Black woman on Supreme Court There's no disadvantage to hiring a black woman to the supreme court, so why shouldn't Biden do that seeing as it will help to more accurately reflect the country's demographics and (very slightly) reduce the absolute stranglehood one minority (white men) have on power in the judicial, legislative and executive branches. No downside, some upside. But even that minor dent in white male supremacy will be resisted by perfidious right wingers crying about "discrimination". The argument seems to be that though this demographic has cheated its way to the top for hundreds of years, it should get to keep absolute power because any incursion into that power is... cheating. But, of course, they can't say that directly, so will try to obfuscate by declaring it prejudice to even recognize any of the demographics that were cheated. And, bingo, the crime and any possible redress disappears. Absolutely specious positioning that deserves zero respect.