
  • Alaska, 194X
    The reality of the Aluetian campaign comes through very well in the cartoons. People forget that Alaska was the state that Japan actually invaded.ssu

    My understanding was that by the time the Americans invaded, the Japanese had actually left, so the Americans ended up shooting at all sorts of imaginary things and each other.
  • A question about certain sensitive threads.
    The CCP strategists must be laughing their ass of, seeing how easy it is to control the Baizuo. Just shout the magic R word, and they fall in line.
  • A question about certain sensitive threads.
    Lots of name-calling, but no answer.
  • A question about certain sensitive threads.
    If you haven’t got the intelligence to figure out that calling Covid the ‘Chinese Virus’ is less than acceptableI like sushi

    No I don´t. Is German measles racist? Yes or no?
  • A question about certain sensitive threads.
    I'm actually the only person who moderates here. Everyone else is just a decoy to share out user complaintsMichael

    Oh, so you are "Baden"?
  • A question about certain sensitive threads.
    So, are we allowed to call the German measles the German measles, or is that racist?

    Funny screenshot by the way. But isn´t that sexist, these days? I mean, with gender identity rights and all that...
  • If women had been equals
    Again, this is a value perspective. What mattered to women in this sense were the relationships, the potentiality, rather than the actuality. So interaction with another tribe would rarely have been seen by women as a ‘bad’ thing. It was the men who were threatened, who seem focused on protecting the status quo at all cost.Possibility
    ....the "status quo" here being the existance of the tribe, and the continuation of its culture. So yes, the male and female perspectives on this are naturally very different, and have been, well, as long as our species has existed.

    It was the value they attribute to ignorance, isolation and exclusion that saw them killed in tribal conflicts - and this continues to be the case todayPossibility
    I do not know what you are getting at here. Conflict between tribes has existed as long as humankind has, and even earlier (apes have it too).

    Fortunately, we’ve come to realise that not all men are as fearful and ignorant as history has often portrayed them, just as women are not ‘simply taken’ as much as they are often portrayed.Possibility
    That is a fact, not a question of "portrayed". Conquering tribes routinely killed all the males of the conquered tribe, and took the women and children as part of their own group. You find countless examples of this in history and in primitive societies, in fact it is the norm. What you will NEVER find is a conquering tribe killiing only the women and children,

    Please do not confuse wishful thinking with reality.
  • Coronavirus
    Isn't capitalism defined as private ownership of the means of production, and opposed to that is state ownership? If the Singapore government controls most of the market then it's closer to state ownership than private ownership. 90% of the land is owned by the government for example.Michael

    Land is separate issue, especially in a tiny city state like Singapore. Doesnt the US also have huge areas of publicly (i.e. government) owned land?
  • Coronavirus
    Does the Singapore economy count as capitalist? It's certainly a free-market economy, but I believe the government controls most of it?Michael

    Yes, capitalist. Singapore residents can make their own economic decisions. Of course, there is no 100 percent "pure" capitalism anywhere and has never been. However, 100 percent pure socialsm we have seen. In Cambodia, cultural revolution China and North Korea.
  • If women had been equals
    One proof that females think differently is the skyrocketing number of bills passed to take care of children.Athena

    ....and the "children" often being external invaders. Women tend to have strong instincts to provide, but very low instincts to protect the tribe. No wonder, as throughout human history, it was males who were and are killed in tribal conflicts. Women are simply taken, and become part of the victorious tribe. Which from a biological point of view makes no difference to them. And this is ingrained in our species throughout our existance. To claim that that has suddenly changed in the last few decades is simply denial of reality.
  • Coronavirus
    No, you're quite literally fantasizing about alternate realities.StreetlightX

    No, you are.
    But this childish tit-for-tat is pointless.
    If you can show a functioning example of socialism, I will respond. Otherwise, bye.
  • Coronavirus
    If you want to argue over fantasies, be my guestStreetlightX

    Err? I am not arguing over phantasies, you are. My observation about socialism is what has happened in every single case in real life.
  • Coronavirus
    As opposed to a society where capitalist parasites don't fuck workers at every opportunity and especially during crises? Is this so hard to fathom?StreetlightX

