• thewonder
    But Americans are doing it now, when we are supposedly civilized. Most other nations stopped invading other countries long ago.baker

    Ah, the peaceful history of the United Kingdom...
  • thewonder

    It's all probably somehow due to the habits of certain painters, I think. Unfortunately, we have rather high-flown libertines to blame for all of this.
  • Apollodorus
    Toward you, perhaps, because you're male.baker

    You could be right there. There is supposed to be a different sort of chemistry between males and females. Or so they say.

    There's a saying: Nobody can hate a woman as much as another woman.baker

    Well, I've seen women or girls hating each other at first sight and later becoming best friends. So, it isn't always like that. Hatred isn't a particularly elevating feeling, anyway, and people with proper upbringing tend to learn to control negative emotions, in the same way you learn not to cry or start a temper tantrum as you grow up.

    As long as you make the first step, right?baker

    Not really. In most cases people just look at one another and know they can be friendly without any "first step" being made by either of them.

    Most other nations stopped invading other countries long ago.baker

    Yes, but only because of international law or some other reason. For example, Germans are currently unable to invade anyone because they lack a proper military. Invasions can be costly and hence not feasible in the case of poorer countries, etc.

    And women as they age tend to lose the lower frequencies, ie. their hearing for male voices deteriorates.
    A match made in heaven!

    Well, that's how the cookie crumbles, I suppose. Maybe whoever made us had the right idea, after all.
  • Gnomon
    Why is this so? Who decided the female form was more alluring than the male?Maximum7
    I think that assessment misses a significant distinction between the motives of males and females. Natural selection for reproduction decided that one sex will be the "aggressor". In some species, it's the females.

    In terms of perspectives, human males think like predators, while females think like prey. Males do the stalking, but females are vigilant toward that predatory gaze. Ironically, depending on the circumstances, that appraising gaze may be welcomed or avoided. For example, females are portrayed as willing prey for vampires, even though his bite may have dire consequences, such as unwanted pregnancy. The bottom line is that males are all-in, while females are more ambivalent, hence their reputation for coyness. But, for reproduction of the species, some appreciation for the male form is necessary to overcome the appropriate fear of predation. :smile:

    A man chases a girl until she catches him
    He runs after a girl until he's caught

    He fishes for a girl until she's landed him
    It all comes out exactly the way she thought

    Uncertain, he tags along behind
    Uncertain, till she makes up his mind

    A man chases a girl until she catches him
    But don't run too fast while you are saying "No"
    And once you've caught him don't ever let him go

    ___Irving Berlin

    PS__I suppose my obscure point above is that the male is more analytical about his prey, focusing on delicious body parts. Meanwhile, the female is more holistic : either he's after me, or he's just not that into me. :joke:
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