
  • A crazy idea
    I see consciousness as something that needs some complexity to work. A system. A single particle doesn't provide basis for enough complexity.
  • Do We Need Therapy? Psychology and the Problem of Human Suffering: What Works and What Doesn't?
    where do you differentiate between unhappiness and clinical depression?Jack Cummins
    The view which I have experienced, seems to draw the line depending on the individual. I mean I think you can easily compare to physical things like pain for example. Pain can be discomfort or it can cause actual concrete problems. Regardless, you don't sit around contemplating whether different treatments are actually necessary. You try them out and stick to those that work best for the individual. Ideally, that is. Yeah there may be cases where they have tried to hammer in a screw for too long but you can't really let extremes define your main strategy.
  • Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics: Science or philosophy?
    I think the word interpretation is kind of an unfortunate choice. I mean in science there are alot of unknown consequences etc which could in the same manner be called interpretations yet they are mostly just called unknown or "were not there yet". It is not yet certain if QM is a true case of "we will never know therefore we might as well dream up some INTERPRETATION" or if it's just another case of "were not there yet".

    In the first case, the need for an interpration I personally see as a very human one. Physics itself doesn't give a damn.
  • "Closed time-like curves"
    The existence of reverse phenomena may be important sometimes. But you're basically saying creation can be seen as reverse destruction which would kind of lead to reverse time? As a physicist myself, I simply reply "so?". The laws of physics are indifferent to time-reversal so what kind of language we apply to forward or backward in this case is only our purely linguistic decision and it has no impact on the reality of the situation. Look up CPT violation and related topics on wikipedia if youre interested.