• Coronavirus
    The government should just give people moneyPfhorrest

    You do realize that "the government" can only "give" the money to people that it takes from the people in the first place, or do you not? This seems a problem with people like e.g. Bernie voters.... they seem to think that "the government" sits on a giant pot of gold can make every "free" for everyone, without any other effects on the country.
  • On the existence of God (by request)
    This is what's wrong with it. Read for comprehension, Frank, as many time as it takes for you to get the gist.180 Proof

    LOL, welcome to the fan club. Trying to argue with the guy is like banging your head against the wall... he simply does not comprehend what is being said and goes back to his one single line about atheism, which he never tires of repeating.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Estimates of the number killed by the Spanish Inquisition, which Sixtus IV authorised in a papal bull in 1478, have ranged from 30,000 to 300,000.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    OK, I take your word for it.
    However, as I said, this was a limited period in history, and it is finished.
    But the figures pale in comparison to the Jihad, and the Jihad continues today.
    So again, where do you get off comparing the two?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    That is not Haidt's teachings and you are too bigoted for me to bother with a guy who would make all women second class citizens.Gnostic Christian Bishop
    I was referring to Haidt`s research, not teachings. I suppose you are blissfully unaware of it and unwilling to check it.

    You stupidly forget Cleopatra. Your mother must have been a real bitch for you to hate women so much and think they do not protect their offspring's.Gnostic Christian Bishop
    What does Cleopatra have to do with anything? And no, I do not hate women, I just state that as a group (not every single one of course) have a terrible level of knowledge and terrible voting record. It is quite understandable from an evolutionary biology point of view, but I dont assume you are willing to look into that.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    More lies. Just the Cathar inquisition murdered more than what you put.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    So what is the death toll for the "Cathar inquisition"? And is it ongoing today, like the Jihad?
  • Sexual ethics
    Prove this please. What you're saying is fallacious, and it's just one of potentially many ways of measuring or framing demographics and trends.IvoryBlackBishop

    It is simple and obvious demographics (below replacement birth rates by one group vs astronomic birth rates by another), and is not exactly a secret. I.e. the official statistics bureau of the German goverment admits this.
    By the way, have you ever wondered, why "Mohammed" is today the most frequent name for new born boys in both the UK, France, and Sweden? How do you think that happened?

    If your equating birth rates with turning into an "Islamic" or any other continent, this is fallacious, for example, India used to be a "British" territory, despite people of Indian descent being the "majority" demographic.IvoryBlackBishop
    I do not know what your argument is here, and neither do you apparently. India was British colony, yes, but what does that have to do with birth rates? A more relevant example would be how e.g. the population of Kosovo turned from Greek Orthodox to muslim. Hint: Not by mass conversion.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Inquisitions and Jihads dominated the pastGnostic Christian Bishop

    "Inquisitions" (I suppose you refer to the infamous Spanish inquisition) refer to a very limited practise for a short period of time that led to the death of a couple of hundred people, It was discontinued long ago. The Jihad is an integral part of islam, is ongoing to day, has claimed millions and is claiming countless victims as speak,

    In what universe do you have to live to compare those two??
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    No need, but I can link you to the appropriate scholars if you want to take better than on hour educating yourself. Warning, it is a boring process.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Not much of an answer to where your prattling abot 20,000 years of peaceful goddesses comes from. I am not holding my breath for an reference of substance.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Thanks for showing us why women should rule.
    They like to gather consensus while that seems to offend you.
    Women unite, men divide.
    Sure, men have ruined many to make them like you, but most are too intelligent..
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Oh boy, talk about having things backward. I agree with you that women as a group have different characteristics (as is shown by research, cf. Jonathan Haidt, but their exaggerated empathy and lack of protective instinct for the tribe makes them extremely dangerous as political leaders. Especially in combination with the astonishing lack of political knowledge shown by research (by the Guardian, nontheless of women, and that across all age, education and ethnic groups).

    Fundamentally, suffrage for women was a big mistake by Western societies.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    As compared to our last 5,000 years of disastrous male driven war history.Gnostic Christian Bishop
    What? Christianity is 5000 years old? In what universe?
    And what does "male" have to do with it? Yes, typically males die in wars, protecting females. That is part of life of our species.

    You might wonder, after clearing the garbage, why the 20,000 years prior to our disgusting history, we had peace under the goddesses.Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Can you give us an overview over this 20,000 years of history that you claim to know so well, as well as these goddesses?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    I am just scrolling through this thread, and I am scratching my head how people come up with this weird stuff. "It is urgent that we understand why Christians have again formed into a life-threatening fascist state." What?? Looking around, any life-threatening fascist states are not Christian, they are either communist or islamic. What the f%&&% are you people rambling about?

