• Mikie
    Not much to say. Can't imagine the outcome would have been the same with a young black male carrying a weapon, either on the streets or in court.

    That aside, this little boy shouldn't have been there in the first place, and should have left the situation up to law enforcement. But like the capitol insurrectionists, here's another example of a person whipped into a frenzy by conservative media and the very stable genius.
  • Miller
    Rittenhouse is an asshole_db

    Or maybe he is a hero.

    and maybe vigilantism is what happens when democrats defund police

    the people he shot were all white, and convicted criminals

    maybe your fear of realizing you are a coward prevents you from seeing the truth when you see a hero
  • Miller
    Can't imagine the outcome would have been the same with a young black maleXtrix

    two wrongs dont make a right. just because a black man gets a wrong sentence doesn't mean you should give white men wrong sentences too
  • Miller
    should have left the situation up to law enforcement.Xtrix


    more funding to police!
  • Miller
    unjustifiably put himself in harm's way?180 Proof

    You mean exercising his free right to be outside just like all the other protesters?

    Dont be a hypocrite.
  • Miller
    All but one of his victims were unarmed?180 Proof

    You think a skateboard to the head cant kill someone? wow. let me use a skateboard to your head then.
  • Miller
    Pretty much. That was the source of my outrage.James Riley

    kyle was pepper sprayed by the police when he tried to turn himself in
  • 180 Proof

    ↪I like sushi Without missing the forest for the trees, try thinking through this ...180 Proof
    You're all trees, sushi, and no forest. Too many questions fallacy. Moving the goal posts fallacy. Etc. Like many, your complexity-blindness bias trumps defeasible reasoning. I'm done. On political and ethical grounds, I'm opposed to, in effect, granting self-deputized civilians an unconditional "license to kill". You, like many others, disagree with my (and prosecutors') argument that 'Rittenhause forfeited "self-defense" by deliberately (by his own account) putting himself in danger'. Okay. Good luck with that. :shade:
  • I like sushi
    @Miller Ask yourself if you wish to provoke people or to present a reasonable point in a calm manner.

    The main problem is people don’t want to talk as much as they want to shout at each other about why they are right and someone else is wrong.

    There is nothing ‘heroic’ about what he did. There are clearly a number of people who are not aware of several facts about this case and that is not exactly unusual.
  • Miller
    There is nothing ‘heroic’ about what he did.I like sushi

    or every single thing he did that night was heroic
  • I like sushi
    You provided evidence that was summed up by questions that were not clear with an explanation that amounted to ‘Yes’ for each answer.

    I did my best to offer up reasons for your Yeses but never held that they were your reasons. I also asked if you’d watched much of the trial which you didn’t answer so I a inclined to belief ou haven’t (rightly or wrongly).

    You set out the questions and answered them with a simple ‘Yes’. I probed and you accused me of fallacies. I do actually want to know the reason for the Yeses but if you’re unwilling so be it.
  • I like sushi
    or every single thing he did that night was heroicMiller

    That is a hard sell to say the least. I guess you might have a certain view of what a ‘hero’ is that I don’t share.
  • 180 Proof
    I don't believe for a second you're really as stupid as your comments sound. :meh:
  • Mr Bee
    Can't imagine the outcome would have been the same with a young black male carrying a weapon, either on the streets or in court.Xtrix

    Don't even think he'd make it to court to be honest since he'd likely be killed by the police before then. Fact is there are racial disparities in how people are treated by law enforcement which is borne out through the statistics which do need to be addressed, but for a lot of people either it doesn't exist at all or it's because cops are Nazis or something so I don't see it being addressed anytime soon.
  • James Riley
    kyle was pepper sprayed by the police when he tried to turn himself inMiller

    Too fucking late. They had plenty of opportunity to disarm him before hand. You know, when they were palling around with him, showing him where the water was, joking, etc.
  • James Riley
    The job of the police is to provide security for citizensOutlander

    They failed, when they let the shooter walk around with the AR, off private property, joking and palling around, showing him where their water was, you know, in case he got thirsty.

