
  • Brexit

    Tories are 'Ready' with their dirty tricks election campaign - as are the right-wing newspapers.
    Corbyn bring branded as 'chicken' with his 'surrender bill'. Apparently Johnson is to spew more bile from the lectern in an address to the nation. A pity there is no immediate opportunity for the oppostion to reply.

    No 10 sets outs Boris Johnson's election message to voters

    General elections are all about choices and what Boris Johnson has been been doing this week has been trying to frame the forthcoming election as a choice between someone who will deliver Brexit by 31 October and someone who won’t. CCHQ could not be clearer about this.

    Jeremy Corbyn’s #SurrenderBill means more talk, more delay, more indecision.

    BorisJohnson will deliver Brexit by 31st October so we can get Britain back on the road to a brighter future.

    So why is No 10 pushing this argument? Because voters like to hear it, according to Politico’s Jack Blanchard. Here is an extract from his London Playbook briefing yesterday.

    [A senior government minister} also predicted the opposition parties are playing straight into [Dominic] Cummings’ hands — and that the Tories are now on course to win a snap election. “I’ve seen the numbers from CCHQ, it really is black and white,” they said. “People want it done. They love it when we talk about schools, hospitals and police; they love it when we talk about broadband; they hate it when we talk about Brexit — and these people have just voted to talk more about Brexit. Nobody wants to spend three, six months rowing about Brexit.” To repeat, this may well prove to be the case.

    Guardian Politics Live

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