• MondoR

    Read the literature and reporting. There is tons of it.
  • James Riley
    we are faced with a man-made virusMondoR


    I'd be crazy to take advice from the total idiots that created the human catastrophe.MondoR

    How do you know they are the same idiots? Cite?
  • MondoR
    Why don't you cite everything you say. I'm looking forward to the footnotes. Everything you have said so far is myths.
  • James Riley
    You're so smart, you couldn't figure out what I was saying?MondoR

    You said:

    Why should I take instructions and advice from a totally uninformed person like yourself?MondoR

    So I was wondering why I should take advice from someone who can't spell or write. Just curious.
  • MondoR
    w do you know they are the same idiots? Cite?James Riley

    How do you know you exist? Cite?
  • James Riley
    That is why I'm the U.S. everyone has to wear masks again.MondoR

    You're the U.S.? Or did you mean "in"? The new mask mandate is courtesy of those who violated the old mask mandate. DOH!
  • MondoR
    So I was wondering why I should take advice from someone who can't spell or write. Just curious.James Riley

    I haven't given you any advice. Just take your boosters. The heck I care.
  • James Riley
    Read the literature and reporting. There is tons of it.MondoR

    If that were true, then you would not be saying what you're saying. Take your own advice.
  • MondoR
    The new mask mandate is courtesy of those who violated the old mask mandate. DOHJames Riley

    Wrong. Cite?
  • James Riley
    Why don't you cite everything you say.MondoR

    LOL! I'm not the one here claiming expertise. I'm humble enough to rely upon expertise. You should try it.
  • MondoR
    If that were true, then you would not be saying what you're saying. Take your own advice.
    seconds ago
    James Riley

    Just take your boosters every 6 months of you want. Shrug
  • James Riley
    How do you know you exist? Cite?MondoR

    I don't. I never said I did. See how that works?
  • MondoR
    LOL! I'm not the one here claiming expertise. I'm humble enough to rely upon expertise. You should try it.James Riley

    Good. You don't have any.
  • James Riley
    The heck I care.MondoR

    It's not about you.
  • James Riley
    Wrong. Cite?MondoR

    Right. Do your own research, Dr. Mondo. LOL!
  • James Riley
    You don't have any.MondoR

    And neither do you. The difference is, I'm not claiming I do. Dr. Mondo. LOL!
  • MondoR
    It's not about you.James Riley

    Right, it is the millions who have been killed, and the 100s of millions whose lives have been destroyed by a man-made virus.
  • James Riley
    Right, it is the millions who have been killed, and the 100s of millions whose lives have been destroyed by a man-made virus.MondoR

    I asked you before, have you ever seen a life destroyed? You sound like pampered, entitled, hyperbolic little child who thinks a mask is an inconvenience. "Destroyed?" LOL! What's the matter, can't pack the bars and snuggle with strangers any more? You don't care about those killed or inconvenienced. It's all about you.
  • MondoR
    And neither do you. The difference is, I'm not claiming I do. Dr. Mondo. LOL!James Riley


    You think it is all a joke right?
  • MondoR
    I asked you before, have you ever seen a life destroyed? You sound like pampered, entitled, hyperbolic little child who thinks a mask is an inconvenience. "Destroyed?" LOL! What's the matter, can't pack the bars and snuggle with strangers any more?James Riley

    You're the one living in a closet. You are a psychiatrist also? A real jokester.
  • James Riley
    You think it is all a joke right?MondoR

    I think any inconvenience to you is a joke. I don't think you know what a hard life is.
  • Mikie
    The vaccinated are far less likely to spread the virus, because they’re far less to be infected by the virus. It’s that simple.
    — Xtrix

    Rofl! It's already been shown the virus load is the same for vaccinated same vaccinated.

    As an anti-vaxxer, I know there’s a mental block to this stuff, but I’ll repeat it again for anyone else listening: since the vaccines protect against the virus extremely well, the vaccinated do not spread the virus as much as the unvaccinated. Not even close.

    In breakthrough cases, the evidence is still out about whether the vaccinated who get infected have the same viral loads as the unvaccinated who get infected. But there’s evidence to suggest they don’t.
  • MondoR
    vaccinated do not spread the virus as much as the unvaccinated.Xtrix

    This is why you should be totally ignored.
  • Mikie
    vaccinated do not spread the virus as much as the unvaccinated.
    — Xtrix

    This is why you should be totally ignored.

    Says an anti-vaxxer who doesn’t know what breakthrough cases are.
  • Mikie
    Let’s try this in numbered form:

    (1) If vaccines protect against COVID infections and
    (2) you cannot transit COVID if you’re not infected, then
    (3) who is more likely to spread COVID? The vaccinated or the unvaccinated?


    I know this is a tough one, but think about it for a second.
  • Isaac
    I know this is a tough one, but think about it for a second.Xtrix

    Scientists do not yet know whether COVID-19 vaccinations will reduce transmission because this was not tested in the trials (here, here). Instead, they found candidate vaccines were able to prevent symptomatic and severe effects of COVID-19 (here), meaning future research would need to take this further (here). For instance, it would need to look deeper into how the vaccine works in the body – whether it prevents an individual getting infected altogether, or whether it simply stops a person becoming sick. With the latter, this could mean the virus continues to replicate in the nose and throat, and is still able to spread (here).https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-transmission-idUSKBN29N1UH

    Ha, those idiot 'scientists'. Fancy them not even being able to understand your logic, you must be some kind of genius...
  • Mikie

    From the article you cite:

    “ verdict: Missing context. There is no conclusive evidence to claim COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent people spreading the disease. Scientists are not yet sure of how the vaccine affects transmission – and this is currently undergoing research. People are still required to follow restrictions even after vaccination to account for this uncertainty.“

    This would seem to make the (1) claim currently unsupported, yes. Until you realize that this article was last updated 8 months ago, and is originally from January.

    But keep fighting the good fight, Isaac.

    Take a look at this for something more recent:

  • Isaac
    Until you realize that this article was last updated 8 months ago, and is originally from January.Xtrix

    Woah, so the way vaccines interact with viruses has changed since January! Those damn biological facts, they just won't stay the same from one minute to the next will they?

    Yes, there's been some experiments which tentatively show the vaccine might reduce transmission. No, it's not via the playschool version of the mechanism you claimed was so 'obvious'.
  • Mikie
    Woah, so the way vaccines interact with viruses has changed since January!Isaac

    No, there has been more research since January, which the article itself said was needed.

    But keep trying.
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