It depend on what you mean by spaceship. Is not earth a spaceship? I have been on earth, and able to deduce by the movement of the planets — counterpunch
Yet I imagine, you - as a committed leftie anti-science bigot, think that's somehow significant when talking about the death of black people as a proportion of arrests, yet cite the same number as something that would otherwise go unnoticed [...] I should apoologise, for responding whilst drunk, but ... I'm drunk! — counterpunch
"don't take life too seriously." — TheMadFool
Actually, my brother's Trump supporting South Carolinian parents in law are the most conservative when everyone is there. At our last reunion, someone allowed my outspoken liberal sister and daughter to sit next to them. It was painful and inconsiderate. My sister often doesn't think before she speaks. Actually, she does. That's probably the problem. — T Clark
Is it a theory that the earth orbits the sun? Or is that the truth? — counterpunch
If you think there's a better word than truth that I can use, please - suggest it. We both know that science does not claim absolute truth [...] But are you saying then, that science has got nothing right? — counterpunch
My family is terrible. We all agree on everything. Our arguments are all about who can be more liberal. I tend to be the most conservative person in the room. I'll say something conciliatory about supporters of President Trump and I get beaten to a figurative pulp. — T Clark
Better to learn how to argue than to learn how to shut up. — Bitter Crank
My point in bringing up Q-anon is to contrast myself with Trump supporters because you kept claiming I might be ignorant about Q-anon being wrong — RogueAI
To me, this seems similar to saying something like, "Those [insert race] is so stupid. They are all the same and wrong about everything." — FlaccidDoor
So, to sum up, no, I'm not wrong about any of the above, it's all bullshit, and I don't want to have anything to do with the people who are stupid/crazy enough to believe that stuff. — RogueAI
So, you're an American and you started a politics thread, and you're saying you don't know about Q-anon? — RogueAI
Do you actually think Q-anon might be right? — RogueAI
is that we didn't switch out those presumed truths, when actual truths emerged. — counterpunch
But I am optimistic. I see these as the growing pains of an ever-expanding freedom in speech and thought. People now have access to information unlike any time in history, and also many means by which to express their views. If we can come to grips with this, perhaps after a generation or two, we’ll have both the freedom and the thick skin required to handle it. — NOS4A2
Mea culpas is not in order. You've started a good thread and you are tending to it. Looking forward to more good topics from you. — Bitter Crank
I'm a philosopher of science, and view religion from the outside as the philosophy and politics of primitive people. — counterpunch
My experience with Trump supporters has been: they can't do nuance, they think they're bigger victims than minorities, they believe ridiculous things, and they don't like "demographic change", and when you drill down on that, "demographic change"="country getting browner", and they're a lot more racist than the population at large. — RogueAI
I was referencing "people in general", not you in particular. For "people in general" acting as if they were deliberating is a strategy, because most people's thinking (maybe everyone's) is, to a significant extent, shaped by their biases and steered by their emotions. — Bitter Crank
"Yes, Donald Trump did call climate change a Chinese hoax" — RogueAI
The problem for Trump supporters is on their end, not mine, and this is objectively true. — RogueAI
I don't accept I have an obligation to colour within the lines you draw - unless you think your comprehension is so definitive, no-one could possibly have anything to add. I read your post, and I'm responding to it in the only way I can. — counterpunch
given its postmodern rejection of values, and a neo marxian preoccupation with power for power's sake — counterpunch
It's wrongheaded in a dozen different ways; and leads people - for instance, to ignore the Covid lockdown to protest against the mere fact this woman - Sarah Everard, was killed. — counterpunch
Such behaviour is a direct consequence of the unreasonableness of the overall politically correct narrative. Same with black lies matter. They think their politically correct righteousness is license to dismiss all other concerns! This kind of behaviour is in my view, symptomatic of the obsessive/compulsive psychology fostered by politically correct ideology - and it should be treated as a mental health issue. — counterpunch
The truth is that most of us have already chosen sides. Pretending that we have not, that we are weighing the two sides on a sensitive scale, is a strategy more than a fact. We choose sides before we know it, given the heavy wash of social engagement. — Bitter Crank
I'm going to completely ignore your appeal against taking sides; and acknowledge from the outset that I am vehemently opposed to political correctness. — counterpunch
However like I said the emotive argument of murder is disconnected from the complex and broader issue that is meant to be discussed (abortion). — Experi
Politics needs to be returned to the secular realm and away from groups who believe that their way has been handed down from (not God) but from the gods of moral superiority.
