• Baden

    Biden could have been sucked into a black hole at any point of his presidency and it would have made close to zero difference in how the country is (mis)led. I am happy the Dems are in turmoil. They fully deserve that and more. But there is no new problem and no new solution.
  • Mikie


    If only this weren’t coming from a Trump bootlicker. Then it wouldn’t be so cringey and hilarious.

    I admire the ability to see one phenomenon clearly and totally bury one’s head in the sand with another. Way to compartmentalize!
  • NOS4A2
    It wasn't me carrying water for a brain dead candidate. If that ever happens I'll at least own up to it rather than pretend I was above it all.
  • NOS4A2
    This is a gooder.

  • Mikie
    It wasn't me carrying water for a brain dead candidate.NOS4A2

    No, it was you. And you continue to do it. Which is why you’re a laughingstock.

    But by all means carry on with your totally non-partisan views. :lol:
  • NOS4A2

    Oh dear. I’ve never claimed to be non-partisan. Meanwhile, you voted Biden and told people to vote for Biden. No need to pretend.
  • Mikie
    you voted Biden and told people to vote for BidenNOS4A2

    Yes— and they should again if the choice is between him and Trump. In fact, they should vote for a plastic bag over Trump. To those incapable of thinking outside political parties, I suppose this would mean I’m carrying water for the plastic bag — but who cares what bootlicking hacks think anyway?
  • Lionino

    The oestrogenic hissy fits are always impressive. How did this respectable xir (xem?) ever become mod?
  • NOS4A2

    Fair enough. I appreciate the honesty.
  • Mikie

    :ok: :hearts:
  • Manuel

    Oh sure. Vote for cow manure over Trump, that's easy.

    But what an embarrassment. Trump is just garbage, and Biden is senile. Hard to believe that out of so many people, these are the two that are forced on to the voters - though this applies more to Biden than Trump.

    In any case, this performance will hurt Biden. Let's hope there's time for a miracle.
  • 180 Proof

  • hypericin
    What a debacle.

    In the immediate aftermath the momentum for forcing Biden out felt overwhelming. But now with enough authority figures in the DNC rallying behind their man, it might be faltering a bit.

    It would be a horrific mistake to keep Biden after last night. Already, he was one of the few candidates that could lose to Trump. He literally has no chance now, the optics were that bad, and fed right in to the very strong preexisting narrative that he is too old and feeble. My hope is that the next batch of poll numbers will be so bad that there will be no choice.

    Shame on the Fucking DNC for cancelling primaries and foisting this "choice" on people.

    I am happy the Dems are in turmoil. They fully deserve that and more.Baden
    Not their problem. Another 4 years of great donations where they can play "Resistance". They are not and cannot go anywhere, thanks to our totally broken electoral system. No, the problem is entirely ours.
  • Mikie

    Yes— the fact that we have a two party system sucks, and these two candidates suck. But the president doesn’t matter that much — his cabinet does.

    Trump doesn’t know anything and his decisions are stupid and based on nothing but his “instincts,” which are dogshit when it comes to policy. Biden is a weak, tired, senile old man who doesn’t have the foggiest idea about what’s happening. But some of his cabinet and administrative appointments have been surprisingly good — at the FTC, EPA, and NLRB in particular. Even Gary Gensler at the SEC has made some admirable attempts at undoing Reaganite destruction.

    So administration and policy matter, not the figurehead people vote for because he’s tall or you want to have a beer with him. And honestly, the debate was the worst performance I’ve seen in my life, but in a week no one will really care.

    Biden will not be replaced. The DNC won’t do anything and Biden is too egotistical to back down. So they likely lose the election — but they probably would have even without a debate. He simply didn’t do enough and the compromises appealed to no one. Despite plenty of good things coming out of this administration, and a second Trump term likely being a death knell for the environment (and therefore life as we’ve known it), perhaps it’ll wake people up again and get them organizing. Four years of Trump through 2028 will be terrible but hopefully survivable, and may lead to better days. Who knows.

    I think there’s less than a 5% chance that happens. They’re sticking with Biden.
  • 180 Proof
  • Manuel

    Yeah, what you describe looks to me like the most likely scenario. It's very bad. Insane even.

