Personally I find ‘prayer’ hard to categorise. Seems like a very loose concept — I like sushi
I think the laws don't govern but describe some idealized abstract features. — Hillary
If you don't fear the gods (you absolutely don't have to fear them) then why you still hide from them? — Hillary
Logic (LNC) — 180 Proof
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” — ArmChairPhilosopher
He was anti-right.What actions of Stalin makes him a leftist? — Jackson
I know 180 Proof is hardcore atheist but I'm trying hard not to turn this conversation into a God debate or to limit conclusions to ontology :smile:Mass psychosis. Your brain is washed clean to the bone marrow. — Hillary is the ability of an entity to interact with reality.
I don't need proof to provide a posit which is easily the equal of the god posit and more rational. — universeness
Contemplation=meditation? — Hillary
Compare that to the Ukraine war: Moscow is invading Ukraine, the rest of Europe is anti-Russia, but are also buying Russian gas for their homes. This is just the tip of the iceberg as regards the complexity I was referring to. Gone are the days when telling friend from foe was easy peasy. — Agent Smith
That spark came from nothing and I accept that something can come from nothing WITHOUT INTENT.
If you can't accept that then in my opinion, the theistic delusion will continue to fog you. — universeness
I personally see it as meditation being the east's "discovery" of whatever it is and prayer being the west's. — Paulm12
How far back does your first cause (mindless spark/god posit) have to be sent before your ego is satisfied that to us, this meaningless first cause is just that, meaningless. — universeness
I taught at the college level for many years and never thought of the subject or my teaching strategies as racist, but I know only a little of how math is taught K-9. Here is an article that is disturbing, at least for me, an old retired prof. What do you think? — jgill
A key CRT concept is intersectionality—the way in which different forms of inequality and identity are affected by interconnections of race, class, gender and disability.[6] Scholars of CRT view race as a social construct with no biological basis. One tenet of CRT is that racism and disparate racial outcomes are the result of complex, changing, and often subtle social and institutional dynamics, rather than explicit and intentional prejudices of individuals.
Assume (p & ~p); anything follows.
Logic, and rationality, are rendered null, further discussion is void. — Banno
Nope. It only questions the ability to degrade it's power. And, according to your attempt at logic, god doesn't have that ability. Thus it isn't omnipotent. — ArmChairPhilosopher
Then where does the physical law come from?
— Hillary
Who can say. But it is fallacious to argue they must come from a lawmaker, because they are laws. — hypericin
Where exactly do you see the fault in the logic? I don't see it. — ArmChairPhilosopher
Trinity is one and same God (one sprit) revealed in 3 persons, but we each represent our self and we are all individual spirits. (many spirits)After all, at least according to the Christian doctrine, they are already three persons in the Trinity, and they all love each other; what’s the problem with making everybody God? We would be all happy, all loving each other, maybe even all being one God, like the Trinity is considered. — Angelo Cannata
That's indeed paradox but already solved one, do you know Jesus said "you are Gods"? :wink:So the paradox becomes: has God the power to make all of us Gods as well? — Angelo Cannata
I think T Clark gave perfect example of what this argument of stone is:And that is what you do when you dismiss the argument of the
stone — ArmChairPhilosopher
Can God make 1 + 1 = 47? — T Clark
Why is the god posit a more acceptable first cause or prime mover than 'a mindless spark that started everything and no longer has ANY existence?' — universeness
Being unable to fathom God's wisdom is evil, so it leaves us with the same question: why doesn't he delete the evil of our inability to fathom his will? — Angelo Cannata
Or, in other words, my god isn't limited by logic.
That, for me, is the ultimate conversation stopper. Because, if you don't accept reason, why should I reason with you? — ArmChairPhilosopher
if god is omnipotent can he make a square circle? Again - you could argue god can't do what is logically impossible, so this is also a meaningless question. — Tom Storm
Ultimately, the paradox can be reduced to the fundamental problem of theodicy: does God have the power to destroy all evil now, immediately? — Angelo Cannata
You example is an example of "ordinal infinity":Which leaves us with the question, why can't it have a beginning? — Hillary
It stays infinite, but why can't infinity have a beginning? — Hillary
Why can't infinity have a beginning infinitely far away? — Hillary
Because creation implies beginning.Why can't infinite space and time be created by God? — Hillary
If space and particles are not eternal, that is, not infinite then God is logical explanation.But where did the space and particles in it come from? God? — Hillary
#2 because in most cases there are multiple ways to be wrong and only one way to be right. — ArmChairPhilosopher
old timeless wisdom which doesn't go out of scope :smile:A tree is known by its fruits