• Do You Believe In Fate or In Free-Will?
    I fuly respect your thoughts, education, opinions, and perspective on this topic. But I believe we're going to have to agree to disagree on this particular topic. However, I must say, you seem highly intelligent; and that's a wonderful thing. I respect intelligence. Thank you for posting your perspective.
  • Do You Believe In Fate or In Free-Will?
    I am thinking of free will as the ability to be creative.
    Creativity = bringing something new into existence?
    Is it possible to bring something new into existence?
    Bring from where? and to where?
    New: not existing before. Is there anything that has never existed before? How could we know?
    Does creativity mean bringing something new into existence from nothing?
    Can something come from nothing? Is 'nothing' a word with no referent?

    Edit: More on point: Free will = creating one's destiny? Fate = one's latent creative potential and limitations?

    Well, creativity is one way you can use your ability of having free-will. Of course it's possible to bring something and of course, someone new into existence. Anything is possible in this vast planet and vast universe that we live in. Always be prepared to be surprised. The same can be said about life in general as human-beings.

    "Not existing before, how could we know? Existing from nothing?"
    Well, we probably would not ever be able to know, because there are a lot of things we will ever be able to fully able to understand; not philosophically, not scientifically, etc. Some things are just not meant to be rationally/logically explainable for us humans to be able to understand. And we need to be able to accept what we can't understand, and be excited and in wonder of what we can discuss and explore on topics about. Some questions just have no answers that we can get a grip on. But hey, that's just my opinion.
  • Do You Believe In Fate or In Free-Will?
    I understand your point, and I agree to a certain extent. I'm sure that works for many people. But for me, I need to believe in both for personal mental health reasons. If I didn't believe, It's highly likely I might be dead by now. But everyone lives different lives and has different perspectives and different issues, so when it really comes down to it, everyone believes what they want to believe: whether that's one or the other, both, or neither.
  • Do You Believe In Fate or In Free-Will?
    What's the most significant thing here (in general, not this forum specifically) is that, you're satisfied and happy with that choice you're happy with in what you believe in, not just because it sounds like a "more healthy decision". You're entitled to feel and believe whatever you want. Don't let anyone tell you any differently. Just be civil in discussions about it, nobody likes a trolling asshat. :eyes: :100: :up:
  • Do You Believe In Fate or In Free-Will?
    That post is very interesting and deep. I had to read that a few times to understand what your point was, and I'm not stupid. You just expressed your opinion in a way that makes it sound like you are an agent of the universe contingent upon one request: for you to be truly and fully FREE. I believe we all want that. At least, those of us not trapped in the metaphorical "Matrix" of our lives. For lack of intelligent language on purpose, PoeticUniverse, you are #WOKE :smile: :100:
  • Do You Believe In Fate or In Free-Will?
    I can definitely see your point Manuel, it can definitely be debated for an infinite amount of time, I hear you on that. But I do think that, metaphysically, the universe is an living entity in itself, so I believe that there are certain things that it can do beyond our human understanding.

    I suppose we can agree to disagree on this one. But thank you for being so civil about it, not many people would be. This is the first post I've started so I appreciate that. :smile:
  • What's the reason most people have difficulty engaging with ideas that challange their views?
    :strong: :fire: :cheer: I'm wanting to be better at that. I want to try the parable, the story. Sometimes those are more persuasive, and work like a seed. That different angle might also help me refine my own thinking on an issue.James Riley

    It's always a good way to evolve yourself and one way to achieve self-realization by perceiving different concepts at different angles, that will definitely help in forms of context. But like in the book I've almost finished reading, called: "The Good Place and Philosophy: Get an Afterlife"; it's not all just about angles and contexts. It's about the absolute, metaphysical ideologies...and it basically cracks your mind open into a world most of us think about, and the many various essays from qualified authors puts the subject into pieces, backwards, forwards, zig-zags, plot twist here, plot twist there. It's not jut entertainment, it's a philosopher's book of puzzling questions. There are a lot of books like this in a series called "Blackwell's Pop Culture and Philosophy Series", which includes many various philosophy comparisons to TV shows, books, movies, and the like. I really think you might benefit from reading some of them that you might find interesting. Just go on amazon and search the quoted "Blackwell's....etc" on Amazon and you won't believe how many different books they have based upon our modern entertainment. Just a suggestion for you to try. :smile:
  • What's the reason most people have difficulty engaging with ideas that challange their views?
    Very well said, especially about political figures personalities such as Trump was and is. That's also a good point that didn't cross my mind: "if a challenger is in sincere search of understanding" and taking the time to make yourself more knowledgeable about subjects that he/she wishes to become more well-versed with are the types of people that will want and seek out the appropriate challenges.

    I also think it's not just important for who and how the opposition of the person reacts to the other seeking the challenges, but some, like myself for example, seek to challenge themselves on their own more than with other people. I have joined this site, along with a couple of others, yes, to challenge myself MORE than I already do.

    But I challenge myself against myself already, and have been for years and years. You see, I'm not just an autodidact, but I also solidify those new memories by writing about them in multiple types of different ways.
  • What's the reason most people have difficulty engaging with ideas that challange their views?

    Honestly, I think most people prefer NOT TO BE challenged. And I believe this rings true even more so with the highly educated. They might think: "I've already achieved a bountiful success by getting this amazing degree from this (enter prestigious college here). I've been challenged again and again for X amount of years, I don't need to be challenged anymore." Now, this is just a theory of perception/a guess, But I hope you understand what I meant. And as one person remarked on this subject, just because you're highly educated doesnt mean you're smart, nor does it mean you are highly motivated or even passionate about the subject you have studied about, whether or not it was your major or minor or you just took classes on it every year.

    Furthermore, in general, on any subject, highly educated or not, some people are just not at-the-ready to be challenged, even if they indicate that is what they want. Because they might SOUND like they're passionate about being challenged only to further show-off that they are educated, but not willing to put in the difficulty of being challenged mentally.

  • Philosophy as a cure for mental issues
    I find it very interesting as well. Thank you for starting this particular discussion. :smile:
  • Philosophy as a cure for mental issues
    Hey, I'm fairly new to this forum. But I can completely relate to this theory. I am mentally Ill myself, and reading about and ESPECIALLY writing philosophical reflections based on what I read completely distracts and temporarily lifts my depression and anxiety symptoms. Now I'm only sharing the following to display how bad I'm messed up to compare how well pondering philosophical aspects and concepts can be like temporary medication whilst engaging in such.

    I have Bipolar 1 with psychotic features, PTSD, ADHD, Panic Disorder, Major Depression Disorder. And as long as I take my Adderall before reading and writing on this topic, I'm good to go for hours, and not only do I feel "normal" for a few hours, but it also boosts my self-esteem and self-worth; it makes me feel like I have a purpose in this life, in this world we call Earth; which we might as well call "Hell" for a metaphor's sake.

    I only ask that whoever reads this and comments is to be kind, because I usually don't air out my private business out in front of who knows how many strangers. But we're going by the topic, so that's what I answered about.