    And this gem: I am thinking of all those women who worship Trump! Again, wtf? Are you seriously unaware that the female vote is majority anti-Trump and pro globalist, nanny-state, anti-freedom? What are you people smoking here?
  • Sexual ethics
    Either give me an estimate on how long, or please stop wasting time. Plus this is assuming that it continues that way ad infinitum, when in reality that hasn't been the case historically.IvoryBlackBishop
    Not infinitum; very rapidly indeed, seeing that human life span is about 80 years. And yes, this has been happening before, and is happening now. Use the calculator site that I referenced to see how the math works out.

    Much as how "nationwide" or "global" population is just one of many ways of measuring things, and obviously doesn't take into account population within the context of smaller communities, and so on and so forth.IvoryBlackBishop
    What the heck are you talking about? For better or worse, we live in nation states, and the national birthrate determines what happens to them. And yes, of course, there are differences between communities; i.e. the orthodox Jews in Israel with their massive birth rates produce the children that the secular Jews do not produce, In the same way that muslim immigrants produce the children in Europe that the native Europeans do not produce, which will turn Europe into an islamic continent within the century.

    Of course things can change, but if you bet on that you would have to explain why you expect change.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    Women should rule the world and not men. It would make future negotiations for the huge problems coming our world way a lot easier to find solutions to.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Seriously? The same women continuously vote the parties who advocate globalism and unlimited third world mass immigration because it feels so good? By and large, the female vote has been a disaster.
  • The Road to 2020 - American Elections
    Besides the VP is going to be a WOMAN because Biden is WOKE.StreetlightX

    In all likelyhood, it is going to be a Biden/Harris combination. If that pair wins, the presidency is going to looks like a WH version of "Driving Miss Daisy", with an increasingly senile Biden being Miss Daisy. Keep the popcorn ready and hope the blunders are not too big.
  • Sexual ethics
    And... how long would that take for the population to "disappear", assuming that it stays fixed at this rate and never fluctuates?IvoryBlackBishop

    It is a math question. It does not very long, and obviously society is drastically impacted long before the whole population actually "disappears". You can play around with an online population calculator like this, if you want: http://ilkkah.com/population-calculator/

    I really do not know what your mental block is here. It is not like I am stating anything controversial.
  • Wars and the Economy
    Yes, of course, because much of the industries were obliterated during the raids.Zehir

    The most oblitered industries were in Germany, which (the Western sector) experienced one of the most amazing economic booms of all times.
    Ditto for Japan, by the way.

    Again, I am only pointing out that reality is not that simple.
  • Wars and the Economy
    It is simple, Wars are good for the economy of the victorious.Zehir

    The UK went into deep depression after WW2, while West Germany had it economic miracle, and East Germany continued to suffer. As you can see, there are other factors than just "winners" and "losers".
  • Wars and the Economy
    However, think for a moment... Did nazi economy recovered from the war? the short answer is no, Nazi economy ceased to exist (indeed it was transformed, but no more slaves, no more military oriented economy). Industries? gone, manpower? gone, finances? gone.Zehir

    The whole Nazi country ceased to exist, so that is a bit of a weird argument.
  • Sexual ethics
    How low "is" the birthrate actually, and likely to fluctuate.
    You're talking about fantasy scenarios which simply aren't.

    You can look up the birth rates, for example 1.3 in Italy and 1.5 in Japan. This and the accompanying problems are very real.
    As I said, demography is destiny.
  • Sexual ethics
    But problems begin way before that, with a decreasing young population having to support an increasing old population. Pension and medical systems get stretched to the breaking point. This is a very real life pressing concern in i,e, Italy and Japan. You seem to be blissfully unaware of that
  • Sexual ethics
    How long will it actually take, in theory, for the population of China, India, Europe, etc to disappear, assuming that it "stays" at whatever birth rate your referencing ad infinitum, and doesn't fluctuate at all, which I believe is very unlikely to happen in practice, as opposed to abstract theory.IvoryBlackBishop

    Couple of generations, depending on how low the birthrate actually is, You really should familiarize yourself with some basic demographic facts.
  • Sexual ethics
    So hypothetically, if China lost 1 person per year, and assuming that the rate continued fixed at this with never fluctuating.

    Then, China's population should be nonexisting in about... err... 2,000,000,000 years from now... lmao...

    I have no idea what you are prattling about. Can you write in comprehensible English?
  • On the existence of God (by request)
    I'm 83. Hardly a boomer.Frank Apisa

    Ah, OK. Sorry, did not want to make fun of Alzheimer. Pls forgive.
  • On the existence of God (by request)
    Nothing whatever wrong with my reading comprehension.Frank Apisa

    OK, boomer...
  • On the existence of God (by request)
    YOU...have been trying to explain to me that "If the position of an atheist is "creator DOES NOT exist", then the assertion is an assumption????"
    Never in million years. Make that a billion years.
    Frank Apisa

    As I said, I can not help you with your obvious reading comprehension problems, so please stop trying to argue.
  • On the existence of God (by request)
    Look at both your statements here, they are really saying the same thing aren't they? So I certainly do see it.Antidote

    They are not contradicting each other, I don´t know what your point is.
  • On the existence of God (by request)
    Now, having made the assumption, and therefore incorporated the error, what influence has that error had on the people you know, the way you have chosen to lead your life, and the conversations you have had with others who you have also convincingly told that there is "no creator"?Antidote
    Would be interesting to meet some people like that... I never had that experience. Where I live people are generally happy with "there are things we don´t know", so that situation never comes up.