    What about a society where socialist parasites don't fuck workers at every opportunity and especially during crises? Because that is the predictable outcome if you hand over the right to make decisions to a group of self-declared leaders of the masses.
  • Coronavirus
    True, but I will never stop driving the point home that capitalism is ruled by parasites that will fuck workers not just at every opportunity, but especially in times of crisis when things are especially terrible for everyone.StreetlightX

    As opposed to what? Socialism?
  • Coronavirus
    True, but I will never stop driving the point home that capitalism is ruled by parasites that will fuck workers not just at every opportunity, but especially in times of crisis when things are especially terrible for everyone.StreetlightX

    As opposed to what? Socialism?
  • Coronavirus
    Any boundary is arbitrary. Using the arbitrary boundaries known as "Europe" or "Asia" and citing the relevant statistics is as valid as using any other, except in the cases where studying the effects of governance or jurisdiction is desired.Janus

    If you really believe that, you should simply use the world figure and stop discussing the differences that living condition, climate, government action, etc. make. Do you?
  • If women had been equals
    For example, one thing feminist theorist emphasize as a good quality of feminine thinking, is the generally more "holistic," relationships-based view of the world versus the masculine "atomistic," view. Women are more likely on average to employ a greater degree of the holistic approach to reason, whereas men are more likely on average to employ a greater degree of atomistic thinking. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and neither is useful on its own.Artemis

    Both Jordan Peterson and Jonathan Haidt have some interesting lectures on this, based on research. To put it simply, of course every individual is different, but as whole there are some general differences that are based on nature, not nurture.
  • Coronavirus
    US had close to 1,000 deaths yesterday. That was a 20% increase on the total in one day.Baden

    How many of those in NY? I think it is bit misleading to gather data from country that covers a whole continent with vastly different areas int one number. It is a bit like citing fatalities from "Europe" or "Asia".
  • A question about certain sensitive threads.
    I got a private mail warning that I would get banned if I called a virus that originated in Voldemort, and information about which was suppressed by the Voldemort government the Voldmort virus. Because apparently that is racist. Go figure.

    What exactly are the free speech limits here? Just determined on a whim by the admins?
  • Corona and Stockmarkets...
    To have today's politicians in charge of a monetary system, think it will be a solid base?ssu

    If the monetary system is backed by gold there is a limit to what the politician can do.
  • Corona and Stockmarkets...
    I'd say that was a confidence game. A system where the dollar was valued in gold and other currencies in the dollar gives the leeway for the US to be irresponsible as it did. Other countries didn't believe in it and so it was left for Nixon to face to the obvious and pull out from the system.ssu

    I do not see that. If the base is solid, then everything is solid.

    And this is the problem when gold is held somewhere as the reserve. Just who's gold is it is a real question.ssu
    I am sure there was and is lots of shady stuff going on in the system. That is why e.g. Russia keeps its gold at home. But that is a question of cheating within the system, not setting up a system that is based on cheating.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    There are no supernatural entities in Gnostic Christianity.Gnostic Christian Bishop
    Who was talking about "Gnostic Christianity"? Not me for sure. So why do you bring me in to these ramblings?

    Gnostic Christians are not that stupid or brain dead.Gnostic Christian Bishop
    I take your word for that. So surely you are not representing them??
  • Corona and Stockmarkets...
    The system prior 1973? Or 1933? And even then, there was the lure to borrow that gold, because people wouldn't demand the solid metal.ssu

    Prior to 1973. I am not saying everything was perfect then, but there was less freedom to create fictional wealth with empty promises.
  • Coronavirus
    Can someone explain to Nobeernolife what a strawman is? I don't feel the ROI potential is there.Baden

    I know what a strawman is. Strawmen arguments are very common, especially in political discussions. I try to stay away from them.
    However, I do not know what "ROI potential" is, I still do not know why are so rude towards me, and why you write personal messages threatening to kick me out of the forum. Are you the site moderator?
  • Coronavirus
    Are you incapable of writing a post without a strawman based on an inability to read simple English? Please just go back to Reddit. You can't cut it here, honestly. You just don't have the capacity.Baden

    Why are you writing in such a vulgar way, and what is "Reddit"?
  • Corona and Stockmarkets...
    Even a gold standard is a confidence game. I'd the best role for gold is what it has now.ssu

