• Climate Change
    Of course , "it's the useful, safe, reliable implementation that needs work".
  • What should the EU do when Trump wins the next election?
    So the EU should start its own military alliance separate from the US.Benkei
    I have a fantasy that Europe will step up to take a bigger military and political role in the world, especially in Europe.T Clark
    • EU military as the highest priority

    Seems like a case has been made. Maybe not just the EU, but including other interested European countries?

    Under the current state of geopolitical affairs, there's no conceivable reason why Europe and Russia should be thinking about war, so what on earth are our politicians doing?Tzeentch

    And yet that's exactly what Russia kicked off (more than once). Plus other hostilities. :shrug: OK, one of them is a "special military operation". :D (Sep 18, Oct 6, Nov 2,16,17,20 2024)
  • Climate Change
    , if we assume something like this can be weaponized (which it likely could), then (knowing homo sapiens) someone may do that eventually. If others don't/can't, then they'd have to rely on something else for deterrence, or a sufficient alliance, or whatever. I'm just speculating. Either way, if it's feasible, then it's grabbing free energy from the Sun. What's not to like? The idea is older than Reflect Orbital; it's the useful, safe, reliable implementation that needs work.
  • Why Americans lose wars
    Obama urges NATO members to pull their weight
    — Nolan D McCaskill · POLITICO · Nov 15, 2016

    Others have commented similarly to Obama. (Reasonable or not?)

    The problem I have described in the past though, is that I fear that the US (and the UK?) will use European militarization as a means to create more tension between Europe and Russia.Tzeentch

    The Kremlin already has and continues to. Posturing, regressing, undemocratization, land grabbing, bombing, Russification, ...

    Seems like plain hostile acts:Jun 21, 2024

    So the EU should start its own military alliance separate from the US.Benkei
    I have a fantasy that Europe will step up to take a bigger military and political role in the world, especially in Europe.T Clark

    Anyway, the Kremlin circle will "take offense" from whatever can then be used to further whatever they'd like to see, whatever they have in mind for their (chess)board. Thinking that's what others want is more than a little naïve. As mentioned a few times (e.g. here), you might ask the Baltics, the Moldovans, the Swedes, the Finns, ..., the Ukrainians, the Georgians, ...

    how to not "provoke" the Kremlin (and North Korea)Mar 21, 2024
    can all defense be narrated as offense, can all defensive measures be cast as threats?Apr 8, 2024
    Now creating that deterrence will simply get some people to think that your you're war-hungry. Well, I'm not.ssu

    Perhaps similar to , I'm guessing most aren't. There are things to do, kids to get to school, farms to tend, parties to have, books to read, renovations to complete, love interests to pursue, philosophical idealisms to discuss, suppers to cook, places to go, ...

    What should Europeans do?

    appeasing Putin will not end well.Banno
    Deterrence stops Putin. Appeasement won't.ssu
  • Ukraine Crisis
    I was oddly reminded of Star Trek...

    Armus: I am a skin of evil, left here by a race of Titans, who believed if they rid themselves of me, they would free the bonds of destructiveness.
    Picard: You say you are true evil? Shall I tell you what true evil is? It is to submit to you. It is when we surrender our freedom, our dignity instead of defying you.
    Skin of Evil (1988)

    If the Kremlin is willing to start a nuclear world war over a fifth of Ukraine, then everyone, including Russians, already has a significant problem to deal with. Is that what we're talking about here? Should Seoul hand the keys over to Pyongyang tomorrow?

    Deterrence stops Putin. Appeasement won't.ssu

    And Kim Jong Un is taking notes.

    Ukrainians targeting ammunition depots and such is fair enough. Why wouldn't it be? By all means, they should try to destroy bombs that would otherwise fall on their heads, like over the past 1000 days. (By the way, the Kremlin's hostilities don't end there.)
  • Climate Change
    Hmm... Seems like a neat idea (not quite new though)...