    I say this as the scientist still, because we started from the position of "knowing nothing" which allowed us to remain "open" to the possibility of "maybe there is a creator" and so far, we could not prove it either way so although I say the above, it's still very much from the position that neither have been proved.Antidote
    As I said before, introducing a "creator" does not answer any question. I am curious why as a scientist you do not see that.
  • How many would act morally if the law did not exist?
    To conclude morality is a real phemonenon which consists of a moral way that you can neglect.xyzmix

    I do not see how that follows from what you wrote.
  • On the existence of God (by request)
    As you saw, we didn't positively assert anything, because we already identified the flaw if we did so. There is not positive assertion of "a creator does exist", only a positive assertion that "we couldn't prove a creator doesn't exist". If the position of an atheist is "creator DOES NOT exist", then the assertion is an assumption and therefore in error.Antidote

    Been trying to explain exactly that to Frank Apisa for a whole string of messages now, but it is like talking to a wall....
  • Coronavirus
    Such Fake News and misinformation.NOS4A2

    Its TDS..... more persistant than Corona.
  • Corona and Stockmarkets...
    Keep in mind, that the listed price does not mean someone is buying or selling, only that there is (usually a substantial) offer at that price.boethius

    Exactly. Some people here do not seem to understand that. A "price" for a stock does not mean that anybody is actually buying or selling. Anybody who has owned stocks and try to sell them in a downturn like this has had this experience.
  • On the existence of God (by request)
    You are looking at this back to front. We cannot prove there is a creator, only to prove if there isn't one. Of which, we have not been able to do.Antidote

    No, the burden should not be to prove a negative. How do you come up with this stuff?

    I can not "prove" that there are no pink unicorns on Mars. So if you claim there are, our default assumption should be that there are, and we doubters have to "prove" that there aren`t? Surely you see how ridiculous that is.
  • On the existence of God (by request)
    So to categorically say, there is not a creator is to assume that whatever lies in growth or its opposite is not a creator, and yet scientifically, we were unable to prove that.Antidote

    As has been pointed out many times to this line of thougt is that your "creator" is not not an answer. Because it only leads to the question: Well, who created the creator? A super-creator? And who created that one?
    Infinite regression....
  • Coronavirus
    In a dream lastnight, death walked into the room, as I was staring to see himPunshhh

    So death is a he? How sexist. :-)
  • Coronavirus
    These figures don't show the true figure, firstly some of the infected people who are going to die, haven't died yet, they're still in life support. Secondly the Hospitals haven't been overwhelmed yet.Punshhh

    I think you are pointing at the real problem here. It is not just the Corona itself, but the ripple effect. What do you do if all the hospitals are clogged with Corona patients? If so many people need hospital care at once, the system will reach capacity. Better not break your leg while this is going on.
  • Justin's Insight
    I tried looking up how Justin actually catches objects but it drew a blank on the www. However, I'm somewhat confident that Justin's catching ability involves actual mathematical calculations of a thrown object's trajectory and velocity and its own movements.TheMadFool

    I would not be too sure about that. For example, in the translation business, they moved away from algorythmic approaches to fuzzy learning. When Google Translate did that, the change almost over night was mind boggling. The service went from a joke to something that almost flawless in large sections.
  • Coronavirus
    Based on your reading of the article, how lethal do you think it is?petrichor

    From the data we have, mortality rate is about 3%, and that consisting mostly of elderly, no? Yes, it is bad but it is not the end of the world.
  • Coronavirus
    Not of this magnitude!Shawn

    Really? Do you have data for that? Don´t have reference right now, but I think I have see worse, and looking at the various indexes right now, I think much more is to come. For example, when the Japanese real estate bubble poppet in the 90s, the Nikkei went from about 38000 to 20000. Right now, we are nowhere close to a selloff like that yet.
  • Coronavirus
    This presentation from MSNBC goes into exponential growth concerning COVID-19 more thoroughly.

    People are watching MSNBC for "information"? Mind-boggling. That said, yes people are inherently not able to understand exponential growth.
  • Coronavirus
    And, since the market has fallen so drastically, and such a drop has never occurred in the past, then I suppose the point is that people are really irrational...Shawn

    Actually, such drops have occurred in the past, and yes, people as a whole are really irrational.
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