Yes, there are reasons for things being the way they are and science helps us learn the reasons. — Athena
There is a serious difference between basing our thinking on our feelings, or basing what we think on facts and reasoning. To base what we think on facts and reasoning, we need to learn the facts and the reasoning. To react emotionally requires nothing of us and it does not equal good judgment nor good arguments. — Athena
Do you think knowledge of logos, reason, the controlling force of the universe, — Athena
There is a saying "do not argue with ignorance". I think that is good advice when someone asks for information and then ignores it. — Athena
I gave up my blind faith in religious salvation long ago. And it's hard to find reasons for optimism on a forum full of hyper-critical cynicism — Gnomon
Don't worry dear, you do not need to know the difference between fiction and non-fiction because all you have to do is obey the authorities who handle everything for us. — Athena
"And they lived in reality ever after." — T Clark
I gave you the answer and if you do not pay attention to it, I am not replying again. — Athena
I agree with this, but it's a really good story. — T Clark
Here is the answer to your question. — Athena
Don't worry dear, you do not need to know the difference between fiction and non-fiction because all you have to do is obey the authorities who handle everything for us. — Athena
But with a president like Trump who appeals to our emotions but not our brains and a mass that does not understand logic and the difference between nonfiction and fiction or what science has to do with democracy, the challenge seems overwhelming. — Athena
What do you mean by getting along?
— Robotictac
If you have to ask that question, maybe I should be getting along. — TheMadFool
I'm a strong guy and women like me but I would' t even seriously think about using my strength and good looks to expand my power.
(No irony here...)
— Robotictac
Why not? — stoicHoneyBadger
However, you can't justify religion without morality. Religion is dope to help some cope — James Riley
Sure. That's what happens. Experiences go in one end of our minds and come out concepts at the other end. — T Clark
Is a story about a god walking in a garden with a man and woman and that this god cursed them because they ate a forbidden fruit, a fact? — Athena