And they are...?
for every thing that is [asymmetry], there's something that is not [symmetry].
But it is, no? Look around you, what do you see? Asymmetry and symmetry trying to get one up on each other, sometimes succeeding, other times failing, with success and failure equally distributed between the two.
If symmetry = beauty and reality is about symmetry, beauty is the last word on reality.
The ego may be our biggest obstacle.
Panentheism is "the belief or doctrine that God is greater than the universe and includes and interpenetrates it". This may be closer to what you have in mind.
There isn't any way to completely abstract from the lived-experience of the life-project, which is fundamental; more fundamental than the notion of some abstract objective reality, which is an illusion. If there is a higher logical order, it is being created through moral action, I would say. In which case, belief-systems and life-projects are indispensable.