    One is kind of at a loss for words to see these two guys being the candidates. Well, we shall see what happens now...
  • 180 Proof
    Well anyway ... Sleepy Joe In A Coma still beats The neofascist criminal Clown like a dog in Roevember. :victory: :mask:
  • Fooloso4
    Biden is a weak, tired, senile old man who doesn’t have the foggiest idea about what’s happening. But some of his cabinet and administrative appointments have been surprisingly good ...Mikie

    I think that the administration is of central importance. We have a good picture of what the Trump administration this time around will look like. It is outlined in the Heritage Foundation "Project 2025". It is a playbook to establish a Christian theocratic authoritarian regime. If enacted it will give the Trump administration powers that circumvent the balance of powers of the government. Its ultimate goal, however, goes far beyond Trump. Trump himself, however, may prove its undoing.
  • hypericin
    a second Trump term likely being a death knell for the environment (and therefore life as we’ve known it)Mikie

    Ceding life as we know it to the incorrigible morons is bad enough. Ceding it to senile bitch Biden? It's too much. Biden has to go.

    but in a week no one will really care.Mikie
    I think not. All Trump's pathological stupidities, outrages, and crimes have apparently slid down the memory hole already. But Repubs remind us incessantly of shit they just make up. This debate was an audio visual GOLD MINE for them. No one will be forgetting any of it before November. Even without their help, it was too emotionally visceral, too memorable, it will stay burned into people's heads. The painful cringe was enough to ensure that, it was downright traumatic watching it live. This was a death blow to an already flawed, faltering campaign.

    Here is the "Dean Scream" that doomed Howard Dean's campaign: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6i-gYRAwM0&ab_channel=CNN

    2004 Howard Dean, scream and all, would LANDSLIDE Trump. NO CONTEST. Keep the scream, add some wet nasty hot mic'd farts, a commando dropped fly, I don't care. That scream was a M80 firecracker next to Biden's H-BOMB of a performance.
  • Mikie
    it was too emotionally visceral, too memorable, it will stay burned into people's heads.hypericin

    I’ve already largely forgotten it. Although it was funny and cringey and sad at the time.
  • 180 Proof
    Ceding life as we know it to the incorrigible morons is bad enough. Ceding it to senile bitch Biden? It's too much. Biden has to go.hypericin
    :roll: Stop being hysterical. Biden's competent, effective administration is not populated by "senile bitches"; however, The Clown's "Project 2025" will be populated by a fanatically loyal horde of "incorrigible morons" just like him. Neofascist autocracy is far far worse than the neoliberal status quo, and whoever can't see that will no doubt F-A-I-L the national IQ test in Roevember. :mask:
  • hypericin
    Biden's competent, effective administration is not populated by "senile bitches"; however, The Clown's "Project 2025" will be populated by a fanatically loyal horde of "incorrigible morons" just like him.180 Proof

    We know this, but does America? Administrations are largely unseen. What was seen was a doddering old fool, next to which the malignant moron seemed sharp. It is America, not you and me, that is set to fail the national IQ test. Again.

    Hysterical? As it stands, Trump's victory is all but guaranteed. Even before this, Bidens polling was terrible, losing every swing state. Now, it's over. The arrogant whim of a single, senile bitch is what is guaranteeing neofascist America, to run or not is his prerogative alone.
  • Mikie
    Good for you.hypericin

    Yeah, good for me and the millions of others who aren’t political hobbyists that think a silly debate will be decisive and memorable.
  • Wayfarer
    Which is why you’re a laughingstock.Mikie

    I did find out that the name ‘Nosferatu’ is Romanian for ‘the insufferable one.’
  • hypericin
    good for me and the millions of others who aren’t political hobbyistsMikie

    Lol, then what do you think you are?

    It's not just a silly debate, or the silly impression it made, it's what it indicated. The man is senile, there is no denying it, we cannot count on anything better from him in the rest of the campaign. Cognitive decline goes one way only. Peoples assessment that he is unfit is correct, to lead a campaign, let alone a country.

    I did find out that the name ‘Nosferatu’ is Romanian for ‘the insufferable one.’Wayfarer

    Lol, it's true
  • Wayfarer
    I really don't believe Biden is senile, but he is undoubtedly enfeebled by his age. I'm now rather hoping that he is found medically ineligible to continue in the very near future. Of course I am also outraged that Donald Trump is considered eligible to run for office after what he's done. But, we're still six months out, and many things could happen.
  • Mr Bee
    I'm now rather hoping that he is found medically ineligible to continue in the very near future.Wayfarer

    Same goes for the other guy. I mean both are really old after all.
  • Wayfarer
    Regrettably, Trump seemed vigorous and not affected by age in that debate. Sure, he spouted a fire-hydrant of lies, boasts and hyperbole, as always. It's more that it might become apparent even to Biden and his inner circle that his condition is prohibitive - if he's like this now, how is he going to be at the end of a four-year term? I have the fantasy that the ticket will be declared open at the Democratic National Convention and that Biden/Harris will endorse another pair of candidates. I'm 100% certain the American electorate is crying out for an alternative and that if a credible pair was presented then it might precipitate a landslide for them. But I know it's a fantasy.
  • hypericin
    I really don't believe Biden is senileWayfarer

    The way he would become lost, dazedly fumbling between unrelated topics, gazing vacantly, can be explained either by severe anxiety at the enormity of the moment -- what you or I might experience, but not a lifelong politician with his career -- or mental impairment. Given his age and other worrying signs, senility is the most natural and likely explanation.
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