    Not really. Gold has been around since humans discovered the stuff and how rare it is.
    And a real "role for gold" we would only have once governments return to a gold standard. Of course, they all hate that.
  • Cultural Sensitivity vs. Public Health
    Your orange hero signed off on it too.praxis

    Yeah, he had to. What would you and your "mainstream" media say if had held it up because of all the pork?
    We`d all need earplugs in that case.
  • Coronavirus
    It is not a low figure. In no fucking universe is 100,000 deaths a low figureStreetlightX

    Any figure that is HALF of what the experts predict is a low figure in my book.
    And, for reference, what about the figure 60,000? Is that alow figure in the "fucking universe"? Because that was the death toll from your normal, standard, everyyear flue in 2018. And the China virus is obviously more lethal than the flu.
  • Coronavirus
    When the virus is already in the country and spreading, stopping flights is not of much use. That horse has bolted. Sounds good to the xenophobes, of course. But one look at New York will tell you how relatively pointless it was.Baden

    So you want to reverse the travel bans all over the world? Gee, the world-wide all governments have now turned to xenophobes, don´t they. And by implication, you`d also complain about the self-isolation orders that are popping up everywhere, as they are just a micro form of travel bans, designed to minimize contact.
  • Coronavirus
    So really, what foresight are you on about, Trumpanzee?Benkei

    No name-calling, eh?

    The foresight I was referring to was quickly stopping flights from China in February, for which he was heavily criticized by such wonderful foresighted experts like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden.

    Is he perfect? No. Is he better than the current alternatives? You bet.
  • Coronavirus
    Italy has now 218 deaths per million. South Korea 3 per million. Now the US is at 14 per million. Now to have the similar death rate as Italy now would mean 71 940 deaths. So that will give you roughly the ball park where 100 000 deaths is.ssu

    Well, you would have to take that up with the epidemologists who came up with the 200.000 figure. I am pretty sure Trump did not do the math himself.
    About the extreme numbers in Italy, you should also consider other factors, such as the way deaths are counted. In Italy, every death is counted as "Corona", if the virus was ALSO present. In countries like Germany (and I am sure Korea), co-morbidity is considered.
    Statistics can be quite misleading
  • Coronavirus
    By looking at other countries that had their eye on the ball. 20,000 is still generous.Benkei

    Like which countries? And why is 20,000 "still generous", when then normal flue is about 50,000? Where do you get that figure from, anyway?
  • Cultural Sensitivity vs. Public Health
    It's all in the sentence I wrote. Instead of jumping to conclusions that are patently absurd, if something is unclear you can ask questions.Benkei

    I did, but you seem to have problems answering them. Name-calling is easier, I suppose.
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    By showing the sameness. U B fool.Gnostic Christian Bishop

    Well, so is there one or are there two? You seem to change your mind every few minutes.
    Or is there some recreational drink or smoke involved?
  • People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil? The real Original Sin, then and today, to mo
    One imaginary god approving of another imaginary god.
    One wants obedient slaves and the othe wants submission from his.
    Yep. Slave owning gods agree with slave owners of all kinds.
    So droll, if not so sad for the fools who believe these two characters to be real.l.
    Gnostic Christian Bishop

    So you agree that the description of the two gods is contradictory. Well, finally some agreement. Now go and tell that to the naive crowd that keeps telling us that islam is just an oriental form of Xtianity.
  • Coronavirus
    Trump knows that telling a lie or something crazy (like 100 000 dead is a good job) works.ssu

    The epidemologist experts are predicting 200,000. I would say half of that is a good job. What number would you, in your apparent infinite wisdom, call a good job?
  • Coronavirus
    It's also incredibly cynical that 100,000 deaths is a good job. The reply is "No, you fucking cunt. You are way too late to do a good job, which results in 100,000 deaths instead of the 20,000 it should've been when you would've acted on time instead of downplaying the risks."Benkei

    The normal flu causes about 50,000 deaths each year. Where do you arrive at the number of 20,000 that it "should be"?
    And why do you call Trump a cunt for having actually more foresight that his political rivals, who downplayed the Corona threat well into February?
  • Cultural Sensitivity vs. Public Health
    Learn to read.Benkei

    That is no answer. Who is "we"? The royal we? Your family? Your tribe? Your ward? All of humanity? You and your pet bunny?
    Learn to write.
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