• God and time

    Go back on the particular thread and do your homework. Otherwise don't troll this one.
  • God and time

    You mean like the questions you evaded in the Kant thread? Sounds like another angry atheist pivoting LOL
  • God and time
    Are you going to show the alleged contradiction or not,jorndoe

    You mean like the liar's unresolved paradox?

    Or would you rather parse the nature of [your] causational suicide?
  • God and time

    Mmmm interesting. Would those tendencies come from your conscious, subconscious or Freudian unconscious mind?
  • God and time

    A dipolar God is most certainly logically possible. Have you read the book The Mind of God by physicist Paul Davies?
  • God and time

    Are you sure? How could I willfully commit suicide while I was driving and daydreaming?
  • God and time
    Does it have to be conscious controlling, or can there be unconscious controlling?Philosophim

  • God and time
    Nah, you stopped paying attention.jorndoe

    Don't you just hate it when you intentionally crash and kill yourself!?
  • God and time
    That sentence has no meaning. You're back doing poetry.EricH

    Really? I'd call it illogical.
  • God and time
    I can both drive and day dream at the same time.EricH

    But how is driving and not driving possible?
  • God and time
    What is your particular definition of driving?Philosophim

    Driving is the controlled operation and movement of a motor vehicle, including cars, motorcycles, trucks, and buses. In that case, it was controlled, yet not controlled.
  • God and time
    Non sequitor, evasion, deflection. Just think a bit and write down a coherent example that will serve to answer the question.tim wood

    “The temptation to belittle others is the trap of a budding intellect, because it gives you the illusion of power and superiority your mind craves. Resist it. It will make you intellectually lazy as you seek "easy marks" to fuel that illusion, [and] a terrible human being to be around, and ultimately, miserable. There is no shame in realizing you have fallen for this trap, only shame on continuing along that path."
    — Philosophim
    Fuck you, 3017.
    — tim wood
  • God and time
    One is forced to conclude you do not know what the LEM is, how it works, or what it is for.

    It's 'for' a priori formal logic. And what is your consciousness 'for'?

  • God and time

    I know what you mean. I experienced the same frustration in the Kant thread.
  • God and time
    Thus you died because you stopped driving the car, and started daydreaming.Philosophim

    But I 'was' driving the car, otherwise, I wouldn't have crashed and killed myself. So in a proposition, I was both driving and not driving holds true. Hence violation of LEM.
  • God and time
    but when does it happen? Example, please?tim wood

    The philosophy/psychology/phenomenology of the dialectics of love, paraconsistent logic, dialetheism, you know, stuff you have no interest in... .
  • God and time
    So the question to you is, how is it logically impossible?tim wood

    The proposition that I was driving and not driving at the same time is true because it has more than two truth values; you were kind-of driving. As a proposition, it's logically impossible to explain (its nature) as it would only violate LEM.
  • God and time

    Not true. I use the infamous example of driving a car while daydreaming, crashing and killing yourself. Was it true you were driving yet not driving? (Was it your consciousness driving or your subconsciousness driving at the same time daydreaming that caused your death?) In either case, that's logically impossible to do (explain).
  • Jung, Logos, Venus and Mars
    It is this essentialism of Kant’s doctrine that I’m arguing against. We may not ‘know’ the reality of existence, but we at least have the capacity to understand it much more than Kant appears to give us credit for (of course, his writing is not only pre-Darwin, but also pre-QM, psychology and neuroscience, so I won’t hold that against him). I don’t agree that the will ‘just is’, that emotion concepts are inherent and therefore universal, or that their indeterminacy is an excuse to not engage the intellect in judgement. It is our capacity for ‘free play’ of imagination and understanding that allows us to then predict, create or hypothesise an aesthetic or emotional experience without presupposing the actual presence of an empirical object.Possibility

    No. This is why human's accept or reject each other's aesthetics within seconds while being observed. It's more Freudian than not. As you said earlier, there is no empirical analysis. It just is. Physically, you either like his attributes or you don't. Some women like tall men with beards and other's don't. Simple.

    There is no 'excuse'. We can't help liking what we like, and not liking what we don't like. Go purchase the ugliest million dollar house on the street, notwithstanding me LOL. Otherwise, using the same analogy, why do subdivision's have proffers, is it because they are concerned with appearances?

    So why wouldn’t we make use of the intellect in developing an understanding of this faculty of the will - without assuming the necessity of either concepts or empirical objects? Isn’t that what philosophy is?Possibility

    Part of philosophy is both the discovery and uncovery of a particular thing's truth (value) along with its negation. In this case, it is the Will to be, and to perceive those aforementioned things-in-themselves as intrinsic human desires and needs. We don't have to understand their true nature to know that we desire them for what they are, which are things. We appreciate their beauty for its own sake.