    Startup Promises to Beam Sunlight from Space (— via TheBrainMaze TBM · Sep 7, 2024 · 52s)

    Reflect Orbital
  • Why Americans lose wars
    Well, if the Kremlin circle is paranoid, then it's not about NATO in particular, but about anyone resourceful supporting Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, etc, established in 1991.
    Once the Kremlin decided that they couldn't let Ukraine be, losing some that control/influence (e.g. Crimea), then they'd already set the seemingly inevitable collision course.
    Any paranoia on their part is due to Ukraine's independence, that they might increase the rent of Sevastopol or allocate it for something of their own or whatever, that they might look to the EU for cooperation/trade more so than Moscow, anything — in short, that they might go their own way.
    Expressing that as supposed NATO-phobia has caught on (which was reasonably predictable).
    Take into consideration that it's about control of a sovereign country — the present Kremlin circle's kind of control — and what would you have the rest of the world do?
    The Ukrainians and most of the world said "No", which is reasonable.
    OK, so, no Ukraine NATO membership, then what?
    Besides, exactly how has grabbing Crimea and Donbas (and generous bombing) solved their supposed NATO-phobia?
    It hasn't, couldn't, but has instead (predictably) increased Russo-phobia or whatever.
    Anyway, that was part of the story above, adding to the discourse (with embedded reference links that I was too lazy to add here), not so much specifically giving a direct counter-argument to your comment, apologies if that was unclear.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    1000 days in. The Kremlin still hasn't gotten their way.

    Frachon opines:

    With Trump in the White House, Charles de Gaulle's prophecy is coming true: One day, the US will leave the Old Continent
    — Alain Frachon · Le Monde · Nov 7, 2024
  • Why Americans lose wars
    , my apologies, sorry you read it like so. FYI, this stuff has been covered quite a bit in parallel threads (here, here, 2023dec31, 2024feb29, 2024mar21, ...), it's not so much that you're being ignored.

    I have a fantasy that Europe will step up to take a bigger military and political role in the world, especially in Europe.T Clark

    Which you share with others, including:

    So the EU should start its own military alliance separate from the US.Benkei

    EU defense focus has almost been lulled to sleep by NATO.
  • Why Americans lose wars
    , in more recent history, when Russia looked more like today, the invasions they tend to bring up are France/Napoleon and Germany/Hitler. I suppose the Ottomans might qualify.

    Kursk, on the other hand, doesn't qualify in this context. There's a negligible chance that Ukraine would invade Russia, had they not invaded first. For that matter, Crimea 2014 seems to have taken most by surprise, and the response (until 2022) were mostly sanctions.

    NATO/Europe/China would be reckless to attack Russia; they have the world's largest nuclear weapons arsenal, a fairly straightforward deterrent. It could happen if Russia attacked a NATO member. Europe, Canada, Alaska have bordered Russia for a good while (some over sea), and not threatened with any invasion. Why would they? It's the other way around, defense against Russian encroachment/assault. Just ask the Moldovans, and the Swedes and Finns. Well, and the Ukrainians and Georgians. NATO represents a different kind of threat: the Kremlin can't do as they see fit (which some are thankful for).

    Anyway, don't want to spam here, should probably go to the Ukraine Crisis thread instead.
  • Why Americans lose wars
    Even knowing Russia's historical paranoia about being surrounded and invaded, we immediately started expanding NATO right up to it's borders. Now it's enclosed by hostile countries backed by the US and western European militaries. No wonder Putin is furious. We blew it.T Clark

    Something's a bit off ↑ here.

    NATO isn't seeking to take over countries. Countries seek to be part of NATO for defense and have to qualify (which can take some years).

    For a country the size and geography of Russia it might be easy enough to list all kinds of "hostile countries" in the vicinity. It's not like grabbing land resolves the (supposed) situation. But yeah, mistakes were made, things were blown.

    Nov 2, 2024 (should actually have been in the Ukraine Crisis thread)

    If "Putin is furious", it's because the Ukrainians went their own way.

