• Origin of the Universe Updated
    An electron stuffed with photons... :lol:
    — Hillary

    Yeah, :roll: thats what I am suggesting

    Woowoo! :lol:
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    Just like the ancients who believed there were 4 elements only in science earth, air, fire and water! Doyou suggest we go back to that?universeness

    Where did J suggest that?
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    Or else they were just fed up answering questions that they consider are more at the level of 'crank physicsuniverseness

    "Crank physics" yes, aaaalright. The usual accusation. Just start to learn actual physics. So you might actually understand what I write. Like prof. Harari.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    Electrons have mass, photons don't. Photon absorption is an energy exchange which 'excites' the electron (increases its energy level) and makes it move faster, creating increased heat!

    Of course. Ghe photon is absorbed or emitted. An electron stuffed with photons... :lol:
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    Unlike you, I do not consider my imagination a reliable source of truth!universeness

    Ten take it as an axiom Im an atheist!

    Do you think many worlds, so beloved by your idol, are real?
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    I know that, as none of the names you mentioned such as Penrose, Rovelli, et al propose anything like you for the origin story.universeness

    Penrose is close to my cosmology, in the sense that its a cyclic model. But he offers no solution for DE. I proposed the model on PSE. No comments. Only question closure. So much for free science...
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    Fire produces smoke, does the smoke exist inside the flame?universeness

    Of course. Smoke resides in the fire... :lol:
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    You ultimately posit gods as the origin story! That's my problem with that!universeness

    Well, just ignore it! Assume the timeless 5D quantum vacuum eternal.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    you try to convince others they existuniverseness

    I wont try anymore. If you think they dont exist, so what? I dont mind! But you seem to mind I do.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    I did not bring gods alongside physics, you diduniverseness

    Once. But not now. Im talking physics now, and every time you dont understand or disagree you say "how can that be if you believe in gods", or something like that. So let them stay where they are, ignore them think they dont exist! Whats the problem with that? Imagine Im an atheist!
  • Origin of the Universe Updated

    I know what it means. But it makes no sense. There are no photons inside of electrons. So, absorption is woowoo! :rofl:
  • Origin of the Universe Updated

    Again you use the gods. Leave them! You're a layman in physics. So you can't understand what I'm talking about. So learn some real physics. Not the popular books ala Brian Greene or Rovelli, Penrose, or your idol. But the real stuff. Then we talk! The way we do it now is you just saying I believe in gods. Jesus, whats your problem with that?
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    also think most would answer 'yes' to 'can photons be absorbed?'
    How many physics experts answered no to that question?

    How can it be absorbed? Are there photons in electrons. No.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    I would have broadly answered yes to that question myself but I would have added that it has a lot more credibility than the suggestion that gods made the Universe.universeness

    Now again you bring the gods in. Leave them! You just use that to discredit. I have a complete theory for the cosmos. That should suffice.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    Two people and a nice note from Harari is not 'many.'universeness

    I knew you would say this! No, but thats because most stick to the mass haucination. Because not being very enlightened or because of lost esteem, or even career. Money!

    Im not bound to any community. A free spirit. No need for money, no career at stake, no standard to conform to. Standing on the outside, looking in. Looking through the madness.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated

    "Is all of space one big excitation of fields?" :lol:
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    I think many physicists can shoot so many holes in your above argumentsuniverseness

    Untill now, they havent succeeded! :lol: Note even one! :lol:

    Loose bullets, only. Only softly touching.

    And approval from the expert! Look here

    And don't say, "that's only one!"...
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    I think many physicists can shoot so many holes in your above arguments that there is little left of any value.universeness

    Why dont you start learning actual physics? Someone who doesn't know what on mass in particle physics means telling that virtual particles are not real because the majority says so...? :lol:
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    I don't accept your physics viewpoints because many physicists disagree with you as has been demonstrated on quouniverseness

    Many do agree. There are upvotes from two acknowledged physics professors. Book writers. And what about Harari? The problem with experts is that the ones who trust them dint know much about it.. Only when you know what they think you can truly attack them. The layman, like you, just has to trust... which never has been a good base, lemme tellya.

    And of course experts might not agree. But thats not falsifying. Of course they disagree. The status quo offers them food and status. And the taxpayer pays. Easy job. Doing nothing of importance and getting free lunch! :rofl:
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    Science currently has very very very little knowledge of what is actually going on in the vacuum of space. Particles probably don't exist in the traditional point particle or small free, disconnected spherical forms we have envisaged in the pastuniverseness

    But J do know. Particles are no points, but tiny higher dimensional spheres, filled with charge or transporting energy and momentum, like photons. Or carrying metric of spacetime metric. Or carrying energy and momentum and color or electric charge. Or supercolor charge There are 7 basic charges and all couple to the virtual fields, the quantum vacuum, ti interact. Space is made of virtual particles, in a sense. Real particles couple to it to interact. Coupling to the virtual graviton field causes spacetime to curve (graviton condensate).
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    One can believe in it if one chooses to ignore experts who dissent against it.universeness

  • Origin of the Universe Updated

    You consider the many worlds in the MWI real?
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    All that you are influences all that you do and say! You will not escape that, ever!universeness

