Yes, although I would point out that the climb down will have to come from the UK side, because it is they who are not happy with the rules as laid out by the members of the market they are seeking access to. These rules are simple and practical trading terms, whereas the UK position is conflating some vague notion of sovereignty with these conditions, thereby falsely concluding that by agreeing to these rules, the UK will become trapped or enslaved somehow by the EU. This is entirely unreasonable, illogical and stupid. — Punshhh
I’m not so optimistic, but let’s see what happens tonight. Will Boris hand her the shit hamburger, or roll over to have his tummy tickled. — Punshhh
I could be wrong and he's more of a self-destructive ideologue, but I've seen nothing to change my mind yet. — Baden
No sweat?!? I think there's literally buckets of sweat pouring out of the brows of a large number of people right about now. — Wayfarer
So - this Sunday is the actual, final, drop-dead, once-and-for-all deadline. It seems there have been so many missed deadlines, so many moving goalposts, in this saga. — Punshhh
So even after - what is it - 5 years, it's still a cliffhanger. Deal or no deal? — Wayfarer
Readers want what they are convinced to want — unenlightened
It's a crime when it is engineered. Murdoch made sure that every 1 in 2 native English speakers in this world ends up a total moron by the age he or she can watch the tely. — Olivier5
There was definitely a stand off of some sort in Downing St, Cummings and Cain either jumped, or were pushed during the same episode. — Punshhh
but he is hostage to the ERG and the perception that the amount of sovereignty that would need to be given away at the last minute to reach the paper thin deal, is to much to countenance. Better to cut free with a no deal and have pure untarnished sovereignty, no matter what the chaos that will ensue. — Punshhh
At first I thought all this business about the election being rigged was just another one of Trump's games. Now I'm thinking he's probably having an ego meltdown, while his family works quietly behind the scenes trying to bring him back down to Earth. — Hippyhead
What all the populists have in common is that they call for radical change, and usually change along some simplistic model of the world.
Trumpism before Trump was Obama's "hope and change". — Echarmion
There is an alternative interpretation for the chain of events, which is that UKIP was elected by people wanting Brexit (=policy), and once that was achieved, support collapsed. Farrage, knowing this would happen, conveniently left beforehand. — Echarmion
The followers of populists actually care for the policy, not the person. They care so much about the policy that they're willing to put up with anyone who gets them closer to that goal. — Echarmion
I think Trump was a President his supporters simply believed to be more than he was. — ssu
What's driving this at a most fundamental level is the accelerating development of knowledge, which is driving social change at a pace faster than our ability to adapt. — Hippyhead
Furthermore, while I'm ranting, the insistence of SO MANY liberals on insulting rural and working class Americans is an act of pure stupidity. — Hippyhead
The lesson the GOP is going to take from this election is that Trumpite politics can garner support from a near-majority of the electorate. — StreetlightX
The Trump speech about having the election stolen from him was truly disgusting. It was a reckless attempt to incite his base to interfere with a fair election. It was a complete disregard for everything that makes America great, most fundamentally, that it is a democracy, subject to the rule of law.
The Biden victory speech was inspirational. I've got to think the contrast has caused many to reconsider. — Hanover
The reason certain states haven't been called is because they haven't counted enough of the ballots to be sure. — Hanover
Part of Trump's political genius is that he talks non-stop (thus dominating all forms of media) but you can never really know for sure what he's saying — Hippyhead — jorndoe
A Downing st spokesman has said this evening, that the talks are over. — Punshhh
And this is true. Nobody hates the vast swarms of tourists as they bring money to the country, as they create jobs for the local population. Yet if the foreigners are seen to compete with the local population for jobs, immediately emerges a resentment against the foreigners which we call xenophobia — ssu
it's still a breach of the Good Friday agreement. — Benkei
So is this Internal Market bill going to be stopped or what? — Professor Death
I think even most of the Unionists will see that a united Ireland in the EU is preferable to an isolated UK in chaos — unenlightened
Somehow I can't see the government surviving to 31st December, or if by some miracle they do, they will sink shortly afterwards. — Punshhh
Even Yesterday in parliament it's remarkable how people can still appear to take anything the government says seriously. It's engrained I think. — Punshhh
Yes it has gone quiet, I expect the SNP are giving all their time to the Covid crisis and biding their time regarding Brexit. In the knowledge that Johnson and Co are so incompetent that it will be a bad Brexit, which will fuel calls for Scottish independence. Johnson almost daily insults the Scotts and discriminates against them. — Punshhh