But philosophical materialism and its favorite offspring, determinism, are increasingly telling us--and increasingly being accepted for saying--that how we use our minds, along with the accompanying content of those minds, is entirely effects of causes that we have no control over. — WISDOMfromPO-MO
I have no clue what "philosophical materialism" or "determinism" is, and for the purpose of this exchange (between you and I), it doesn't matter what those are or have to say. What I'm talking about is much more fundamental, doesn't require reading any fancy textbooks with cryptic words, and is something each of us, scientist or not, philosopher or not, CEO or janitor, is capable of understanding, provided we are
conscious. Conscious, not in a medical sense, but in a more general sense ... simply aware of ourselves as being more than just a body and mind.
In other words, this goes way deeper than science, but yet, it is far simpler and more fundamental.
When you become aware that you are not just a body and mind, that you have a consciousness that is your essence (it is what makes you "alive"), then, you are no longer stuck in your mind. You can step out of the mind. You can use your mind instead of the mind using you. Then, you are no longer a slave to the mind/body. And, from that place, can come original/creative thought.
While I agree that the mind does dominate human existence (and that IS the entirety of the problem), it doesn't mean that we have no control over our minds. And, I didn't need to research philosophy to know that. It just requires being conscious ... stepping back and seeing that you're not your mind. And, most people aren't conscious. (that's what makes them idiots ... "unconscious" is another word)
So, we are all inherently intelligent, but in most people, that intelligence is unrealized, undiscovered, because it is obscured by that zombie-like blind adherence to what society teaches them (i.e. conditioning) and an inability to think for themselves (which is only possible if one is conscious) ... all it takes is that stepping back, to realize ... "Wait a minute, just because XYZ says this is so don't make it so. Just because this is what I've been doing for 60 years doesn't mean it's the right thing to do."
That's all it takes for an idiot to realize that he/she is actually quite intelligent
And, this is not me sitting on a high horse pointing the finger at everybody else. I was one of those idiots too ... asleep like a zombie, a high-functioning corpse with a heartbeat ... sprinting on that treadmill with the script in front of me ... till I woke up. And, so can everyone, but very few actually wake up, because they associate being human with being slaves to their minds, forgetting that they are, first and foremost, conscious beings (that are not yet aware of their consciousness).
Sometimes, it takes being afflicted with cancer and being told one has 6 months to live, for a person to "wake up".