    Or take the approach to all of life. What about locking up animals in a cage to see what happens if an A-bomb explodes? Suits the scientist well, not to think evil truly exists. Atheism is a freepass to investigate without the ethics proposed by theism, say torturing animals. Life is not considered sacred anymore, i.e., having evolved on a substrate-reality, made by the gods
  • What to do with the evil, undeniably with us?
    For example if someone killed 15 people it would be stupid to perform symmetric evil such as to kill 15 members of his relatives in return, killing the person who killed 15 as a punishment is not ideal as well since that's 1 life for 15 and is not painful at all compared to pain of the people whose relatives were killed by him.
    Instead asymmetric evil of equal weight may be Cangue https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cangue leaving the person to the mercy of those who lost their relatives, let them decide

    Sixteen times a lethal injection. Or four electric chairs, four gallows, four bullets, and four injections. At choice, maybe...
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    All that you are influences all that you do and say! You will not escape that, ever!universeness

    But my physics is inspired by them. Not a bad thing, as far as I can see... :wink:
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    accept that many 'experts' assign a form of 'existence' to virtual particles but I dont think many of them would use the term REAL for VIRTUAL particles as used in perturbation theoryuniverseness

    Yes, loops are used in perturbation theory. The vacuum contains no real particles but virtual particles are there! The quantum bubbles. Closed isolated loops, which interact with other virtuals (higher order Feynman diagrams). What do you mean if you say the fluctuation is real? Isn't that even weirder? Virtual, in this context and in my humble opinion, just means not on mass-shell. You know what on mass-shell means? It's pretty unreal!
  • Origin of the Universe Updated

    You think that's not the case, apart from gods, the quantum vacuum is filled with fluctuations?
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    Repeating what the experts say is a more reliable path to follow than repeating what you say about gods.universeness

    Let''s keep the gods out of it. Concentrate on the science. What you suggest is that because I posit gods, my physics is not to be trusted. Think about it! :down:
  • What to do with the evil, undeniably with us?
    Anyone who desires a punishment deterrent based on being more evil than the evil perpetrated on victims by evil people, are asking for a dystopian society.universeness

    If institutionalized, yes. In the US it is still allowed. A humane lethal injection. Without pain. You just fall asleep. I sign for it... :flower: :death: :party:
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    Was that how you created your gods?universeness

    That's how they created the universe.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    that's because there are like I said, not real and merely part of mathematical modeling, and yes, that's what the EXPERTS say.universeness

    Exactly what I meant. Parroting the experts. It's exactly the point of disagreement though. There are so-called experts who say virtual particles are real, and the mathematical expressions a mere woowoo fantasy, which is unjustified given real existence It is stated that a particle is an excitation. But then a fluctuation is just as real. Only the fluctuations are not directly observed. Only indirectly.

    So, it's parroting, and your comparison to Trump is made to elevate yourself to a height you don't have. Like I said, there are physicists who consider the virtuals real. The math has to describe something. Particles! Not on mass-shell.

    It's not a matter of majority votes if they are real or not...
  • What to do with the evil, undeniably with us?
    Yeah, that's what I figured you would say!universeness


    We get to know each other, brother zuni! Flowers of death...
  • What to do with the evil, undeniably with us?
    You can always volunteer to be the first to try out the punishment! I certainly wont volunteeruniverseness

    Well, a few weeks maybe...
  • What to do with the evil, undeniably with us?
    It's always nice to hear a logical voice of reason and rationality break through the din of irrational thinking Tomuniverseness

    That Voice will lead to the demise of humanity and the planet it lives on. Only if we say farewell to reason (Feyerabend) we might have chance to survive. Only when modern day man looses their mind, we (and all other life) stand a chance.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    The past doesn't exist. Only it's virtual image lingers on. All the particles that we're made of, are involve in one big irreversible trip from which is the core of time itself. We don't move trough space though like a dead system does, obeying the principle of least or stationary action. While our individual particles all obey such principle, the whole of our being, maintaining the ordered state against the entropic evil at work, isn't submit to such principle. Only when falling freely through the vacuum, the minimization of the Hilbert-Einstein action guarantees our path of minimum, and for those of the happy few in full understanding of the weirdness of quantum fields, its clear out domain of influence extends to the farthesr stars...

    To the past we are connected by the virtual axis of time, a n ideal clock variable, it, extending to the first virtual cauldron from which it all emerged into real existence.
  • Omnipotence Paradox stands still
    God's Omnipotence is defined as god's ability to do everything, i.e. have immense power.Augustusea

    I consider this pure blasphemy! That's absolutely not what gods are. Its man's vanity talking here.
  • Let's discuss belief; can you believe something that has been proven wrong?
    I believe water is continuous stuff. But its just a bunch of marbles in reality.
  • Origin of the Universe Updated
    What actually drove inflation was a particular state of a 5D quantum spacetime. The 4D space part has the shape of a thin wormhole connecting two hyperbolic infinite spaces, on which two real, closed 3D universes emerged together with entropic time. When the both have accelerated away to infinity, two new one inflate on both sides of the hole. The negative curvature of the 5D quantum vacuum is the motor behind inflation
  • Logical Necessity and Physical Causation
    That may have a mathematical meaning in the context of QM, but it has no logical meaningJanus

    It does. There are two electrons. In superposition.
  • Logical Necessity and Physical Causation
    If they are not at different locations then logically there cannot be two.Janus

    That's why their position doesn't make them different.