    Russians and Ukrainians will live exactly as befits brothers and good neighbors after the implementation of the goals of the special operation.Sergey Lavrov · Jan 22, 2024

    NATO enlargement is one of Putin's lines, but so is the artificiality of the state of Ukraine and it being natural of Ukraine being part of Russia.ssu

    Some things are imported from Russia straight through sanctions. ;)
  • Why Americans lose wars
    "The US" does not refer to a single/uniform/monolithic entity.
    I suppose that's exposed by the nature of democracy.
    Administrations come and go, whatever sentiments come and go, ...
    A weakness of democracy (compared to dictatorships or theocracies for example)?
    Well, if politics are like fashions and impatience a driver, then perhaps.
    We can just hope that voters generally are smart enough.

    Obviously, this (the U.S. setback) is a temporary phenomenon. America will continue its involvement in this conflict, in fact direct involvement. But we have repeatedly said before that according to our forecasts fatigue from this conflict, fatigue from the completely absurd sponsorship of the Kyiv regime, will grow in various countries, including the United States. And this fatigue will lead to the fragmentation of the political establishment and the growth of contradictions.Dmitry Peskov · via Reuters · Oct 2, 2023

    This is what distinguishes a true world leader from the people we call temporary caretakers, who come for five minutes to show off on the international platform, and then disappear just as quietly.Vladimir Putin · via Newsweek · Oct 17, 2023
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    The Clown did something he's good at, "drag others down to his level and beat them with experience" (paraphrasing Twain or whoever). Why play his game? That's his circus.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Something I was trying to figure out, but gave up on...
    Why would The Clown possibly choose RFK Jr as head of Health?
    I kept ending up at spite + show of power, but that's not very charitable.
    If I were to categorize candidates as, say -- red, to-be-determined/maybe, green -- then RFK Jr would start out red for that position, and greens aren't that hard to find in the US.
  • In Support of Western Supremacy, Nationalism, and Imperialism.
    I find myself disagreeing with a fair part of the opening post, but, anyway...

    1. How do you impose democracy upon a people by force?Srap Tasmaner

    You ask everyone what they prefer, without others knowing what they said, granting everyone an equal say.
    Those are some basics at least; not what I'd normally call an imposition.
    If most said "I want Stalin to do as he please", then they may not get a second chance at this, thereby surrendering the principle.
    There's lots more associated with democracy, but those are some basics anyway.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    He's back! (— Michael de Adder · Nov 5, 2024)

  • In praise of anarchy

    run with the anarchist idea, see where it goes.Nov 3, 2024

    Show implications/consequences. (Footwork missing. It's everyone's lives.)

    Also, you'd have to prove that removing the justice system of any (transparent) democratic majority, i.e. no justice system, increases justice. (Universal statements like "all politicians / people in charge bad" also need proof.)
  • In praise of anarchy
    In a world of many, the true anarchist/individualist remains outnumbered.
    Will it be by organized thugs, or a (transparent) democratic majority where all have a say?
    There's no such thing as a perfect social system; the more individuals, the more unhappy about something or other, that's just history, statistics, and (only part-time rational) homo sapiens.
    Genuine anarchy inherently remains as unstable as one against two, tending away therefrom, like the one anarchist being overcome/outdone by many cooperators.
    Running with the least bad is rational enough, regardless of some personal sacrifices.
    By and large, reasonably civilized societies tend to be democracies, but run with the anarchist idea, see where it goes.
    , you'll have to weigh whatever personal grievances against this stuff.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    :up: An odd kind of blindness or tunnel vision or something

    The Ukrainian situation might have started in some (out of sight) way between 1991 and 2009.

    Certain people wouldn't accept a wholly independent Ukraine. That independence itself meant that Crimea wasn't for the Kremlin to control, and their empowering influence over Ukraine would diminish. Loss. "Must regain."

    The sentiment might be older, but sometime after the cold war it apparently came into focus, became important to a number of (let's say) "concerned citizens", important enough to solidify the collision course of which we're seeing the results.

    Operatives deployed, people friendly/susceptible to "the cause" rallied + more hired, "little green men" sent, Ukrainian "red lines" crossed, takeover, invasion, bombing, grab, all the while utilizing that suppress-rinse-revise machine (including domestically). Hostilities (+ elsewhere).

