• Synchronicity, Chance and Intention
    Not sure what level you want.Banno

    The highest level. The contemporary state of the art. The Lorenz system is for beginners. I know this is a philosophy forum but ancient philosophers were all strangely attracted to math.
  • How to envision quantum fields in physics?
    A field has a value at every point. Picture each point being on a spring going up and down; this is the harmonic oscillator! These points moving affect other points moving, dragging on them. The sums of the harmonic oscillators are the wavering waving fields. There are fields for boson and fermions. They can affect one another.PoeticUniverse

    This is the wrong nature of fields. Imaginative and helpfull though. Reminds me of "Quantum field theory in a nutshell", where a comparison with a spring matrass is made.
  • The Paradox Of The One

    Are you saying paradoxes only appear if we use different worlds? Like the ideal vs. the real?
  • The definition of art

    I don't wanna destroy your dream... :lol:
  • Beautiful and know it?
    How often woman have thrown that beauty comment in my direction... Boring...
  • The definition of art
    Whether you like the definition or not, it is what is always present in art, so is the only way to define art.Pop

    Beside that I don't like it, it is factually wrong.
  • The definition of art

    Elementary particles are present in ALL art too...
  • The definition of art
    Likewise Rap symbolizes a certain cultural view, but it is not one I can warm to, so I do not listen to it.Pop

    What do you mean by symbolizing a cultural view? Rapping against authority on cool music? And hot words, in the case of true rap. On flowing rhyme.
  • An analysis of the shadows
    They are not objects of the mind in the sense of being products of the mind, but of being known by the mind. They include at the lower level of the divide line mathematical objects and at thehigher level the Forms. But since the Forms are hypotheticals, they are products of the mind. Further they are products of the imagination. The divided line turns out to be not so neatly divided.Fooloso4

    Forms are mathematical objects. Forms are a subset of math. If you mean by forms thing like the Platonic forms. The formalists (as their label suggests) think these are there already before their awareness by men. The inuitionists see them as a human invention. The latter is the more reasonable.
  • The Paradox Of The One

    Does this mean that I, being weak and strong, are one?
  • How to envision quantum fields in physics?

    I mean creation or destruction operators creating or destroying elementary partcles. They act on vacuum fields of elementary particles (matter and gauge).
  • Synchronicity, Chance and Intention
    Chaos theory brings what was previously unexplained within the comfort of mathematics. So, yes.Banno

    Can you give a mathematical example?
  • How to envision quantum fields in physics?

    A distribution (a function-like structure) of operators. Around and at (not only AT) each point in spacetime an operator is assigned. Creation or destruction operator.
  • The definition of art

    I think your definition is false. If you mean people by "a consciousness, than the people have ideas and emotions, thoughts and pain, suffering and humor, orsay a religious experience. The can express these. You can translate them in information and consciousnesses experiencing them but what does this add? It only sattisfies your own will or wanting to integrate all of it. But integrating is the opposite of differentiating. Like you define it, art becomes empty and meaningless. Just some vague idea about information, self-organising structures, and "consciencenesses" (why don't you say "people"?) is introduced. I'm sorry to say but your definition is inhuman.
  • How to envision quantum fields in physics?

    The particle is a body of information being acted upon by an informational field that is forming and determining the particle, in shape and direction.

    The particle is just an almost point-like structure which moves on ALL trajectories through spacetime (also backwards in time!) simultaneously. As such it contains no information. The only information is contained in their respective probability amplitudes. The wavefunction is inferred from these paths (path integral formalism(. The only usefull information to people lies in the collective forms of interacting particles (through gauge fields). We see these. They can be usefull to us. A quantum field can be pictured:

    For one particle as all paths in spacetime of an almost pointlike classical particle interacing with fluctuations of the vacuum fields of ALL elementary particles (quarks, leptons, or even more fundamenta ones. and vacuum gauge fields, like the photon, gluons and gravitons).

    For more particles the situation is the same but the particles interact on top with one another and excitations (creation and destruction operators) of fields can cause more or less particle to fly around.

    A field can be seen as an operator valued distribution. The operators are creation and destruction operators. With, say, that one particle such a distribution is associated. Corresponding to all these trajectories and probability amplitudes.
  • How to envision quantum fields in physics?

    There are two objective realities for a black hole too. What is meant by two objective realities is that two observers see different parts of the same objective reality.
  • How to envision quantum fields in physics?

    Quantumfields also live in colliders.