
  • Ukraine Crisis

    What's in a name? Some investigation into the name change from assumed - to - be trustworthy sources, including Wikipedia:

    After Ukraine’s 1991 independence, regulations were introduced about the national guidance for transliterating place names from Cyrillic to Latin alphabets.

    Nina Jankowicz, a fellow at the Wilson Center and former Ukrainian Foreign Ministry comms adviser, has spoken about the importance of correct pronunciation.

    "How we describe Ukraine and Ukrainians and their cities is paramount to how the world perceives Ukraine," says Jankowicz, who wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post in 2019 and tweeted this video too.

    "And part of that perception," she says, "is about youdescribing Ukraine as its own distinct entity, not as a part of this alleged sphere of influence that Vladimir Putin wants to resurrect, in which all Slavic countries are part of a giant brotherhood and he is the king of them."

    I find all this faintly disgusting.


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    (Redirected from Kiev)

    In 2018, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry launched #CorrectUA, an online campaign to promote the use of official Ukrainian spellings by countries and organizations, in place of "outdated, Soviet-era" place-names.[41][42]

    The US media organization NPR adopted an on-air pronunciation of Kyiv closer to the Ukrainian, responding to the history and identity of the local population, in January 2022.[69][70]

    Even more disturbing.

    Thanks for pointing it out.

    Propaganda anyone? Also, could anyone suggest a good drink?

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