Well, it has an important aspect of intelligence that many other systems don't have, which is learning. Do you think that a distinction between learning mechanisms and non-learning mechanisms is worthwhile to recognize? — wonderer1
This seems overly dismissive to me. — wonderer1
Nvidia hasn't become a two trillion dollar corporation because hype. — wonderer1
When you say that AI are not human sentient, could they be sentient in some way (human or non-human) in the future? — Agree-to-Disagree
When you say that AI are not human sentient, could they be sentient in some non-human way? — Agree-to-Disagree
Further, it is clear that knowledge of the truth enhances our causal powers. — Count Timothy von Icarus
As noted above, the enhancement of our causal powers (and thus freedom of action) in knowledge is a communal effort. — Count Timothy von Icarus
as opposed to its rational part and how this constricts freedom of action on implementing ethically-minded policy. — Count Timothy von Icarus
Yes, I often say if you want to know about a place, don’t ask a local. Or at least, be very careful who you ask. A few times I’ve seen tourists in Edinburgh being given the most awful advice and information, laden with prejudices, cynicism, and basic ignorance. — Jamal
↪Pantagruel Why not a Scandinavian country instead? If you want a better and working socialistic environment, then England doesn't seem like the best choice? — Christoffer
Interesting, possibly a romantic view. From an Australian perspective, everyone I know who wants to emigrate, wants to go to Canada - England being regarded as dysfunctional and a broken ruin, — Tom Storm
South Germany near the French border is the way to go then or even France itself. Great summers (I studied there in Strassbourg, French side). Think Karslruhe, Frankfurt am Main, maybe as far as Stuttgart. Houses are affordable, — Benkei
where the hazards of climate change are, and will be for the foreseeable future, minimal. — 180 Proof
A very beautiful area. — Jamal
It also appears that the price of a house has reached the point where it is almost impossible for a single salary family to buy. — Sir2u
I'm just reducing faith down to its main part, I understand it's not a black and white concept that you can't have some uncertainty in a judgement, what do you think military intelligence is? — Vaskane
If you're referencing Chomsky's preference of language for thought over language for communication, I agree with your assessment. If there's anything essentially inter-personal and essentially communicative, its language, isn't it? Also, I'm guessing the infant learns to hear words and repeat them (or see visual patterns and connect them with ends) before forming intentional thoughts within a linguistic medium, whether verbal or visual. — ucarr
I don't understand: could you please elaborate? — Bob Ross
Just to clarify, I am not claiming that morality is just about ‘what is morally good’: this is, indeed, an invalid oversimplification. — Bob Ross
I mean the peaceful congruence of all parts of a thing, when I say a thing is in 100% self-harmony. This is not equivocal to being the synthesis of two extremes. — Bob Ross
Any and every virtue ever considered in a serious manner by people, especially experts in the field of study (even prior to there being a formal field of study for it), is virtuous in virtue of cultivating a character that habitually strives towards universal harmony and unity. — Bob Ross
Is virtue (arete) unrelated to perfection? — Leontiskos
Goodness has two historical meanings: hypothetical and actual perfection. — Bob Ross
I just do not see any examples of perfection in real life, and this makes me think that they do not exist, which I don't think is unreasonable. Now of course, I could be wrong. But so could you. Which person would i prefer to be wrong? — Beverley
The human race, being capable of the greatest capacities of rational behavior, are not more anti-thetical to universal harmony; in fact, they are essential to upholding and enacting such a world. — Bob Ross
All else not being equal, a nuclear weapon is not something that would be in the best of possible worlds because it is anti-thetical to universal harmony — Bob Ross
The problem is that there will always be holes in philosophical ideas, some more than others. — Beverley
That is precisely where I was going. You took the words right out of my mouth ;) — Beverley
Ontology if it gives as the list of basic categories is not a result of metaphysics too. — Johnnie