Suppose I express my idea of a blue apple by painting a picture of five blue apples. I point my finger at it and say, "This represents five blue apples." If later I discover that blue apples really exist, I can still point to the same picture and say, "This represents five real blue apples." And if I can't discover the existence of the blue apples, I can point to the painting and say, "This represents five imaginary blue apples." In all three cases the picture is the same. The concept of five real apples does not contain one more apple than the concept of five possible apples. The idea of a unicorn will not get more horns just because unicorns exist in reality. In Kant's terminology, one does not add any new properties to a concept by expressing the belief that the concept corresponds to a real object external to one's mind. — Martin Gardner
The world is a phenomenon, an object of experience, now that we’ve witnessed it in its entirety from outside its limits; the universe is not. If the universe is the condition for space and time, it cannot be a phenomenon determined by them. Trying to equalize them, is, as the Good Professor says, “...a mere subterfuge...”, nevermind the lengthy exposition on why this is so. — Mww
How the universe has a necessary origin in time? Hmmmm.....two ways, perhaps. Show the origin of the universe is simultaneous with the origin of time, — Mww
Argument A
1. It makes sense to ask about a time before any given moment in time — TheMadFool
2. If it makes sense to ask about a time before any given moment in time then, the past is infinite — TheMadFool
3. The past is infinite [1, 2 MP] — TheMadFool
Argument B
4. We are in the present, the now
5. If we're in the present, the now and the past is infinite then, the infinite past (has passed) is an actual/completed infinity — TheMadFool
You're bothered by how if the past is infinite, time has no beginning and ergo, you contend that time couldn't possibly pass. This, if you really think about it, is just another way of expressing the idea that the past is finite. — TheMadFool
In other words, there has to be a beginning for time = the past is finite. Simply put, a petitio principii - you can't claim the past is finite because the past is finite. — TheMadFool
As for the passage of time, we're here, in the now, right? Considering the past is infinite (see proof above) and we're here, in the now, time has passed. — TheMadFool
I said that the world exists and therefore has a necessary origin in time, is a tautology, a analytic truth. — Mww
The solutions to the field equations support it, which are not subject/copula/predicate propositions, but mathematical formulations, and while not analytical, are nonetheless true. If otherwise, the entire human system for knowledge certainty is in serious jeopardy, regardless of its adaptability to changes in observational data. — Mww
The past is infinite and an actual infinity at that; after all, we're at some point in time (this now) that can be only if infinite time did pass [another way of saying completed/actual infinity]. — TheMadFool
The statement that the universe cannot be infinite towards the past because that would imply going through or traversing an infinite number of events to get to the present seems false to me, since it seems to assume that in traveling such a series of events one goes through or traverses from an initial moment to the present, while this infinite universe towards the past by definition has no initial moment.
If, on the contrary, the journey begins at some point in the past which is not an initial moment, it does not matter how much one goes back in the timeline, the events and time from that moment to the present will always be finite, and there is therefore no impossibility in a universe whose time is infinite to the past.
And it makes no sense to say "but the journey begins before the temporal events begin", because there is no point in time in which they begin according to this model (again, by definition). — Amalac
I like what you said :point: "...if being "completed" means that one must be able to write down all the elements of the series..." I think you're on the right track. — TheMadFool
If being “completed” means that one must be able to write down all of the elements of the series, then why should we accept that criterion as the one which determines whether a series of elements can “exist” or not? — Amalac
For what it's worth, to think there's a problem with an infinite past in the sense such can't be for the simple reason that infinite anything can't be completed is to assume Aristotle's position that there are only potential infinities and no actual infinities.
It's quite clear why Aristotle thought that way; after all, the definition of infinity is such that the very notion of completion/an end is incompatible with it.
The only supposedly actual infinity I'm aware of is the set of natural numbers {1, 2, 3,...} but then it's an axiom [something arbitrarily assumed as true]. — TheMadFool
Evidence that the universe is finitely existent in the past is provided by the mathematically logical necessity of singularities. — Mww
Thing is, experience informs us of the phenomenal reality of the world, but cannot inform us of the phenomenal reality of the universe or of singularities. Can’t use the criteria for what it is possible to know, in determinations for what is not. — Mww
That the world exists and therefore has a necessary origin in time, is an analytic...tautological....truth of logic, insofar as its negation is impossible. — Mww
The realist interpretation of potential infinity is that it is epistemic ignorance of the value of a bounded variable. For the realist an unobserved variable has a definite value irrespective of it's measurement or observation . Hence for the realist, the value of a variable is either actually infinite or it is finite, with no third alternative. — sime
The logic of a potentially infinite past in this constructive sense is superficially demonstrated in the video games genre known as "roguelikes", where a player assumes the role of an adventurer who explores a randomly generated dungeon that is generated on the fly in response to the player's actions. — sime
By asymmetric causality, I am referring to either the belief or definition of causality such that causes come before their effects. This is a physically problematic assumption due to the fact that the microphysical laws are temporally symmetric. — sime
With respect to Kant reflected in Popper, the world exists, which makes explicit a necessary origin in time — Mww
Where do he prove that, exactly? — Mww
The idea of an actually infinite past in the extensional sense of actual infinity is incompatible with the beloved premise of asymmetric causality running from past to future. — sime
