The three laws of thought, as put forth by Aristotle, are analytic propositions, not because of their content, but because they are true necessarily, which just means their negation is impossible — Mww
I thought that was the definition of a synthetic proposition though? A synthetic proposition is true by virtue of the meaning of its terms and due to facts about the world, whereas analytic propositions are true by virtue of the meaning of their terms alone? — philosophy
An “analytic” sentence, such as “Ophthalmologists are doctors,” has historically been characterized as one whose truth depends upon the meanings of its constituent terms (and how they’re combined) alone, as opposed to a more usual “synthetic” sentence, such as “Ophthalmologists are rich,” whose truth depends also upon the facts about the world that the sentence represents, e.g., that ophthalmologists are rich.
A synthetic proposition is one which is true by virtue of the meaning of its terms and facts about the world — philosophy
Sadly one cannot appeal to mathematics without begging the question — sime
But the only way of assigning time intervals to each term of the associated geometric sequence, say {0.5,0.25,0.125...} is to ignore the application of zeno's argument to each and every term. — sime
And the only way to reach the value of the bound is to literally sum an infinite number of terms, which assumes the existence of a hyper-task that mathematicians do not possess -unless , say, motion is considered to represent such a hyper-task, which is precisely what Zeno's argument calls into question. — sime
You mean philosophers like Popper, who wrote literally books refuting empiricism? - — Inis
GRW is not quantum mechanics, Bohm has been refuted so many times it's getting boring, Copenhagen is psychology. These are all standard views in foundations of QM. — Inis
I hope you appreciate the irony in your appeal to thought experiments to defend empiricism! — Inis
You are confusing the two theories, for which there is zero empirical evidence against, with theoretical problems encountered in the attempts to unify them. Empirical evidence is literally irrelevant at this point, it's all about theoretical consistency. Ask a String theorist. — Inis
Given that Empiricism, the doctrine that knowledge is derived from the senses, is objectively false, I would hope we could get beyond it, if not transcend it. — Inis
Inconsistencies are the greatest flaw in any theory, rendering them immediately problematic. Famously, right now, we have inconsistencies between theories, rendering each problematic, despite there being zero empirical evidence that either theory has problems, and no one can even come up with a suitable thought experiment. — Inis
So an axiom of infinity is effectively 'when you change it, it does not change'. What sort of reasonable system of the world would adopt such an axiom? Where is the evidence for these magic objects that can be changed and remain unchanged? — Devans99
I could have pulled from all kinds of other sites, just grabbed that one. — Rank Amateur
Tranfinite numbers are not, by definition infinity, They are, by definition < infinity, one thing can not, be less than something and be the same thing as that which it is less than. — Rank Amateur
It clearly does give the wrong results. There are more numbers than squares in any finite interval. So we can induce this applies to all intervals. — Devans99
You do not have much familiarity with basic logic. A number cannot be larger than any number and be a number at the same time. — Devans99
OK so thats equivalent to saying 'I have this set to which I can add to and the size does not change'. Thats nonsense - anything you add (non-zero) to the size changes. That should be an indisputable axiom of mathematics or at least derivable from simpler axioms. — Devans99
The problem is infinity does not follow the axiom: 'if I add (non-zero) to something, it changes'. — Devans99
But we have good evidence that the speed of light is constant and the rest follows. We have no evidence for 'stuff that we change that does not change' and it makes no logical sense anyway. — Devans99
Infinity is not a number of any kind it is a label for a concept. — Rank Amateur
Do the assumptions underlying our best mathematical models of something qualify as observations and experiences of the real object itself? — aletheist
there are no infinite numbers. There is no greatest number (because X+1>X), so there can be no number larger than any finite number. — Devans99
I am not using colloquial definitions; I'm doing my best to be logical about it (unlike Cantor).