    Two people who are considered aesthetically unpleasing to look at, don't think about how unpleasing their partner is; they are attracted to each other as an aesthetic need. Mom enters room, baby is happy. Mom leaves room, baby cries. That's just one component of Love (the love as attachment theory), yet a powerful one at that.

    .Like it or not, people reject or accept other people (each other's aesthetics) usually within minutes if not seconds. True or false? — 3017amen
    Subjective interpretation. Just because people do this, does not mean it’s definitive of human nature. This is not all we’re capable of. First impressions are rarely accurate,
    — Possibility

    It has no relevance as to whether they are accurate. They can be arbitrary, inaccurate and subjective. The feelings themselves exist and are real. The ability to reject or accept a subject's aesthetics is a real phenomenon. — 3017amen

    What is it that you’re arguing? What do you think occurs when people ‘reject or accept a subject’s aesthetics’ this quickly? They’re not physically rejecting/accepting them. Rather, they are judging the subject by a feeling of predicted pleasure that is far from disinterested - presupposing, as it does, the actual presence of the object - with no claim to universality. And then they are determining and initiating action based on that prediction. This is NOT pure aesthetics. If you believe you are avoiding conceptualisation by focusing on the ‘feeling’ as if it is a phenomenon, then I would argue that you don’t understand Kant’s aesthetics. Kant’s title is Critique of the Faculty of Judgement - the capacity, not the act.

    They are not judging. They are simply gravitating toward or away from that which is intrinsically pleasing to them. Personally, I prefer dark haired Asian women. I have no idea why. You may prefer dark Italian men with beards, who knows. You can't use Thomism/Lisa Barret to justify your choices. Otherwise, you are with the person for some other reason (which may/may not be a good/bad thing depending on your intentions). But you still have to get past the aesthetics; there is no escape. (So why not enjoy!)
  • Jung, Logos, Venus and Mars
    4.The object itself, is essential to the physical aspects of Love (admiration of a new-born, etc.). True/False? — 3017amen
    False. You seem to insist on keeping the ‘physical’ subject-to-object aspect of Love isolated.

    Yes, because without it, in your case of Thomism, no judgement is apperceived.

    Love as an apperception of attraction towards the physical aspects of an ‘object’ is only one part of a multi-dimensional phenomenon. You won’t understand Love by defining it so narrowly.Possibility

    Correct. And that is the part you keep denying. Love is certainly more than that, but without that, no-thing occurs. How could it?

    When we interact with reality, the brain makes decisions based on very little present empirical information in relation to how we conceptualise reality.Possibility

    There you go again plip-flopping. I agree. You are suggesting the Will precedes the intellect.

    that attracts our attention and effort to look and be rewarded with more new, positive information about this appearance of realityPossibility

    Correct. It attracts our attention. Think about that dynamic.

    . The Will to have physical romantic love is dependent upon the physical object? True/False? — 3017amen
    Sort of true - the

    It's true. It's logically necessary.

    And while a perceived capacity for judgement is necessary to the Will to love romantically, an act of judgement is not.Possibility


    . "I can't wait to see you again", is dependent upon the seeing of the object. True/False? — 3017amen
    False - although I get how it seems true in your classical understanding of reality.

    Nonsense. It's true not false. There is no escape from the physical object. If it was false, you wouldn't care to create a mini-me that resembles you.

    Women purchase cosmetics because they want to look beautiful. True/false? — 3017amen
    Subjective interpretation

    As it should be! Nonetheless, a universal subjective truth (aesthetics).

    In relation to work, it isn’t that I want to look ‘beautiful’, but that I want to appear ‘professional’. A woman who doesn’t wear make-up appears to lack a certain perceived ‘value’ in an office environmentPossibility

    Correct. You just contradicted yourself again. Like it or not, appearance in the work environment is important. See, was that so difficult... .

    It’s a facade, but a few minutes spent in the morning is a shortcut to making an initial impression. In relation to social events, my aim with cosmetics is to appear more ‘beautiful’, younger or generally more valued than I would otherwise feel in certain company.Possibility

    Once again, I agree. The 'facade' , like it or not, is apparently necessary.

    They perceive their potential for beauty only in their physical aspects of appearance as apperceived by external agents, rather than as part of their own potential, their own agency. And you seem more than happy to keep it that way.Possibility

    There's the dichotomy. They should be happy with their own appearance as; good, bad or ugly. Yet, they allow themselves to be manipulated by 'external agents'. That's simply an old paradigm that you're propagating which in turn leads to an unhealthy manipulation of self.

