived by others, certainly, and ourselves -- is a product of our works. Someone who vegetates in a state of bliss isn't doing anything for anyone else. And someone who feels like death warmed over -- but who also performs service to others -- has a more valuable life -- yes?

    My Reply: I still don't agree and I will never agree no matter what anyone says. My reasons are as follows. Continue reading this Q&A section which explains why.

    Other Person's Response: "Good" and "bad" are subjective judgments based on personal preference. There was someone on here a little while ago that said she didn't like happiness. It's up to the individual to decide things like good, bad and worth.

    My Reply: She would have to be delusional then. That, or she actually had a negative emotion on some small level even though she did not realize it. Another possibility would be that the positive and negative qualities have taken on a different form for her besides her positive emotions (happiness) and negative emotions. But I doubt that based upon my own personal experience. My life (conscious/mental reality) was literally the worst hell and completely devoid of any real good value, joy, worth, and beauty during those miserable/hopeless moments.

    Therefore, I think positive and negative emotions truly are the only real positive and negative qualities and that people are just deluding themselves otherwise. I am not necessarily saying that she is delusional though. She could have another form of this inner positive quality as I said before. But, based upon my own personal experience, my positive emotions are my only inner light.

    Other Person's Response: Comments regarding the meaningless or worthlessness of life if your "worldview" were true would necessarily be limited to describing your own life's meaningless or worthlessness.

    My Reply: I metaphorically described the positive and negative qualities as being the inner light and the inner darkness. The inner light and the inner darkness is a well known metaphor presented in many movies, anime, and t.v. shows. Without the inner light, then we could have nothing but the inner darkness or neither light nor darkness. So, I think you are wrong here. We all need the inner light to make our lives truly good and beautiful. Otherwise, it is truly no way to live or be an artist.

    Other Person's Response: You know it's true when anime says so. Now, where did I leave my tentacles........

    My Reply: Again, it is a metaphor for life itself which holds true. Just because the positive quality is literally depicted as an inner angelic light in these anime shows does not dismiss the message that these anime are conveying. They are conveying the message that we all need the inner positive quality in our lives to truly make our lives good and beautiful. So, these anime are actually conveying a realistic message.

    It would be no different than how anime convey messages of love and friendship through battling mystical beasts or through acquiring mystical powers. I mean, the real message is still there despite the mystical elements. One last thing here. Sure, you might see certain anime characters surrounded by dark aura which indicates the inner darkness and, sure, they might have done kind deeds and whatnot despite that inner darkness.

    This character might have even believed it to be a good and beautiful thing to perform these kind deeds. But this character would need at least some of the inner light in his/her inner universe to allow him/her to truly perceive it as being a good and beautiful thing to help these people. The darkness would actually be blinding this character from truly seeing the good value and beauty of life and in the helping of others. That is why this character would need at least a little bit of inner light to see a bit through that darkness.

    Another example would be characters trapped inside a dark void of emptiness and despair. This is a dark void separated from all joy, beauty, and goodness. These characters, while in this void, can believe all they want to that their friends, family, nature, the universe, etc. are still good, beautiful, and worthwhile things. But these characters are still in a state of mind where their lives are completely empty and devoid of any goodness, joy, and beauty.

    It would be like souls trapped in the realm of darkness. These souls can believe all they want that things are still good and beautiful. But they are trapped in the dark realm and, thus, they have no light to allow them to truly see the goodness, worth, and beauty of those things. Again, all of this is just a metaphor to get my point across. It still gives an accurate representation of reality. If you want an analogy/metaphor that is based on reality, then I will give it to you. It would be like you are in a pitch black cave. You can believe all you want to that there is gold inside that cave.

    But you need some light to see that gold. The more light you have, the more the gold shines. The less light you have, the less this gold shines. That is, the more light you have, the more you are able to see that gold and the less light you have, the less you are able to see that gold. With all of this being said, our beliefs, attitudes, and mindsets alone are not the inner light to our lives. There is something that goes beyond that and that is what we truly need in our lives. It is the true inner light and not some counterfeit.

    Unfortunately, if there are a number of factors in your life that take away your inner light such as the factors that take away our positive emotions (i.e. depression, misery, brain damage, etc.), then you are at a disadvantage just as how a person who is in a pitch black cave would be at a disadvantage if the light or torch he had grew dimmer and dimmer due to a number of factors such as insufficient fuel or low batteries in his/her flashlight. If this person was relying on the light of daytime to see the gold in that dark cave, then the factor that would dim the light would be the day becoming night.

    Now, this whole concept also applies to the bad value in your life. As long as you have nothing but the inner light, then you are blinded by the light and you cannot see anything bad. You would be in nothing but a state of pure joy, love, beauty, and goodness and you cannot be in any state of misery, despair, torment, suffering, agony, badness, etc. To conclude and recap, I think our positive emotions (aka happiness) is the only inner light we as human beings have to allow us to see the good value, joy, beauty, love, and worth of things in our lives.

    Other Person's Response: Could you give me an example of people who think that their positive emotions are the inner light to their lives as you claim?

    My Reply: There are many people out there who struggle with depression. Many hate their lives and they just want to die. They say that having a positive mindset does nothing for them. This supports my worldview quite well because these depressed people are only expressing the truth here. They are merely expressing the need for the inner light back into their lives again.
  • Acknowledging Beauty Versus Perceiving Beauty
    This is a notice for anyone who wishes to respond to my absolute best summary of my worldview. I have edited my opening post to make my worldview coherent. I just have a difficult time conveying my worldview coherently and in such a way that gives the best articulation.
  • My New Age Philosophy: New Age Hedonism

    I will now present something that supports my whole worldview which supports and objective (intrinsic) good and bad. Positive thoughts have to line up with positive emotions and negative thoughts have to line up with negative emotions since positive thoughts make us feel positive emotions and negative thoughts make us feel negative emotions. From there, value judgments of good value make us feel positive emotions such as thinking it is a good day today while value judgments of bad value make us feel negative emotions such as thinking something is horrible. So, you have a positive thought which is just a positive thought and then you have a positive emotion which is intrinsically positive like a positive charge.

    You then have a negative thought which is just a negative thought and then you have a negative emotion which is intrinsically negative like a negative charge. To take it one step further, you have a positive (good) value judgment and then you have a positive (good) emotion which is intrinsically good. From there, you have a negative (bad) value judgment and then you have a negative (bad) emotion which is intrinsically bad. If a good or bad value judgment did not make you feel a positive or negative emotion, then there could be a number of factors as to why. Other than that, they do make you feel positive and negative emotions. Even if these positive and negative emotions were induced by other means such as drugs rather than thoughts, then they would still be intrinsically good and bad emotions.
  • My New Age Philosophy: New Age Hedonism

    In addition to my previous reply I recently made to you, I would like to say one last thing here which is an interesting analogy/story. If there were a group of beautiful flowers that have taken on human form and these flower beings grow and thrive differently than how we as human beings grow and thrive, then do we have every reason to look down upon them and call them weak, inferior, etc.?

    Just because they grow and thrive in a life of happiness and sunshine and wither in a life of misery and darkness does not mean we should look down upon them. They simply grow and thrive differently than us as human beings. I am like one of these flower beings since the only way my conscious being can grow and thrive is through my inner light. These flower beings would, therefore, have a different value system than us as human beings just as how I have a different value system than other human beings.
  • My New Age Philosophy: New Age Hedonism

    I never said that my life was the worst. All I said was that I have had emotional trauma and nothing worked for me to give my life good value and worth during that entire struggle. The only thing that worked was fully recovering from it and having my positive emotions back to me again.


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