But infinity cant't be bigger than any number because then it would not be a number. That's the mother of all contradictions. — Devans99
Yes, a race has a definite order of procedure, doesn't it? There could be no start point or end point without an order of procedure. Sorry, but contradiction just doesn't cut it. I produced a whole argument, and instead of addressing it, you dismiss it as "nonsense" by asserting a contradiction. As if you could prove someone's argument as nonsense by making a contradictory assertion. — Metaphysician Undercover
Of course it's begging the question, it's the definition. I suppose if I assumed that a square is an equilateral rectangle you'd accuse me of begging the question. — Metaphysician Undercover
So, what kind of infinite thing (infinity) do you think you could observe? — Metaphysician Undercover
The issue was whether or not we "produce principles of geometry to measure the objects which we encounter". You're just avoiding the issue by turning to a division between theory and application, as a diversion. Face the reality, even theoretical geometry is produced with the intent of measuring the objects which we encounter. — Metaphysician Undercover
We produce principles of geometry to measure the objects which we encounter, and we do not encounter any infinite objects — Metaphysician Undercover
There are two defined start points, 0 and 1, with an infinity of points between them. No end point. — Metaphysician Undercover
guess you've never heard of inductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning is how we draw logical conclusions called generalizations, from observations. The bigger issue though which you didn't seem to grasp, is that all observations themselves, are necessarily finite. — Metaphysician Undercover
But if everyone is referring to the "infinite" as endless, and we decide to define "infinite" in some other way, then we do not have true correspondence. — Metaphysician Undercover
If time and space are concepts produced from mathematics, why wouldn't they be infinite as well? — Metaphysician Undercover
Now we have the platform for Zeno-type paradoxes between the mathematical concepts of space and time, and the observational concepts. What do you think is the appropriate procedure to resolve the incompatibility — Metaphysician Undercover
What you're not respecting, is that for Aristotle ideas are part of reality. — Metaphysician Undercover
Now let's move to the more general, "potential" what it means to be possible. What is it about reality which makes tings "possible"? What is the nature of contingency? We know that actuality defines a particular possibility as possible instead of impossible, but possibilities are not confined to one, they are by nature numerous. What do they have in common by which they are all possible? What actuality can we refer to in order to define what it means to have numerous things under the same name, as possible? — Metaphysician Undercover
You're speaking nonsense, and if this represents how you apprehend "geometry", your apprehension must be nonsensical as well. Did you just claim, that just because you haven't ever encountered a perfect sphere, you may conclude that geometry wasn't created for the purpose of measuring objects? What kind of nonsense is that? — Metaphysician Undercover
, yes and no. The canonical application of geometry is to understand the spatial structure of the actual world. But I never said that's what geometry itself is about, it's about the study of abstract spatial structures (if you object that geometry isn't about I'm sorry you are so wrong I don't know how anything short of a mathematics textbook being regurgitated would correct you). — MindForged
Once an AI has the freedom to evolve and improve itself, there is no predicting what it might do. — Pattern-chaser
Infinite in your head only, not mathematically: width of a number is 0. How many in an interval sized 1? 1 / 0 = UNDEFINED. — Devans99
Infinity is greater than any assignable quantity; which implies is not a quantity (can't be a quantity and greater than any assignable quantity). — Devans99
When you add one to it, nothing changes; clearly not a quantity. So it should not be present in mathematics. Which means no mathematical continua. — Devans99
But the only sense in which "an infinity" is bounded is by the terms of its definition. All infinites which we speak of are bounded by the context in which the word is used. If someone mentions an infinity of a particular item, then the infinity is bounded, defined as consisting of only this item. Likewise if we are talking about an infinity of real numbers between 0 and 1, the infinity is bounded, limited by those terms. However, we are not discussing particular infinities here, which may be understood as particular (though imaginary) objects, we are discussing the concept of "infinite". — Metaphysician Undercover
This is false. Anytime "infinite" is used to refer to something boundless, or endless, it refers to something made up by the mind, something imaginary or conceptual. We do not ever observe with our senses anything which is boundless or endless, because the capacities of our senses are limited and could not observe such a thing. Since the capacities of our senses are finite we know that anything which is said to be infinite is a creation of our minds, it is conceptual, ideal. — Metaphysician Undercover
Spacetime is conceptual. This is the problem I had with your last post, you reified "space", making it into some sort of an object to justify your position. In reality, "space" is purely conceptual. We do not sense space at all, anywhere, it is a constructed concept which helps us to understand the world we live in. Furthermore, "infinitely divisible" is an imaginary activity, purely conceptual. We never observe anything being infinitely divided, we simply assume, in our minds, that something has the potential to be thus divided. — Metaphysician Undercover
I never defined "potentiality" as ineffable. It may appear to you that potentiality is contradictory ifyou do not understand the concept, but Aristotle was very specific and explicit in his description of what the term refers to, — Metaphysician Undercover
The whole point of "potential", under Aristotle's philosophy is that it cannot be studied as such. What we know, study, and understand, are all forms and forms are by definition actualities. "Matter" being classed as "potential", just like "ideas", is that part of reality which is impossible for us to understand. Potential is defined that way, it defies the law of excluded middle. There is an aspect of reality which is impossible for us human beings to understand because it violates the laws of logic, and this is "potential". Therefore, by its very definition, it is precluded from the study which you refer to.