    As far as I can tell anyway, the "root cause" was that seemingly inevitable collision set in motion by a number of "entitled", influential people asserting ownership, and rejecting a friendlier course, or democratic course for that matter. The Ukrainians (and most of the world) said "No".

    Might be worth noting that the Kremlin's course of action hasn't resolved (maybe can't resolve) their supposed fear of NATO. To keep NATO at bay, are they going to make Donbas a minefield with anti-missile installations or something?

    ↑ there's plenty more evidence to this story (which is what it is) — coherent, plausible, straightforward enough
  • Where is AI heading?
    , some Dali "come to life" could be cool (y) Weird eyes might even be a bonus :D
  • Where is AI heading?
    Famous paintings, such as Vermeer's 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' and 'The Milkmaid', come to life from AI prompter Przemek87394560 who used the Chinese AI video model Kling AI. — Museums News

    ▸ via instagram

    ▸ via facebook

    Check out Mona Lisa :) Entertainment (and fakery) gets a new tool
  • Atheism about a necessary being entails a contradiction
    , the four links say about the same but worded differently (Banno's might be the most concise), the first line in my comment just gives a brief summary while expressing the non-ampliativity.

    Some typical responses ...
    "But God is the creator of any of the possible worlds", which departs from modal logic (and commits petitio principii anyway).
    "But it's not logical necessity, it's metaphysical necessity", which roughly does the same by introducing a sufficiently vague/vacant phrase to head off to wherever (just about anywhere), whereas the logic is what we use to reason/deduce things.

    A possible world is a self-consistent entirety; possible worlds, W, maintain standard logic.
    • possibly p (holds for some consistent world): ◊p ⇔ ∃w∈W p
    • necessarily p (holds for all consistent worlds): □p ⇔ ∀w∈W p
    To round up the common subjunctive modalities, contingent and impossible can be set out from those.

    ... and possible aren't the same; the latter is fairly concise above.

    (As an aside, whatever "eternal" means, atemporal mind is incoherent (2022Nov11, 2024Sep22), atemporal living is nonsense.)

    Oddly enough perhaps, "God is necessary" turns out to be a definition of "God", it's not an observation or a deduction, so "God" is now at the mercy of the definition if you will. (Also note, we're no longer talking down-to-Earth modalities like "water is necessary for the rain", "toddlers have to drink regularly", ...)
  • Ukraine Crisis
    Is it worth noting that no one has threatened North Korea, Iran, China with nuclear strikes or other attacks due to supplying Russia?
    Doing so at present seems about as odd (or irresponsible perhaps) as Russia dishing out threats to Ukraine's supporters.
    Periodically up'ing one's own stakes — or appearance of stakes — seems like a transparent strategy.
    If the Kremlin is willing to start a nuclear war over a quarter of Ukraine, then we (the world, including Russians) already have a serious problem on our hands.
    Then again, maybe things will change in one way or another.

    Just about all nuclear posturing lately has come out of the Kremlin circle and North Korea. (2023Oct20, 2024Feb7)Feb 29, 2024

    Well, I guess ...

    there's the North Korean wildcard.Jul 15, 2024
  • Coronavirus
    The 1665/6 history of Eyam (Derbyshire Dales, UK) is kind of inspiring.
    Their actions during the Plague likely saved a large number of lives.

    Eyam » 1665 plague outbreak
    Eyam Village in the Peak District » Plague

    Idiotic mask-refusers of today could learn a thing or two, but they likely won't.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)


    I was supposed to feel outraged when Trump said “grab them by the pussy” decades ago.NOS4A2
    Gotta' wonder what happened in the 12 years after. Anything serious?Oct 2, 2024
  • Ukraine Crisis
    You keep saying that the west is content to see Ukraine lose. And although you keep stretching the evidence far beyond what it actually supports, there is an element of truth in this. The west faces no existential risk over the outcome of the Ukraine war and so it's determination to support Ukraine remains limited.Echarmion


    Yet, the Kremlin circle getting their way like so strengthens their ways for Putin's regressive Russia, strengthens their (aggressive) power, impunity, propaganda/rhetoric. Heck, Putin might be revered as a hero by some, perhaps enough to make a difference.
    He was right! — some might then proclaim

    Others are taking notes. It would be a victory of sorts for posturing, opacity, suppression, regression, anti-democracy, kratocracy, authoritarianism, and proliferation thereof.