    Nonetheless, it proves the importance (psychological impacts) of the physical.
  • God and time

    There is nothing wrong with having logically impossible attributes. After all, consciousness itself operates that way.

    However, if one were to use some sense of reasonableness, I could stand corrected but I believe the popular Holographic Principle in physics today, posits storage of information (unchanging) at the horizon of black holes all at the speed of light (eternal/timelessness). Even Stephen Hawking admitted his mistake... .
  • Jung, Logos, Venus and Mars

    Yes indeed, physical appearances do matter! :chin:
  • Is Kant justified in positing the existence of the noumenal world?
    or only in the public eye?magritte

    I'm thinking it was more private...

  • Is Kant justified in positing the existence of the noumenal world?
    Kant was a phenomenologist?Gregory

    Yes. It's been quoted by other philosophers that he was considered one of the first from his particular era...
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    He lost his point when he evaded your questioning.Gus Lamarch

    Imagine that!

  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    which you know to be founded on no basis.Gus Lamarch

    On what "basis" are you referring?
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    The only thing I can deduce frJerseyFlight

    No. That's formalism/ logico deductive reasoning not inductive reasoning.

    With respect to the former, and with respect to the OP, any thoughts on your "negation" belief system and/or associated logic?
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    What was it specifically about this study that gave you the knowledge that Jesus is God?JerseyFlight

    Inductive reasoning.

    But with respect to the OP, any thoughts on your "negation" belief system and/or associated logic?
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    You claim that Jesus is God. You know this how specifically?JerseyFlight

    Through the study of history as I mentioned.
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    Should we call it "resentment" or should we feel pity for them? I'm an atheist and I can't help feeling sorry for us. If a God exists, humanity still has a purpose; if not, we need to construct a purpose - and humanity has great difficulty in creating purposes for itself -.Gus Lamarch

    Yes there's a lot of emotional baggage for sure.

    As a Christian Existentialist myself, I get the whole nihilist deal. But it's just yet another paradox to resolve. For example, there is something and not nothing. What that something is, and what that nothing is, is a matter of intrigue viz. self-aware conscious beings.

    In my opinion the most persuasive or consistent thing an atheist can say is no-thing. However, that in itself presents yet another irony/paradox to resolve...
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    have no idea what this means?JerseyFlight

    It has something to do with the past. Usually, it relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events. It includes using historical sources such as written documents, oral accounts, ecological markers, and material objects including art and artifacts.

    Debating which narrative best explains an event, as well as the significance of different causes and effects, more or less has an element of subjective truth to it. You know, kinda like climate change.

    But with respect to the OP, any thoughts on your "negation" belief system and/or associated logic?
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    , because you are asking me to produce my own negative. Fuck off.

    See what I mean? Many atheist put a lot of emotional energy into their belief system, drop f-bombs frequently, etc.. Emotions are good, but unfortunately, for many of them it seems to be manifested in a bad way. Usually something traumatic has happened in their past. I certainly get that... .
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    How do you know that Jesus is God?JerseyFlight

    Historical accounting.
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?

    It seems to me in my experience, more often than not, atheists are angry. Even Einstein recognized the phenomenon. He coined the term "fanatical atheist."
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    I demand that you explain what you mean by the term. I do not jump to conclusionJerseyFlight

    In Christianity: Jesus.

    In logic and ontology: logical necessity.

    In phenomenology: the religious experience.

    With respect to the OP, we can start with your negation of theism which would be a spin-off from item two... ?
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    The "human" item still weighs heavily. The consequence of this human interference is the fact that theism is still seen as something real, and atheism arises right after theism - whenever "1" comes into existence, all other possibilitiesGus Lamarch

    Yep. Another reason formal logic (a priori) by itself (and associated concepts) have limited impacts on the " sentient " human condition.
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?

    Atheism already defined it as a negation, per OP.

    Your point?
  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    This is complete and utter nonsense, what no one on this thread can see is that this is mere formalism, the term existence does not refer to actual existence, but empty, abstract conceptsJerseyFlight

    The ironic thing is you are very likely to use formalism as your criteria for no God.

  • Is Atheism the negation of Theism?
    agree with the implications of your OP, which is that to claim atheism logically requires theism. The term literally describes the condition of being against or in opposition to theism. The further implication then is that theism is a position that requires engagement, one must take a position on it.Pro Hominem

    I agree. It fits nicely into the unity of opposites principle.

    Furthermore, anytime an atheist makes a positive statement of no God, they unwittingly put themselves in a precarious and untenable position of proving same.

    Denial= a statement that something is not true.

    nice post!