- What does the second turtle rest on? — Olivier5
Something I wrote some time ago...
One of the most intractable questions in philosophy is Why is there something rather than nothing? Very little progress has been made in answering this question. But we know there is something; 'I think therefore I am'. So, at least Descartes exists, or at the very least, 'there is thought' (Bertrand Russell). At any rate, we can begin with the assumption that there is something rather than nothing.
The something that is, is existence. Existence is not a verb, it is a noun. It is the substance that is and always has been. Existence is God and is not contingent upon any previous state. Existence is not a property of anything, rather, existence has properties. To show that existence is not a property assume X has the property 'existence'. In this respect we consider X and existence to be distinct entities (otherwise X is equivalent to existence and there is nothing to prove). We now ask the question; Does X exist (as a distinct entity)? There are two answers;
1. X exists.
If this is the case existence, as a property of X, is superfluous since X exists anyhow. Therefore X is equivalent to existence.
2. X does not exist.
It is incoherent to say a non existent X has properties, let alone the property existence.
This means that if existence is not a property, it is not contingent. That is, not dependent on any previous state. All other realities are properties of existence. The universe is a set of properties of existence. Properties of existence 'inherit' their existence. We can say 'This milk bottle exists'. By this we mean that the milk bottle is a property of existence and the substance of it is existence, because existence is the only substance that is.
In principle we can deconstruct the bottle into glass crystals and we can deconstruct the crystals into molecules, atoms and so on until even the atoms are deconstructed into energy because energy is the substance of matter. It may even be possible to deconstruct energy into a deeper form of energy but this deconstruction cannot go on indefinitely; it cannot be 'turtles all the way down'. We must come to some ultimate substance that supports the properties 'atom', 'molecule', 'crystal' 'bottle'. This substance is that which is from the beginning, existence.
Even though philosophy cannot say why existence is or what it is, there are a number of things we can say about it;
1. Existence is.
2. Existence has vast creative potential because it has emerged into a universe and everything in that universe.
3. It has the potential to become life, because life is found in the universe.
The way in which existence made manifest a physical and mental/spiritual universe is very special. It did not just spew out an amorphous blob of matter. It created the universe in a way that optimized the creative potential of matter. Matter, because of the precise way it is made, is capable of great creative transformations. It can become a planet, a crow, a city, an oak tree. If matter had been just a primitive blob it would not have the immense combinatorial possibilities it has. It is the precise balance within matter and energy that gives the universe its vast creative potential. This is the Fine Tuning Argument.
Arguably, the highest point in the creative evolution of matter is the physical image of life and being; physical creatures. But the physical image is just that, an image. Life and being are of the mind which is non physical.
Existence simply is. Being is concerned with life and consciousness; a milk bottle exists, a creature is alive and conscious. Life is plurality and unity. A single mind in isolation is hardly alive. Life is a discourse between minds, between self and not self. When existence becomes manifest as a myriad of minds it emerges into life and being. Life is the union of God and creation. Through creation existence/God emerge into being and God becomes the living God. Egoism is the severance of unity. The mind's consciousness turns inward and the bonds of life are broken. Egoism is counterfeit being and ultimately, spiritual death.
It has been suggested that reality can be nothing more than a circular chain of properties or contingencies supporting each other in a never ending circle with no supporting substance. This is an absurdity as it tries to dispose of any real substance in reality.
A property or contingency is perfectly identified with its supporting substance and cannot be divorced from it. Take for example a bronze sphere. Bronze is the supporting substance, and its sphericity is its property which is contingent upon the existence of the bronze. It is also perfectly identified with the bronze.
Now, suppose you try to separate the bronze substance from its property, its contingent sphericity. You could try melting the bronze in the hope that you would end up with pure, abstract sphericity. But all that would happen is the bronze would turn into a molten puddle and the property, sphericity, would vanish. This shows how the property is perfectly identified with its substance; the property sphericity, in terms of substance, is the bronze.
The idea that there can be a circle of mutually supporting contingencies or properties without substance is suspect.
Let P1, P2,...Pn be a circle of properties. It is asserted that P1 is effectively the supporting 'substance' of P2 and P2 supports P3 and so on until we get to Pn which is the supporting substance of P1, completing the circle. So it goes round in a self supporting circle without any central supporting substance.
But Pn is perfectly identified with Pn-1 in terms of 'substance' (although the substance in this case is not supposed to be actual, it is still assumed to play the part of the supporting substance). Pn-1 is perfectly identified with Pn-2 and so on until we get to-
P2 is perfectly identified with P1.
What this means is that any separation between P1 and P2 is purely conceptual and there is no separation in actuality. Likewise with P2 and P3 etc. In short, P1, P2...Pn all telescope into a single complex property. That is, there can only be primary, not secondary, properties in actuality. That there seems to be secondary properties is only an effect of the abstract conceptual model we make in our minds.
Here is a simple illustration.
Energy is the substance of atoms. P1 = a set of atoms.
Molecules are made of atoms. P2 = a set of molecules.
The cell is made of molecules. P3 = the cell.
Energy is the substance of the whole system because it is the substance of Property 1, a set of atoms. Conceptually we have three levels of properties but working backwards we can see that the cell is a set of molecules. Molecules are a set of atoms. Atoms are energy.
So P1, P2, and P3 can be collapsed into a single complex property, P3, the cell. In real terms P3 is a primary property of energy because the substance of the cell is energy, just as it is the substance of the atom. So, all the in between properties, as such, are just conceptual categories, not actualities. The error in the concept of a circle of a self supporting set of contingencies, without any supporting substance, is that there can be a property without any supporting substance. In other words, the universe is an abstraction, a property, of nothing. But even an abstraction needs a mind to conceive it and keep it in existence.