If you believe that your way is The Way, you're wrong. Each situation requires careful consideration — synthesis
Or do we have to bite the bullet and wait until something terribly bad happens to wake ourselves up every time?If the catastrophe unfolding at our southern boarder portends coming events, people are going to beg for balance in politics once again. — synthesis
I guess we live in different countries and this is why we have different perception of politicians. At least in my homeland they don't anything properly to do but divide the society and being corrupts.
You say how we can know we are not the puppet ones. Easy. When you are not the politician. Every politician is somehow a puppet. — javi2541997
Basically people aren't just discussing an opinion they thought out in a cold rational way, but rather theyre discussing (in often a very covert way) their past experiences, associations they've made through these past experiences, their emotions towards a subject, and the emotive arguments they've heard from other around them throughout life. — Experi
Sometimes, though, I've found that sincere interest in another's way of seeing things will open up a conversation, even if it's with someone I have strong, important disagreements with — T Clark
It's that discussion of politics reveals the irreconcilable differences that are there between the people — baker
Inside this situation there is a lot of toxicity and cheats. All of those who don’t want bear this situation end up leaving or criticising the system. — javi2541997
They are only know how to use emotions because there are lot of ignorant people with low paid jobs who are really easy to persuade them. If I say “Foreigners are taking your jobs” I am obviously lying. But somehow this argument gives hope to all of those rubbish citizens who never made something interest in their lives but watching junk TV. They feel better and “different” when their politicians tell them despite they are trash somehow are “better” than immigrants — javi2541997
Politics and politicians do not have empathy. — javi2541997
Politicians only use emotion not knowledge. So I guess this is why a lot of people is faced because of them — javi2541997
Liberals tend to occupy urban areas, conservatives tend to occupy suburban and rural areas.
Whether people moved to be with people whose thinking was congruent, or whether after moving their thinking changed to become congruent with their neighbors, I don't know. — Bitter Crank
So, it's no surprise that family members shift to opposite sides of the debate table, depending on their circumstances. All of my conservative family members are rural. They are politically, religiously, and socially conservative. — Bitter Crank
Given the OP is about family members I’m assuming these people know each other well enough to be reasonable. — I like sushi
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try another approach. — I like sushi
They each tried to voice the other’s position as clearly and precisely as possible and then tried to correct each other. — I like sushi
Some people get so riled up they only ever hear exactly what they expect to hear regardless of what is being said to them. If that happens it is usually best to ‘bail’ as stated by someone else above. — I like sushi
I'm not too familiar with these concepts. If I understand correctly, you are suggesting that the reason for the polarization might be like a baby that is stuck in the paranoid schizoid position, where the "bad" other group and the "good" current group is split? So we might be missing something we need to go into the depressive position?Melanie Klein spoke of two stages of development in infancy, in the child's relationship with the mother and the anxieties relating to her. — Jack Cummins
I see now. I think it may not be far from one, because you need a certain set of beliefs to conduct it and it is ritualistic in many respects. A rite of passage in a way for the gender dysphoric.I asked if people having gender reassignment was an almost religious activity and drew on how I see souls in a Platonic way. — Gregory
Fair enough! I think the reason it's bombastic is because a significant portion of society do not believe trans people exist, as defined by pro-transgender groups. For example, to define a transgender person, as in a person who transferred genders, one must first agree that a process to "transfer" them is valid. The current means used are hormone therapy and gender surgeries. While these words might describe a path for gender correction to one side, these, to someone who does not consider them valid, might be synonymous with chemical misuse and genital mutilation, respectively. This fundamental difference in the definitions of the words that are used by the opposing sides are not only insulting, but acts as a catalyst for misunderstanding.You can't get away with putting that interesting bait out there and then covering it up! — Bitter Crank