• baker
    I'm sorry about that comment. I apologise to you, the mods, and the site. I was drunk, and as you said, despairing. That's not an excuse, but rather to say I recognise this isn't the place to be when drunk! No more drunk philosophy from me! Sorry.counterpunch
    Holding you to it!
  • FlaccidDoor
    No, what "holds a philosophy discussion forum together" is a measure of commitment by its members to a very specific tradition of discussing things in a specific way.baker

    I agree that people on this forum tend to have a way of discussing that practical conversations in life lack. So you're saying without that, conversation without politics is always divisive and negative? So you're asserting that only the philosophy forum is an exception to the divisive effects of political conversations?
  • baker
    So you're saying without that, conversation without politics is always divisive and negative?FlaccidDoor
    How did you get to that from what I was saying?

    So you're asserting that only the philosophy forum is an exception to the divisive effects of political conversations?
    No, but it seems to be one of the few venues where the divisive effects of political conversations seem to have minimum effect on the social coherence between the people. But again, a philosophy discussion forum is a very specific kind of community, one that is specifically intended to accomodate those divisive effects. Whereas other communities normally aren't.
  • FlaccidDoor
    How did you get to that from what I was saying?baker

    Sorry I meant conversation about politic, not without.

    a philosophy discussion forum is a very specific kind of community, one that is specifically intended to accomodate those divisive effectsbaker

    I agree that the philosophy forum should be treated as an exception where the divisive effects aren't as pronounced. Maybe it's because people talk in a different language format that facilitates rational discussions better or that we go into a conversation expecting the difference of opinion.
  • Leghorn
    No more drunk philosophy from me!counterpunch

    Ah vhe! You mean no more Alcibiades stumbling into Plato’s Symposium?...what a shame...what a loss!
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