Hedonistic Psychological Egoism "the mistake of treating hedonic entities like pleasure and pain as physical contents rather than organizational processes directly reflecting the struggles of cognitive sense-making."
I'm not sure what you mean. could you rephrase it?
"We are goal-directed, anticipatory creaturesWe don’t need arbitrary mechanisms like hedonic modules to motivate us, Sense making is intrinsically self-motivating."
What do you mean by "sense making"?
I agree we are goal-directed if you mean that the content of our ultimate desires can be more than pleasure (I-hedonists would not agree, but R-hedonists would). But as far as a psychological mechanism for motivation, for desire, I can't imagine anything else responsible for that besides a hedonic module (first time I've heard this term, I like it). And this is an empirical question, whether or not all desires are associated with positive or alleviation/avoidance of negative hedonic states.