In order to accept the premise of an actually infinite past, one must both theoretically reverse the direction of causality and somehow square that against physics and intuition — sime
and in addition posit a finite future - a situation that is at least as problematic as the original picture. — sime
In physics , the notion of actual temporal infinity is metaphysical in the literal sense of meta-physics, i.e it is a proposition that cannot be falsified, verified or even weakly evaluated through experiments. — sime
However, there cannot be any empirical evidence on the basis of the observable universe to posit a past of any particular length. Therefore, the idea of a potentially infinite past is both perfectly consistent and the least assuming position to adopt. — sime
How do you imagine negative time for yourself? — SimpleUser
Kant spoke of time, which clearly has a beginning and is always positive. — SimpleUser
The developers are quite literally the AIs gods. All the problems we have of understanding why God can not reveal himself to us, are made clear by this analogy. A creator is all powerful and omnipotent, yet unable to show their face to the AI. — Edy
Calculus uses infinite points to describe something that is also finite in the exact same respect. — Gregory
Lots of things in modern mathematics seems to contradict Aristotle's law from one side — Gregory
Another better law is that a human cannot name something in particular he knows for sure is impossible. — Gregory
If you are asking about Wittgenstein then yes, I am quite sure. If you are talking about theology then in my opinion God is ineffable and theologians are always in one way or another always trying to eff him. — Fooloso4
He is taking you to task. Trying to get you to think. Can you say what an illogical world would look like? Do you not see the problems? — Fooloso4
Why is it important? You can create any God you want, one that is and one or more that is not constrained by logic. — Fooloso4
The argument is in my opinion not worth talking about. You obviously see things differently. — Fooloso4
If he exists, he made something that is both a particle and a wave; and to account for it we simply changed the description to one of mathematics. We choose the logic - the grammar - to match what is before us. — Banno
Could God, if he exists, make something that both is and is not a tree, in the same sense and at the same time? Could he make an object that was both round and triangular? — Amalac
God is outside the logical relationships of things in the world. What is or is not logically possible has nothing to do with God. — Fooloso4
It used to be said that God could create anything except what would be contrary to the laws of logic. The truth is that we could not say what an "illogical" world would look like. — Wittgenstein
So what difference will it make to what you do? Apart from posts to philosophy forums, that is. — Banno
God can't be "bound" by logic; logic is just formal grammar - how we can say things — Banno
but since the questions do not ask anything, the answers can be of no consequence. — Banno
I'm not denying that......and yet there it is. — Banno
and yet there it is. — Banno
If God existed, the physical world would not exist. The physical world is ontologically incompatible with the nature of God. A single particle of the transcendental (of ethics, for example) would serve to crumble the entire universe. But, the physical world exists. Ergo: God does not exist. — Mr.S
If God existed (which in itself remains to be seen), there would also be an unfathomable gulf between his greatness, his omnipotence, his spirituality and his ability to access the material world. It is assumed here, of course, that God is not matter (he is immaterial), since if he were subject to physical laws he would be a decadent God, an absolutely powerless God, a hoax of a God. In other words, despite his omnipotence, he cannot infiltrate matter, into the physical world in which we live, so he remains an alien God, from another plane. This leads me to a devastating conclusion on the theological-metaphysical plane:
If God existed, the physical world would not exist. The physical world is ontologically incompatible with the nature of God. A single particle of the transcendental (of ethics, for example) would serve to crumble the entire universe. But, the physical world exists. Ergo: God does not exist. — Mr.S
Many statements we make have many meanings. — Gregory
If I am in a doorway, I am both in the door way and in the room I'm stepping into. — Gregory
I would just suggest reading about Jains's seven values logic if you are interested in Hegel's style of argument. That's a good place to start — Gregory
You neglect consideration of an existential relationship. — Fooloso4
Is this a concept of God that Wittgenstein endorsed? — Fooloso4
I suggest that if your concern is with Wittgenstein then stick with what he said rather than concepts he does not explicitly ascribe to. — Fooloso4
That's just a very poor choice of word. A Doctrine, creed, dogma... the implication of explicit rules. — Banno
It's not that he does not reveal himself, but that if he exists he must be obvious. — Banno
A two-way problem arises in this relationship of God with the empirical world:
(1) Upwards: the possibility of language to grasp the transcendental.
(2) Downwards: the possibility of the transcendental to infiltrate, to penetrate the world.
A problem, I repeat, that has two courses of action, being double in nature: first, the possibility that a physical language, that a factual thought, that a thought that is matter captures the transcendental; second, that from a thought or better still from a transcendental idea there is room for the possibility of penetrating the physical world — Mr.S
That's a bit selective. Isn't it "God does not reveal himself in the world"? — Banno
I'd also question the notion hat Witti had an "ethical Doctrine"; pretty much the opposite, such things being shown rather than said — Banno
but I too still reject things as false but they absorb into the wider ocean at the end of the day — Gregory
I do read Hegel but a contradiction is not resolved by forcing it into place. — Gregory
I see transendence and immanence as different but the same, and God as us and not us. The physical and spiritual are two sides of a coin — Gregory
If the spaces between thoughts is wide enough, what appears as a contradiction will latter dissolve into something new and the difference between objective and subjective will radically change — Gregory
I think there might be a standard or some other way to compare their strengths with each other......... A " Happy-o-meter" or something. — No One