    Ukraine's supporters might as well be deemed impotent (or cowards). After all, combined, Ukraine's supporters have markedly more resources than Putin's Russia.
    He stood up to them all and showed them!

    Democracy, freedom, human rights, respect for law, whatever, would take some further hits, as would Ukraine's efforts.

    It's the choice of a down-slope that our children's children would have to deal with; we already have historical parallels to learn from. (Not much new here; unlike @boethius, I wouldn't say that "the West" doesn't care.)
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)

    Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen!
    By rumors on the street, guy slaps girlfriend in public (she slaps too, they say).
    12 years later, it hits the news like a supposed :fire: bomb. :D
    Might'a taken some efforts to dig that one up.
    Gotta' wonder what happened in the 12 years after. Anything serious?
  • Is evil something God dislikes?
    go down a road whereby suffering for humans is warranted. This is deemed as goodschopenhauer1

    Right, the unknown greater good defense.

    Suppose that the unknown greater good was the reason that Anya Martinez died from cancer at the age of 10 in 2018, after years of suffering.

    A question is then what business people have interfering. Such an appeal to the unknown can equally mean that the efforts of doctors and medical researchers are wrong, the will of men against said greater good.

    It's not entirely inconceivable... Jehovah's Witnesses and blood transfusions, Deuteronomy 1:31-36, Proverbs 3:5-6, Luke 8:50, Titus 3:6-8, ...

    In 2013, Alex Radita died at the age of 15 due to complications from diabetes, weighing about 17kg. His parents intentionally left it to God; they were charged with severe neglect.

    Can we say they were wrong? Well, some can and some can't.

    By the assumption — an unknown greater good created/known by such a deity — Martinez' and Radita's predicaments were good. The assumption can mean that non-interference is good just the same.
  • Site Rules Amendment Regarding ChatGPT and Sourcing
    You attribute intent to LLMs.Banno

    It's common to use words like "understands" about trained LLMs, too.
    I can understand why that's used, but maybe better words are needed.
  • Site Rules Amendment Regarding ChatGPT and Sourcing
    I've come across groups where it has become almost like a sport to use generative AI tools to disprove biological evolution.
    They tend to present the generated text in the style of scientific papers, except published on their own sites.
    Some were caught having unrelated and fictional authors generated by the tool. :D
    Didn't deter them though.
    Not the kind of thing I would want here on the forums.
  • Ukraine Crisis
    — U.S. Department of Justice · Sep 4, 2024
    U.S. Seizes 32 Pro-Russian Propaganda Domains in Major Disinformation Crackdown
    — Ravie Lakshmanan · The Hacker News · Sep 5, 2024
    The Lies Russia Tells Itself
    — Thomas Rid · Foreign Affairs · Sep 30, 2024

    Living behind the new curtain is subject to heavier measures.

    Арендатор шахт ЛНР начнет экспорт угля через Мариуполь (en)
    — RBC · Sep 30, 2024

    Land — wheat homes¹²³ art coal — grab.
  • Is evil something God dislikes?
    However, one would be unable to hate in the presence of love. Holes, shadows, illnesses. I find it a compelling metaphor, at the very least.Wayfarer

    Maybe. Where it goes askew, though, is when casting it all in terms of good alone. (Or hate alone.)

    [...] God is expected to be something like a perfect hotel manager [...]Wayfarer

    Isn't the sum of good bad neutral prosperity hardship humdrum indifference ... and everything in between, what you might expect without an omni* overseer?
  • Is evil something God dislikes?
    [...] Augustine's 'evil as a privation of the good'. To put it another way, evil has the kind of existence that holes, fractures, shadows and illness has.Wayfarer

    I find it artificial, though it is kind of...neat.
    Absence of love isn't hate, absence of hate isn't love.