The logicians at the time decided that the best way to proceed was to change the premises, the defining terms of "infinite". What I am arguing is that misunderstanding is not due to faulty premises, but to faulty logical process. Zeno's paradoxes deceive the logician through means such as ambiguity or equivocation, by failing to properly differentiate between whether the aspects of reality referred to by the words, have actual, or potential existence. That's what Aristotle argued. So the logician gets confused by a conflation of actual problems and potential problems, which require different types of logic to resolve, and are resolved in different ways. Instead of disentangling the potential from the actual, the logicians took the easy route, which was to redefine the premises. All this does is to bury the problem deeper in a mass of confusion. — Metaphysician Undercover
You haven't addressed the issue here. You only support these claims with a reified "space", assuming that space is a physical object to be studied, and not a conceptual object. — Metaphysician Undercover
What's this then? — Metaphysician Undercover
, you are treating "space" as if it is something described by geometry. In reality, since we can use various different geometries to describe the various types of objects we sense, there is no such thing as "space". We might be able produce a concept of "space" from this geometry, and another concept of "space" from this other geometry, but it really makes no sense to talk about "how space is", or "if space is curved...", because there is no such thing as "space", not even as a concept. — Metaphysician Undercover
This is why your geometrical examples are irrelevant, and way off the mark. You are talking about geometry as if it is created to describe some sort of "space" — Metaphysician Undercover
However, this is totally uncalled for. We produce principles of geometry to measure the objects which we encounter, and we do not encounter any infinite objects — Metaphysician Undercover
Obviously, this is what I disagree with. The mathematical conception of "infinite" clearly contradicts the colloquial definition of "infinite", I've demonstrated this over and over again, so you know what I mean and I will not demonstrate it here again. You simply assert that it does not contradict, while the evidence is clear, that it does. — Metaphysician Undercover
What he demonstrated is that anything eternal is necessarily actual, while anything infinite has the nature of potential. The latter, that the infinite belongs in the class of potential, must be read as a definition, a description, derived from observation. All instances of "infinite" are conceptual, ideas, and ideas are classed in the category of potential. From this premise, along with other premises, the conclusion that anything that is eternal is necessarily actual is derived. — Metaphysician Undercover
The whole point of "potential", under Aristotle's philosophy is that it cannot be studied as such. What we know, study, and understand, are all forms and forms are by definition actualities. "Matter" being classed as "potential", just like "ideas", is that part of reality which is impossible for us to understand. Potential is defined that way, it defies the law of excluded middle. There is an aspect of reality which is impossible for us human beings to understand because it violates the laws of logic, and this is "potential". Therefore, by its very definition, it is precluded from the study which you refer to. To assign a set of values, in order to study that domain is simple contradiction. — Metaphysician Undercover
See, you have taken the category which is defined by "that which cannot be studied", "potential", which consists of matter, ideas, and the infinite, and you've applied some values (which is contradictory), and now you claim that this thing "infinite" is no longer in that category, it's in the category of actual. All you have done is changed the subject. — Metaphysician Undercover
We identify a thing (law of identity), this thing as identified, becomes our subject, and we proceed to understand it through predication. The "defining features", how the subject is defined, ensures that the subject represents the object. This is known as correspondence, truth. It is evident therefore, that "defining features" is determined by correspondence between the logical subject and the object which is said to correspond to that subject, and not by "the definition in use". If it were the "definition in use" which defined the subject everything would be random with no correspondence to reality It is clear that "the definition in use" must be consistent with the known correspondence, truth. When the definition in use is not consistent to provide a correspondence with the identified object, we can correct the definition, saying that you are using an incorrect definition. — Metaphysician Undercover
So this is very wrong because you have reified space, as if "space" were the subject, and there is a corresponding object which has been identified as "space". There is no such object being described here in geometry. The objects are all mathematical, conceptual, such as a "line". My point was that if there are two distinct concepts of "line", then there are two distinct objects referred to by that name "line" corresponding to the defining features which constitute the two distinct subjects under that name, "line". Therefore "line" ought not be used for identification of both of these objects. — Metaphysician Undercover
Again, I concede that the real numbers are an adequate model for almost all mathematical purposes. — aletheist
Like Peirce, I prefer to say that it is really infinite, but not actually infinite. I also join Peirce in denying that numbers exist--i.e., I am not a mathematical Platonist--even while affirming that they are real. — aletheist
Right, and Peirce proved that the power of the set of all subsets of a given set is always greater than the power of the original set itself--which entails that there is no largest multitude (his term for aleph). What he called a true continuum is "supermultitudinous," larger than any multitude, and thus impossible to construct from (or divide into) discrete elements. You might find this introductory article about "Peirce's Place in Mathematics" interesting. — aletheist
Infinity is defined to be bigger than anything else. That means there can only be one infinity by definition. — Devans99
But I just showed that infinity is not a number. It definitely does not play by logical rules (see Hilbert's Hotel and all the other paradoxes of infinity). Nature on the other hand does play by logical rules. No place for magic in nature so no place for infinity either.
Maths describes reality to a high degree... no infinity in maths suggest no infinity in nature. — Devans99