Why egalitarian causes always fail Second, Marx himself spoke in favour of “revolutionary terror” and of the “dictatorship of the proletariat.” — Jamal
THis is out of context: the revolutionary terror was to be exercised if the political expression of labourers was surpressed. In his time only rich men had a vote and he worked, putting himself in danger. He was forced out of France because of his ideas.
And the dictatorship of the proletariat was a natural conclusion in a democratic, communal "state", whether that came about through democratic means or revolution was neither here nor there to him. In fact, he didn't want to produce "recipes for the political cookshops of the future" or something along those lines.
So yes, he said those things, and I don't even disagree. We should revolt and overthrow the corporate capitalist order that we have now and then not skip the "democratic constitution" after that.