    Had he been black, he would have been shot down as soon as the AR went to port arms, if not before.
  • Outlander
    You think a skateboard to the head cant kill someone? wow. let me use a skateboard to your head then.Miller

    Let me see if I can.. be an ambassador of rationality here. Sure, a skateboard has hard metal parts, "trucks" I believe they're called. That if violently swung at a person have a reasonably high chance to result in serious injury, sure as can a fist, or a random rock or bottle found on the ground. So an item created for leisure and recreation is not quite equatable to an item created to be a weapon, a weapon some say is for war and mass casualty. Let's be honest, say you're told to kill as many as possible, would you grab the plaintiff's skateboard or Kyle's rifle?
  • TheMadFool
    Should IQ tests be part of criminal law? People with low IQ are basically children trapped in adult bodies and many "criminals" save some who fit the description of an evil genius have been found to score well below average on intelligence tests. In short, Rittenhouse is not 17 years old, he's much, much younger than he looks. Children are said to be innocent; their actions, no matter how heinous, are to be forgiven - they don't know any better.
  • NOS4A2

    Here’s a recent case that ticks all the racial boxes for you. This case in particular shows how malicious the State is. They tried to convict him for murder even though it was the police who gunned her down.

  • Michael Zwingli
    Rittenhouse is not 17 years old, he's much, much younger than he looks. Children are said to be innocent; their actions, no matter how heinous, are to be forgiven - they don't know any better.TheMadFool
    The distinction between R and an actual child, is that the child is under the authority of another, it's guardian, while R is under no authority but his own.
  • 180 Proof
    Had he been black, he would have been shot down as soon as the AR went to port arms, if not before.James Riley
    No effin' doubt. E.g. during a traffic stop a cop killed Philando Castile, a black man, when he informed the officer he had a firearm in his glove compartment which he was licensed to carry. Cop was acquitted and the municipality paid a wrongful death settlement to Mr. Castile's family.

    Wrong. At the time, R was a 17 y/o minor dependent living at home with his guardian – his mother (who, incidently, had to drive him across state-lines to go kill some people).
  • Michael Zwingli
    At the time, R was a 17 y/o minor dependent living at home with his guardian...180 Proof
    The arbitrariness of the age of majority is regularly subverted by trial of minors as adults when that is called for. Myself, I feel the age of majority should be much lower than it is.
  • TheMadFool
    The distinction between R and an actual child, is that the child is under the authority of another, it's guardian, while R is under no authority but his ownMichael Zwingli

    Begging the question. By your logic, a guardianless child is an adult.
  • Michael Zwingli
    a guardianless child is an adult.TheMadFool
    No, but a child always has a guardian in this society. Unless the child lives outside of regular society, as a runaway in homeless camps, for instance, then it is not allowed to exist without a guardian by law.
  • 180 Proof
    Nonetheless, R had a guardian the night he killed those men who also chaperoned him to and from his murders.
  • TheMadFool
    but a child always has a guardian in this society.Michael Zwingli

    :rofl: Namesake guardians i.e. no guardians?
  • ssu
    There's no surprise in the Rittenhouse verdict knowing the gun laws in the US and the fact that guns are bought basically for self defense, not for hunting or a shooting hobby.

    But on the (positive?) side, you didn't have riots in the US because of the verdict, did you?
    I think people have been lucky that there hasn't been an incident where two Rittenhouse -characters on opposing sides (like Michael Reinoehl) with semi-automatic weapons face off. There simply are so many guns.
  • Kenosha Kid
    Try watching large portions of the actual trial. He was clearly not guilty and the guy he shot (who didn’t die) also said so.I like sushi

    No, the guy he shot who survived admitted he'd pulled a gun on him. This alone can't acquit him. For instance, of the murder of the two unarmed men.
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