
  • My opinion on Life

    We can't know. Because we are humans. We can't know everything. I am just proposing the idea that there's a reason behind everything. I can't know everything that happened, but i am pretty sure that if i knew everything, i could answer every single one of your questions. It's like asking me what's the reason ing behind the creation of the universe.

    If you knew/would ask me personal questions about events that happened in my life, i could answer them to you easily and why they happened.
  • My opinion on Life

    The first paragraph is what i have been thinking for years. The second one, i was not sure about posting it. Because it's an idea i had that i came up with recently. Based on my experience and what happened. Some other people told me aswell. That when something really bad happens to them, then next day/week/month/year(s) something really good happens as a comeback. After listening to them, i decided to post this paragraph here aswell.

    Also my apologies if my English is not the best. I am just a 15 year old from Greece.
  • My opinion on Life

    1) They all do these ethics or duty for emotions still. The example you mentioned, when a parent punishes his child he does that so he doesn't FEEL bad or guilt that he didn't grow his kid up correctly. He does that to prevent an even worse feeling in the future.

    2) I know about that. Thought about that. But you can't escape from Fate. Whatever you choose, what must happen will happen. People should choose whatever they want to choose and this whole thing i mentioned shouldn't affect their choices.